看板 creditcard 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞來源: https://www.macrumors.com/2019/03/25/apple-announces-apple-card/?fbclid=IwAR0oO5u9O6Ii8NtJ_N9OKuTQ8j8YB9vWugv-Xb32yY6Q-bEJChy1E-Yeaf0 摘要: 今天一早看到的消息,簡單來說 我大apple 和高盛合作,要在今年夏天推出第一張 聯名卡。現金回饋2% (蘋果系列3%) 當日刷當日回饋入賬使用,無遲繳違約金、更 低的循環利率、金屬卡。 並且,實體卡沒有卡號、沒有CCV、無到期日、不需簽名。試圖為信用卡市場創造 一個新的未來。 原文: Apple today revealed a brand new service called "Apple Card," a new digital and physical credit card that users will be able to sign up for right from their iPhone. Apple says this sign-up process takes just a few minutes and then they can start using the Apple Card right away in stores, in apps, or online worldwide. Apple partnered with Goldman Sachs and Mastercard for Apple Card. After spending, Apple Card will give users simple real-time views of their latest transactions and balance in the Wallet app. Apple Card uses machine learning and Apple Maps to label transactions with merchant names and locations. Purchases are then automatically totaled and color coded through categories like Food and Drinks, Shopping and Entertainment, and more. At the end of each week and month, the Wallet app will show what users spent to help visualize their past finances. The company will also provide 24/7 customer support through Messages. Anyone who uses Apple Card will receive a percentage of every purchase amount back as "Daily Cash," the card's rewards program. Every time users pay with Apple Card they will receive 2 percent Daily Cash back, and if they make a purchase directly with Apple they'll get 3 percent Daily Cash back. Daily Cash is immediately added to the user's Apple Cash card in the Wallet app, and can be used anywhere Apple Pay is accepted. Apple Card has no fees associated with it, and the company says that "Apple Card’s goal is to provide interest rates that are among the lowest in the industry and if a customer misses a payment, they will not be charged a penalty rate." As with Apple's other services, the company promises that Apple Card is completely secure and private. A unique card number is created on iPhone for Apple Card and stored safely in the device’s Secure Element, a special security chip used by Apple Pay. Every purchase is secure because it is authorized with Face ID or Touch ID and a one-time unique dynamic security code. The unique security and privacy architecture created for Apple Card means Apple doesn’t know where a customer shopped, what they bought or how much they paid. There will also be a physical Apple Card for shopping at locations where Apple Pay is not accepted. The card is made out of titanium, has no card number, no CVV, no expiration date, and requires no signature. Apple Card launches in the United States this summer. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/creditcard/M.1553548202.A.1D8.html
