看板 eVonne 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小寶貝,妳24小時從早到晚又到早把媽媽叫來餵奶換尿布或是只是想要媽媽抱抱玩一玩, 媽媽累暈暈的腦筋昏昏的都沒關係。妳吃飽健康快樂的成長媽媽就開心了!連妳把便便噴 到媽媽身上讓我們都要換衣服洗澡還要洗衣服清地板等等,小嬰兒都會這樣的,媽媽不會 不高興!反正妳一個甜甜的笑容就讓我們都融化了... 哈哈哈 好愛妳! Dear baby e, you keep mommy on call for feedings, diaper changes, holding, playing, etc 24 hours a day, and make me so tired I can't think straight, but it's ok. Knowing you are eating well and growing well, happy and healthy is all I need to make me happy! Even when you shoot your baby poop all over mommy so I have to wash all our clothes, give you a bath, clean the floors and all that, i'm not mad at you, you're only doing what babies do, and besides... One sweet smile and we all melt every time... I love you so much, my sweet baby! 來源:http://ppt.cc/PrFp1 早上7點31分更新 eVonne在生下小孩後,首度跟大家分享育嬰心得! 看來eVonne很享受照顧baby e的感覺呢~~ -- ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ 願流星 善良 ※ ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 氣質清 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ \(^▽^)/ \(^▽^)/ ◢◣ ◢◣ 最新專輯 欣進化1/11發行! ╔@v@╗ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/eVonne/M.1447132989.A.BB0.html