看板 car 關於我們 聯絡資訊
根據紐伯林網紅Misha的觀察 這台Model S改裝了HRE鋁圈、半熱融胎、陶煞、尾翼、KW懸吊 不知道量產的時候,這些可不可以選配 https://www.facebook.com/100000265467734/posts/2657330700952419?sfns=mo Since everyone keeps asking me about my take on Tesla's Lap Record attempt or it allegedly already beating the Porsche Taycan here are my 2 cents: First if all, I haven't timed it, because I am busy with some other things at this point. So I cannot say if the claimed 20 sec faster time is legit. Then, nobody knows what model specification exactly is currently running on th e Ring. Yes, on the outside it is a Model S. On the badge it is a P100D+. On t he speculation it is a dev car for a so-called "Plaid" version. All I can say is that HRE wheels, semi-slick tyres, massive carbon ceramic Big Brake Kit, and a DIY-wing don't sound stock to me. Apparently the car is also running a full KW suspension. On one of the pictures you can also see the duc t tape "door handle" which may suggest the original mechanism has been removed for weight saving and what else not? And obviously God knows what actual powe r output the car is running. Now, if these mods will end up on the actual production vehicle is one and coo l thing. But those fancy extras cannot go in the books as "minor safety equipm ent for the N槀burgring", like usually is being done with the cage and bucket seats. I hope that there will be a full mod list reveal of the record car and the act ual production version. But if it beats the Taycan's time and it is legit, I will be only more excited for the Taycan MR by Manthey-Racing. Thank you for the pictures Florian Schmitz! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1568765710.A.C3E.html
Miralles : 紅藍兩台配置不一樣,不知道各自成績如何? 09/18 08:16
Scape : 以Musk的個性,我覺得除了輪胎因為道路實用性外 09/18 08:27
Scape : 其他創圈速的配件都會給,或是給同等級的量產件 09/18 08:28
KAOGUY0617 : 為什麼有GT225的感覺XD 09/18 08:36
leaveleft : 保時捷不知道有沒有用半熱... 09/18 08:39
alumican : 還有把多餘的座椅 adas拔掉減重 選配? 09/18 09:52
hanchueh : 不是都說是拿7人座來測了 是加座椅不是拔好嗎 09/18 10:23
NKAC : 等後續成績公布 09/18 11:07
kmlvli84 : Slick是光頭胎,不是熱熔。 09/18 11:44
kmlvli84 : Semi slick是還有一點胎紋,但比道路用胎少很多的 09/18 11:45
chandler0227: Taycan跑的是完整賽道20.8公里,Model S跑的賽道不 09/18 12:55
chandler0227: 是完整(大概18.X)公里,快20秒有很神奇嗎..... 09/18 12:56
chandler0227: 還有用F1 Super Sport RS賽道胎對比F1A3街胎差異 09/18 12:58
Scape : 樓上不要再崩潰了,哪來的18.x公里長度? 09/18 13:00
m996360 : 哈哈哈哈哈哈,一堆盲點沒澄清 09/18 13:00
Scape : 7:23這消息是德國老牌媒體自己測的,他們會不知道 09/18 13:01
m996360 : 啊呀 坐等成績就好啦,電車對電車就搬椅子來看戲就 09/18 13:01
Scape : 賽道長度?崩潰的有夠難看 09/18 13:01
aimlin : 不是輸20秒,是沒用全力跑而已 09/18 13:17
chandler0227: 查一下industry pool跟封閉賽道圈差異,不用氣噗噗 09/18 15:12
Scape : 老牌德媒都不如你0227,不知道賽道長度XD 09/18 15:26
chandler0227: 所以是full lap還是bridge to gantry啊呵呵 09/18 15:28
Scape : 不用在那呵呵呵,18.x公里的來源拿出來大家看呀 09/18 15:31
Scape : 崩潰崩到說Tesla只跑18.x公里也真是夠難看的了 09/18 15:31
chandler0227: 問你呀,industry pool包含維修區出入口,怎麼跟一 09/18 15:34
chandler0227: 般包場測的北環距離比呀 09/18 15:34
Scape : 自己隨便講個18.x數字現在還說要問我? 09/18 15:48
Scape : 18.x都自己隨便講講就是了。7:23老牌德媒手動測的, 09/18 15:49
Scape : 自以為只有你最厲害會講賽道長度,他們都笨蛋拿不同 09/18 15:49
Scape : 賽道長度的時間來比就是了 09/18 15:50
chandler0227: 你還是沒回答啊,industry pool怎麼測flying lap呢? 09/18 17:04
Scape : 0227你就繼續崩潰吧,只是讓人看笑話而已 09/18 17:06
sam861kk : 0227變代號了科科 09/18 17:27
chandler0227: goolge一下應該不難吧,industry pool session要在 09/18 18:13
chandler0227: 第13灣進pit齁,根本就不會跑完整的北環賽道,是要 09/18 18:13
chandler0227: 怎麼測紀錄圈啦,別詞窮到只會提德媒跟說人崩潰啦 09/18 18:14
Scape : 0227比現場德媒還厲害,天眼通就知Tesla 13灣進pit 09/18 18:32
Scape : 測什麼圈速呢?碼表工廠都收一收了,靠你天眼通就行 09/18 18:33
chandler0227: https://i.imgur.com/X6KuZzS.jpg 09/18 18:36
chandler0227: 不會查industry pool規定怪我囉? 09/18 18:36
Scape : 哀,人家說進出pit要從13彎就等於不能跑兩三圈後再 09/18 18:45
Scape : 進嗎?拿著雞毛當令箭,笑死人了= = 09/18 18:45
Scape : 當現場德媒都白癡?不知道Tesla跑的是不是完整一圈? 09/18 18:46
chandler0227: making a complete flying lap impossible 真會選 09/18 18:48
chandler0227: 擇性忽視唷。總之繼續信你想信的吧,有夠難看XD 09/18 18:49
Scape : 對對對,你講的太對了! 快去投書德媒告訴他們鬧了 09/18 18:49
Scape : 個天大笑話,快去糾正他們不要再誤導人了!!! 09/18 18:50
Scape : 笑你不敢 09/18 18:51
kazami : 如果是tourist driving,的確沒辦法跑full lap 20.x 09/18 18:52
chandler0227: 德媒也知道 ,所以說是非正式紀錄呀,哪裡說錯@@ 09/18 18:53
kazami : km,不知道industry pool是否有開放full lap測試 09/18 18:53
m996360 : industry pool 不開放全賽道,全賽道租金200萬 09/18 19:48
m996360 : 我的印象是這樣der~~~~ 09/18 19:49