NedKelly: 2%+無跨國交易費 當日返現 競爭力很夠 03/26 05:15
NedKelly: 希望年底前開放的40國裡有台灣 03/26 05:16
peterliam: 希望趕快上 03/26 05:26
DHMC: 這樣會考慮辦支iPhone了 03/26 05:45
kouta: 台灣不用想 03/26 05:47
baldeagle: 台灣政府腦袋都裝屎,想辦移民比較快 03/26 06:41
falconer: Apple store 3%,綁apple pay消費 2%,其他1%,四十幾個 03/26 07:16
falconer: 國家應該是指開放Apple pay的國家才是... 03/26 07:16
falconer: 有轉美版美運成功的網友屆時可以試試看,因為可以在iPho 03/26 07:19
falconer: ne直接申請... 03/26 07:19
atkiven: 好期待 希望台灣也有 03/26 07:41
epidemic000: 當日 好猛 03/26 07:43
Mazu323: 優惠不少耶 03/26 07:43
Alphaz: 政府還管得著阿婆要不要在台灣發信用卡? 呵呵 03/26 07:49
avecmoi: 哇!2%又當日回饋! 03/26 07:50
Woyun99: 如果ITUNES算3%+沒手續費,可以辦來課金用了XD 03/26 07:52
lxf: 那2%也要看有沒有限通路 03/26 07:53
lxf: 不過有限Apple pay 03/26 07:54
falconer: 政府是真的可以管啊!沒有申請相關業務就不能發信用卡, 03/26 07:59
falconer: 這個不管在哪個國家都一樣啊! 03/26 07:59
falconer: 而且這張在美國是高盛銀行發行的 03/26 08:00
zeroplus: 在美國2%沒啥特點,花旗的DC就是all 2%了,在台灣就不錯 03/26 08:05
Alphaz: 這跟要不要發是不同事吧... 03/26 08:09
vicgila: 不知道會不會有年費 03/26 08:17
JasonHuang: 優惠沒什麼特別的,但衝著”真鉑金”卡我會想辦 03/26 08:18
femlro: 台灣高盛沒有商業銀行業務 洗洗睡了 03/26 08:33
femlro: 如果找台灣其他銀行 被抽一手一樣難賺 03/26 08:34
ckp4131025: 弄這個不是要賺手續費,是要你去買iphone 03/26 08:45
adamqwop: 未看先猜是apple點,限定apple store使用 03/26 08:58
cityport: 高盛證券=/=高盛銀行..2家是金控底下的不同公司 03/26 08:59
cityport: 現金回饋可以直接抵消費..能不能領出來就要再看看 03/26 09:01
cityport: Marcus本來是搞儲蓄帳戶的 03/26 09:03
fbifxxkma: 垃圾台灣洗洗睡吧,早點吃大便比較實際 03/26 09:05
MDRZ7: 不知道收不收itin辦卡,免年費金屬卡很適合收藏 03/26 09:07
MDRZ7: 不過為了辦這張要特別買一張iPhone 03/26 09:07
cityport: 那個卡應該也是前後2片塑膠皮中間金屬..太常用會剝落 03/26 09:10
Rinehot: 這個應該要搞個百夫長卡阿 這樣才有夠信仰 03/26 09:11
cityport: 我的CSR才2年就開口笑..插進卡機時還卡了半片皮在外面 03/26 09:11
ivan761016: 要回饋台灣根本不可能 洗洗睡比較快 03/26 09:15
ccpz: itunes 3% 還好吧, 用 gogo 不就有 3.5% 了 03/26 09:31
TWeng: 這回饋在美國沒什麼優勢,可是還是會一堆人買單 03/26 09:33
ccpz: 除非是apple store 實體店,目前最多應該是pi 2.5% 03/26 09:34
rzsty: 這張不用手續費,@GOGO扣手續費才2% 03/26 09:36
pc2990: 其他銀行挫著等了 03/26 09:36
zeroplus: 網站:https://www.apple.com/apple-card/ 03/26 09:36
ccpz: 忘記itunes 台幣的刷卡地也是在外國了XD 03/26 09:43
a46080704: 笑了 一堆人怎麼不看內文,這是美國高盛銀行發行ㄉ 03/26 09:46
a46080704: 又怪台灣政府......哈哈哈 03/26 09:46
shenyang: 夏季才在美國發行 你們在這邊幻想XD 用pi @gogo實際點 03/26 09:49
sonnyc: Variable APRs range from 13.24% to 24.24%, 這算低嗎? 03/26 09:58
MDRZ7: 稍低吧 我自己的Amex是26.x 03/26 09:59
koster: 看起來不是很吸引美國人 又不是哪裡都可以apple pay 才給 03/26 10:10
koster: 2% 如果還要占一個卡槽空間 應該是跳過 03/26 10:10
pfcdevice: 繼續使用pi 03/26 10:12
lamune: 又不是只有2%優惠,優惠很多,不要台灣信用卡市場看天下 03/26 10:45
paul4047: Apple pay等快兩年 apple card?? 03/26 11:04
luckycan: 等真的進台灣再說吧,進來就會有基本盤了 03/26 11:08
codo: 通路收受AppleCard不是問題,難在台灣發卡要找台灣發卡行合 03/26 11:30
codo: 作,依Apple強硬的態度,就看哪個發卡行願意虧本賺交易金額 03/26 11:30
codo: 吧。 03/26 11:30
imemhaha: 不用海外刷卡手續費!! 03/26 12:01
gmmrr18: 當日回饋倒是蠻厲害的 03/26 12:05
cka: 可是 街口不就早就立即回饋了? 03/26 13:28
warlock1827: 凸...... 03/26 14:30
j65ms22: 返現是啥? 03/26 14:33
panjiongkai: 拿街口對比信用卡? 03/26 15:23
jcjohny888: 如果要綁台灣的銀行,覺得台灣方丈機會很大 03/26 16:55
avecmoi: 在英國市場不錯,2%打趴一堆0.5%回饋的 03/26 17:41
lee28119: 光是app整合度我就買單 台灣只要贏richart 就夠了 03/27 05:10