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原文連結: https://www.motoring.com.au/toyota-rav4-hybrid-sales-halted-119073/?fbclid=IwA R3ZCiSeRkCPXgaRx3nFJZ3bRkPHAKTuS4idzrswHaRIT5s48tt9G1NiP4E 原文內容: Toyota RAV4 Hybrid sales halted https://i.imgur.com/JCy2Aeo.jpg
New hybrid SUV on stop while manufacturer investigates braking problem Toyota has temporarily withdrawn the RAV4 Hybrid from sale, following the disc overy of a braking defect in the vehicle. The recently released mid-size hybrid SUV has attracted strong sales since its launch and customers are already facing ballooning delivery times. According to sources close to Toyota, the ‘sales stop’ was issued last Frida y and has remained in place since. It’s believed that the defect has only bee n detected in the hybrid variants of the new Toyota RAV4 (not the conventional petrol models), leading to the conclusion that the defect is related to the h ybrid’s regenerative energy-recovery system. Toyota Australia has not issued a recall notice and has not revealed the preci se nature of the problem. Nor has the company advised how many vehicles are af fected or when the sales stop is likely to be lifted. Related Articles Mazda3, Toyota RAV4 score five-star ANCAP resultsMazda3, Toyota RAV4 score fiv e-star ANCAP results Toyota RAV4 2019 Video ReviewToyota RAV4 2019 Video Review When contacted by carsales a Toyota spokesperson confirmed the RAV4 Hybrid was affected stating: “Toyota Australia has put a selected number of vehicles on a temporary sales stop, as a precautionary measure, to ensure consistency of manufacturing amongst those vehicles. A pre-delivery inspection will be conduc ted prior to sale to avoid any inconvenience to customers.” 心得/說明:(30字以上) 澳洲的all new rav4油電停止銷售! 看起來好像是電力回充系統出問題 (有誤再麻煩糾正 是說之前auris變速箱最先召回也是從澳洲開始 台灣不知道會不會受到影響? 難道車版狂推的車真的不能買? *轉錄新聞/情報,必須附上原文及網址連結心得或意見30字(不含標點符號) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1560995110.A.867.html
pillcake: 台灣特規,結案。06/20 09:46
hondasho: 莫非z大其實入手了RAV4 Hybrid?(大誤XDD06/20 09:48
CB34: 只能說還好還沒下定.... 06/20 10:31
catvsdog: 同學們 準備上課囉06/20 10:33
※ 編輯: z85917131 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2019 10:34:46
ChildX: rx06/20 10:53
Jmoe: 會跟你說台灣是獨立規格 不受影響XD06/20 11:52
jerrysuper: 不可能獨立規格XD 那套油電系統是一樣的 看來...06/20 11:56
energiexx: 不要亂黑好嗎,Toyota怎麼可能出問題06/20 12:04
cfk301: toyota當然會出問題阿!只是其他牌的更包.....06/20 12:18
mixmix: 科科,腦粉出包硬要扯到別牌06/20 12:38
martell11655: Toyota新車怎一直出包...說好的妥善率呢06/20 12:51
black209014: 啊不是開不壞的頭又大?06/20 13:19
openeyes222: 賣到缺貨了,排半年以上,有差嗎?06/20 13:32
Ho1liday: 推mixmix大XDD06/20 13:38
dearevan: mixmix XDDDDDDDDDDDD06/20 13:47
s973311: 我看台灣也準備要上課了 06/20 14:08
Nesis: 版上神車不是號稱妥善高06/20 14:37
dearevan: https://i.imgur.com/3cXs9lp.jpg06/20 15:07
dai26: 召回再說吧,油電發展多久了沒聽過電力無法回充的06/20 15:14
澳洲是直接停售了 ※ 編輯: z85917131 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2019 15:19:02
TonyAsa: 和粉無視 06/20 15:28
nicktony: 之前不就有P4車主有回充問題跟原廠來回很多次才換ecu改06/20 17:16
nicktony: 善嗎...怎會沒聽過 06/20 17:16
Blato: 特定批次而已...之前Autis變速箱酸民高潮半天...結果就那幾 06/20 17:50
Blato: 台而已...06/20 17:50
yfchen1976: 標題停售,內文暫時不銷售,又是標題殺人 06/20 19:54
停售跟不銷售差在哪? ※ 編輯: z85917131 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2019 20:28:19
iwei0930: 護板神車都是下場淒慘 你覺得呢? 06/20 21:45
kalapon: 至少公司方面有承認,不要死不認 06/20 21:56
TNLouis: 看到和粉底線越來越退就是爽XD 06/21 09:39
jamesyang : 昨天上午在澳洲當地車商要試車,說要等半年,現在看 09/29 04:35
jamesyang : chr... 09/29 04:35