看板 firsttime 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我要用我爛爛的英文來寫一篇第一次 中文翻譯在下面 也歡迎來改錯,本人英文只有考過GEPT初級程度 Last month a foreigner added my LINE. I don't know where he get my ID, but we just start to chat. He lives in... maybe eastern europe? He wants to come to Taiwan in July. A friend(his friend) told him that he can go to penghu or kenting. He loves drink, so he wants to go bar=_= (come to Taiwan just for bar??? it's really ridiculous!!) The last time he came to Taiwan, he met a girl in bar, who is 20-year-old girl, she took him to maokong, and ummmmm.....they had sex for2 or 3 days...ummm I'm not really want to talk about this, but he just keep ask. Also he had ever gone to Japan, he loves Japanese girl!! espesially the girl who wears uniform.... This is my first time to talk to foreigner in English and we keep talk I know I won't meet this guy in my life, I'm not ccr. And I love my boyfriend. If this man keep talking about sex or threesome or what, I'll blockade this man..... 上禮拜有個外國人加了我的賴,我不知他從哪裡取得我的ID,但總之我們開始聊天。 他住在東歐,然後也許七月他想要來台灣玩。 他有問我哪裡好玩,我是推薦他澎湖啦,因為剛好我六月要去玩, 他朋友也推薦他去澎湖或墾丁,可是因為他喜歡喝酒,所以他決定去有酒吧的地方。 來台灣只想去酒吧,ㄇㄉ一聽就知道有問題! 他說是上次來台灣的時候也有去酒吧,認識一個女生,當然也發生關係, 雖然我真的不想聊這個,但是他好像一直想問。 他說他曾經去過日本,然後對方是一個超可愛的制服女孩,有制服是他的最愛~~ (我也愛制服啊呵呵) 第一次跟外國人用英文聊這麼久,對我來說真是個奇蹟,順便訓練我破爛的英文, 我都用很簡單的單字跟一些不太會錯的文法,我們之前也有討論到蔡英文, 不過單字好難都必須查字典嗚嗚嗚~~我會加油的 然後我不是CCR,但我也不歧視CCR。他不是我的菜,而且我愛我的男友, 如果要是話題一直在SEX方面打轉,也許我會考慮把他封鎖。以上。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/firsttime/M.1463846310.A.A44.html ※ 編輯: moos (, 05/22/2016 00:00:07
moos: 這也是我第一次用英文發文=_=!!!!!!! 05/22 00:01
baronterry: XD 05/22 23:05
jan777: 敢寫就推 05/28 22:25
koemar: 不錯哦! 06/03 17:47
koemar: 安全至上。 06/03 17:47
HSWei: If I were you, I would block him asap. 06/27 21:08