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經查 castjane 短時間內多篇文章違反板規二 X1 累犯 加判板規九 鬧板 退文五篇 水桶三個月 17 12/05 castjane □ [請問] 中共共慘黨會最先倒 18 12/05 castjane □ [請問] 侯友誼 19 X112/06 castjane □ [請問] 桃園劉邦友血案 20 12/07 castjane □ [請問] 排黑條款目的 21 12/07 castjane □ [請問] 為何美麗島變反叛? -- Blossom! Commander and the leader, ╭══╮╭══╮╭══╮/ Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter, ║╭╮║║╭╮║║╭═ Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter, ║╰╯║║╰╯║║║ Powerpuffs save the day! PowerPuffGirl║╭═╯║╭═╯║╰ Fighting crime ~ Trying to save the world ╰╯ower╰╯uff═╯irls by Here they come just in time ~ The Powerpuff Girls ~~~ Powerpuff! Sgenius -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (香港) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ask/M.1670429672.A.3C1.html
Sgenius: #1ZZO_abM #1ZZQJrG3 #1ZZel8uK #1Za45_pd #1Za8nM89 12/08 00:15
BigCat: 板主威武 12/08 00:21
love91041: 板主辛苦了 12/08 00:22
QQ101: 終於@@ 12/08 00:36
simonfz: 版主讚讚 12/08 07:18
simonfz: 而且帳號好像掰了XD 12/08 07:19
shengder: #1ZZiq5Mx (ID_Multi) 連本尊都抓出來了XD 12/08 08:36
ltytw: 笑死 12/08 12:34
DKer: 阿彌陀佛 12/08 13:51
xiaoyu557: 完美演繹何謂不作死就不會死的道理 12/08 17:23
wetor: 終於== 12/09 09:25
SWORDKISS: 2樓比較威武,抓到本尊 12/09 14:34