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原文連結: https://reurl.cc/knrjx 新聞內容: Fiat Chrysler to pay Tesla hundreds of millions of euros to pool fleet - FT Italian carmaker Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV has agreed to pay electric carmake r Tesla Inc hundreds of millions of euros so that the vehicles of Tesla are coun ted in its fleet to avoid fines for violating new European Union emission rules, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. The step will let the Italian carmaker offset carbon dioxide emissions from its cars against Tesla's, by bringing down its average figure to a permissible level , the FT said on.ft.com/2KecBQA. The report did not mention further financial details of the specific amount that Fiat Chrysler has agreed to pay Tesla. The Italian carmaker formed an open pool with Tesla on Feb. 25, the report added , citing a declaration with the European Commission. Tesla and Fiat Chrysler did not immediately respond to a request by Reuters for comment on Sunday. (Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru Editing by Jacqueli ne Wong 心得: 因為我是用google翻譯的,所以看不太懂,fiat是要怎麼跟特斯拉合作?給了多少錢也沒講 ,給錢就可以符合規定也怪怪的,要再等等特斯拉的回應吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1554642581.A.B62.html
nnz938: 希望s大可以解釋一下 04/07 21:10
zaxs12333: 期待GOGORO 可以跟特斯拉 合作 04/07 21:11
zaxs12333: 粉絲群 發言邏輯都類似 04/07 21:11
nnz938: 小弟是電車粉啊 04/07 21:12
dslite: 跟特斯拉買炭權的感覺 04/07 21:17
nnz938: 電車我就推 04/07 21:18
poco0960: 掛fiat的牌子算綜合排放吧 04/07 21:25
maniaque: 碳交易 04/07 21:31
maniaque: Tesla 車子不會排碳,所以可以把自己賺來的排碳扣打, 04/07 21:33
maniaque: 賣給壓不下排碳量的車廠當分母,稀釋掉每台車的排碳量 04/07 21:33
appledick: 有夠廢的車廠,倒一倒算了 04/07 21:35
maniaque: 最近台灣也有類似的車輛空汙法規修正 04/07 21:40
maniaque: 也是被砲到滿天飛(對...二行程機車偉士牌機車那次) 04/07 21:41
Killercat: 差不多就是樓上講的 不過飛雅特付給Tesla的金額根據內 04/07 21:51
Killercat: 文hundreds of million euros...數億歐元的費用 04/07 21:51
Killercat: 數億歐元算個6億好了 就是兩百億台票耶.... 04/07 21:52
jameshcm: 買碳權,幹嘛不乾脆拿去發展油電車更能釜底抽薪 04/07 21:52
Killercat: Fiat蟬聯北美妥善跟滿意最後一名很久了 搞新技術電車 04/07 21:53
Killercat: 或者油電車我都怕他開一半就著火了.... 04/07 21:54
maniaque: 發展?? 發展?? 發展?? 04/07 21:54
maniaque: 先問自己啦,"你的三餐都自己採買,自己親自料理嗎??" 04/07 21:54
maniaque: 你自己都知道自己三餐都是外購人家做好的餐點 04/07 21:55
maniaque: 然後把自己的有限時間,用在自己的工作跟生活上 04/07 21:55
maniaque: 這就是專業分工導向 04/07 21:55
maniaque: 投資幾百億美刀,發展還賣不出去,幹嘛燒錢??? 04/07 21:56
maniaque: 做自己賺錢的領域,然後把一些獲利拿來購買所需的權利 04/07 21:56
hellojames: Fiat在南美洲好像過的不錯? 04/07 21:57
Scape: 就是賣ZEV credits,每年都有啊。去年一共賣了約一億美元 04/07 22:08
bloodhood: 只會拖貨款的車商,財務狀況不佳 呵呵 04/07 22:12
gg1259789: 印象中歐盟有規定車廠要研發還是賣電動車才可以在歐盟 04/07 22:29
gg1259789: 賣油車這樣 04/07 22:30