看板 fx 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Other People MV Credits Directed by Brad Wong and Amber Liu Director of Photography: Brian M. Tang Production Designer: Aaron Kee Hair and Makeup: Yukina Mitsuhashi Liu Starring: Sam Li and Mike Bow Cast: Mica Burton Jasmine Clarke John DeBold Tiff Del Real FYKE Emily Li Nikki Limo Nick VelezRyan Yoo 1st Assistant Director: Andrea Whitlock Production Coordinator: Sherry Shi 1st Assistant Camera: Jordan Sakai 2nd Assistant Camera: Jiyoung Park Steadicam Operator: Gio Bardot Gaffer: Gio Bardot Key Grip: David Woon Best Boy Electric: RJ Siu Production Assistant: Heesang Lee Edited by: Rade Blunner x What The Pineapple Colorist: Joseph P. Yao Filmed on location at Cosmic Cube Studios Official Music Video by Amber Liu – Other People ? 2019 Steel Wool / EMPIRE 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 結語:孩子長大了!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fx/M.1573105514.A.1D3.html ※ 編輯: a22115383 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2019 13:45:31
pjunglsber: 下巴掉下來 11/07 14:59
jowesley: 嚇死我了! 11/07 16:36
jjjssst: 我需要壓壓驚XD 11/07 16:56
wsylh: 看到嘴巴合不起來... 11/07 17:09
bumping: 哇哇哇!!! 11/07 18:01
bumping: 那幕太驚人 11/07 18:01
liftmeup: 好...好難接受... 11/07 18:25
sandy3628: 媽媽嚇壞了 11/07 18:49
pigergod: 哈哈哈我比較想看跟女生的吻戲XD 11/07 20:20
jppkengo: llama長大了 T___T 11/08 01:27
HYX0121: 還以為結束結果又來一次,時間還頗長TTTTTT 11/08 10:41
smalllee921: 阿娘喂我的心臟 11/08 22:34
naimida: 這個猛 11/08 22:36
lovebites: 媽呀,阿姨心臟不好,不要嚇我 11/08 23:00
domoku: 好會扭啊 是說激吻朋友 感覺好奇妙喔 11/09 13:17
kaori700701: 歌很好聽~但mv對不太上 11/14 00:48