看板 creditcard 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《shenyang (身癢抓抓)》之銘言: : 中國信託分行會定時卸補鈔,不管是什麼情況下只要拆鈔閘一定會清點鈔票及金額。 : 所以如果你確定有存入ATM,但沒有紀錄,一定會有多餘的款項是未知的,分行會紀錄該 : 情況。 : : 請問這種狀況可以跟銀行調監視器嗎? : 通常分行監視器一定會“至少”保存三到六個月,所以請儘速與該分行聯絡表示你遇到的 : 問題,一般來說服務經理會協助調閱監視影像。 : : : 我還記得大約的時間 : : 第一次遇到這種狀況不知道該怎麼辦 : 還有一個情況是你繳錯帳號。 I had the same problem after saved 1000 NT into ATM at 6/27. ( HNCB.com.tw) Its sunday and raining day. (about 7:00~7:35 pm) that time, in screen,the Account_number is look like Credit_Card_number. and take fee 17 NT. after near 2 monthes,not saved into my bank account. i also saved successfully at 7/1,(second) 1000NT. The Account_number is my bank number. no fee needed. i had told that bank twice,but they not find bug and my first 1000 NT. so i finding solution. ps: my chinese inputing system are Chaos Code with ptt.bbs,this is another problem. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/creditcard/M.1632587110.A.FE1.html
neilliu: 其實atm繳費問題這已經跟卡版比較無關了,現金存款/繳費 09/26 00:42
neilliu: 按錯帳號或使用卡片轉帳或繳費也可能有類似問題 (按錯 09/26 00:42
neilliu: 帳號卻成功又不拿明細也不拍照,有些銀行atm預設隱碼幾 09/26 00:42
neilliu: 個數字-可以手動按明碼確認轉入帳號是否正確) 09/26 00:42
mx5021: 但你的繳款收據還有留著嗎?2個月了不好查...匯豐沒收到 09/26 00:52
mx5021: 信用卡款都沒催繳或通知你嗎? 09/26 00:52
mx5021: 看錯是華南才對 09/26 00:52
cityport: 現在手機都有語音輸入功能..你的英文也是in chaos 09/26 01:09
cityport: HNCB是華銀啦 09/26 01:10
cityport: 那時間不是三級警戒?? 哪來的手續費?? 09/26 01:13
alex1973: 現金存款當時應該還是有手續費吧 ? 09/26 01:23
my9005: 覺得按錯帳號機會比較大,也許銀行帳戶早已沖正還你了。手 09/26 01:37
my9005: 續費17元應該是很多年前的交易,要回銀行調明細才知道了。 09/26 01:37
my9005: 等等,剛沒看清楚...現金存款不需要手續費,會不會是插錯 09/26 01:41
my9005: 卡或按成跨行存款?ATM紙卷都查的到,可以去ATM所屬分行查 09/26 01:41
cityport: 應該插的是信用卡..錢繳到信用卡帳上去了 09/26 01:43
spadeting: deposit 09/26 02:02
gyman978: deposit 09/26 03:43
q2520q: 沒人吐槽這串英文嗎? 09/26 04:01
cityport: 無力吐槽呀 09/26 05:32
a7708101: 可以 很典型的中式英文 09/26 07:56
rLks02: 中式英文 幾乎每個動詞都是中文 ”saved” “take fee”” 09/26 08:27
rLks02: is look like” “not find bug””finding solution “… 09/26 08:27
annielaurie: 母語中文的人寫這樣很正常 有什麼好吐槽的 09/26 09:52
Maxuerade: 表達能看懂就好了 這裡竟然還有人因為英文產生優越感 09/26 10:12
Maxuerade: 好好笑 09/26 10:12
Maxuerade: 人家又不是故意炫耀 只是打不出來 你在國外文法不對也 09/26 10:13
Maxuerade: 沒幾個外國人會在意 09/26 10:13
Maxuerade: 因為會點英文最有優越感的就台灣人 09/26 10:13
BlitzX: 英語小老師真多呢 我還以為這是英語版 09/26 12:12
rLks02: 看得懂也是你看得懂。不過敢寫是不錯了。多寫會進步。不是 09/26 12:15
rLks02: 英語版 ?都特別寫英文了。 09/26 12:15
rLks02: 下次可以多寫一份中文稿 用google 翻譯比較一下 多練習會 09/26 12:19
rLks02: 進步 09/26 12:19
hikki52: 為什麼不能打中文 09/26 15:25
orange21: 手續費17是什麼手續費 09/26 15:37
reifind: 這哪國的文章? 09/26 18:03
walking: Sorry, few at writing English articles 15 years. 09/26 21:08
Kazamatsuri: .....Is it good to drink? XDD 09/26 21:09
walking: my old first skill was Computer Programming. 09/26 21:10
walking: i exptected some Hints to told the banker,and they 09/26 21:10
walking: will know how to find out whats wrong with Pro. 09/26 21:18
walking: maybe 1.Bug in Client-machine. 09/26 21:18
walking: maybe 2.Bug in middle-server. 09/26 21:18
walking: i think its not hard for some Pro to find out! 09/26 21:19
walking: it was raining day and sunday. the connection may 09/26 21:22
walking: not good that day. 09/26 21:22
Kazamatsuri: ....Can't you find a computer to type Chinese? 09/26 21:23
walking: i also had post in mobile01.com in Chinese Words. 09/26 21:24
walking: https://www.mobile01.com/ 09/26 21:26
walking: topicdetail.php?f=801&t=6400464 (two lines) 09/26 21:27
walking: maybe this problem happen several times before... 09/26 21:29
walking: maybe just need to tell them some useful Keywords. 09/26 21:30
Anyotw: 只能打英文的時候…懷念我的小海豚 09/26 22:37
mewkiss: 我遇到過,不用擔心,打電話跟客服說明狀況,他們點完那 09/27 06:24
mewkiss: 台atm的錢就會回覆你了 09/27 06:24
walking: i had told them twice via bank's Web-site. 09/27 10:39
walking: they phone me say: No extra 1000NT in 3 atms. 09/27 10:40
yuenru: G翻譯會比較好嗎? = = 09/27 12:13
Kazamatsuri: 某人家裡沒電腦喔? @@? 09/27 14:17
walking: I posted to banker at 3rd time,few days ago. 09/28 19:55
walking: and waiting 3rd reponse hoping with good news. 09/28 19:59
LaiChaichai: 如果都找不到那1000元的話,跟銀行申請調閱監視器, 09/29 08:18
LaiChaichai: 或是直接報警,讓警察開公文調。雖然畫質可能很差, 09/29 08:18
LaiChaichai: 但可以看你那個時間點有沒有「存」的這個動作。 09/29 08:18
walking: Yes,may go to check vedio. For get accurate time. 09/30 00:22
walking: they seem not use senior engineers from Big-company. 09/30 00:24
walking: it maybe just small problem for IBM,HP,SUN,... etc.. 09/30 00:25
walking: i update result in mobile01.com's (in Chinese). 09/30 21:28