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How to Pronounce Jeffrey Epstein (Real Life Examples!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxjG9N0yh-8
Jeffrey Edward Epstein (EP-steen; January 20, 1953 – August 10, 2019) was an American financier and sex offender. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein 名從主人,所以不同人的姓雖然拼字相同,讀音也不同。 https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/epstein https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Epstein Both Epstein and Einstein are German -Jewish names based on the German word for stone (Stein, pronounced shtine). Many Jews in the USA - and other countries of the diaspora- came from countries in Eastern Europe where they spoke Yiddish, a language based on a German dialect. In Yiddish, — Stein is pronounced closer to steen and it is this pronunciation which is largely used for names with the -ei diphthong. The Epstein name and pronunciation has presumably come through the Eastern European/ Yiddish route (so epp-steen) On the other hand, Albert Einstein, coming from a middle class German Jewish family, would have spoken German as a mother tongue and would most likely have pronounced the name according to standard German pronunciation (something like ine-shtine). As the sht- combination is not known in English, the pronunciation became corrupted (in the English speaking world) to ine-stine. https://reurl.cc/97GgWX -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ask/M.1704616374.A.2C1.html ※ 編輯: ostracize ( 臺灣), 01/07/2024 17:30:40
MrTaxes: 原來竟然有如此淵源,感謝資訊提供.... 01/07 18:48
chamber: 另一個考慮的因素是名字使用者是不是移民第一代仍受母語 01/07 21:27
chamber: 影響,第二三代以後就會用美語發音方式為多。 01/07 21:27
jollybighead: 名字通常是父母給的,該怎麼念自然是看父母怎麼發音 01/07 23:06
chamber: 哈哈 首先一般人不知道取名的爸媽怎麼念,也不會去查證, 01/07 23:22
chamber: 再來名字使用者可能有非常現實的考量,例如不想一直糾正 01/07 23:22
chamber: 寧願妥協、或者希望聽起來像英文以利融入移民社會。這也 01/07 23:22
chamber: 反應在很多漢人姓氏變成英文後的唸法都非常不一樣。 01/07 23:22
MrTaxes: 想到之前那位批評課綱的北一女國文老師-區桂芝 01/07 23:47
MrTaxes: 很多人看到她的姓"區"都直接念"屈",但其實念"歐"~ 01/07 23:48
jollybighead: 受母語影響不就看爸媽怎麼發音??然後小孩講自己的名 01/07 23:51
jollybighead: 字就是從父母發音而來??並不用查證... 01/07 23:51
TokiwaKurumi: 語言是會改變的 01/07 23:52
TokiwaKurumi: 不同地區有不同發音很正常 01/07 23:53
jollybighead: 所以移民第二代才會變成美語發音,不就如此?? 01/07 23:55
Kukuxumusu: 語言會改變啊 那天才在reddit討論美國加拿大澳洲 有很 01/08 00:39
Kukuxumusu: 多或歐洲(甚至中東)的地名被移植過去 但現在發音都 01/08 00:39
Kukuxumusu: 大變 01/08 00:39
chamber: 我認識的移民姓名是非常多元唸法的,對家人,台灣同胞, 01/08 14:48
chamber: 公司白人同事可以不同唸法。誰管爸媽XD 01/08 14:48
Kazamatsuri: 就名從主人原則,歐美多半歡迎你直接問他名字怎麼唸 01/08 20:59
Kazamatsuri: 自己亂唸唸錯是很不禮貌的,甚至有冒犯的意思 XD 01/08 21:00
MEOWWW: 好文 01/08 21:59