看板 gay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
社團法人台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟 20小時 影片 https://goo.gl/MvgME2 伴侶盟是台灣第一個透過法律專業手段(立法與司法)致力推動婚姻平權與伴侶權益的組 織。今年,由於反同團體發起公投,企圖剝奪同志平等結婚的權利並禁止國中小教導同志 教育,這些公投提案不但違法違憲,更充斥著抹黑同志、誤導大眾的手段。為此,伴侶盟 已展開反制反同公投的多起訴訟,並為此提出「國際募款計畫」,籌措挹注相關訴訟、製 作反歧視影片的資金,以便能成功捍衛台灣的婚姻平權與同志教育! 敬請大家幫忙把這個國際募款計畫的訊息,轉發給國際友人! 謝謝! TAPCPR is the first organization in Taiwan dedicated to taking direct legal action to promote marriage equality and civil partnership rights. Recently, anti-gay groups have proposed three referendum draft bills to ban both same-sex marriage and LGBTIQ equality being taught in Taiwanese schools. We will face this challenge on November 24th. In order to secure true marriage equality in Taiwan, TAPCPR is proceeding with litigation against these false charges and will produce videos to counter this misinformation. We are committed to seeing both love and equality win in Taiwan, but we need your support! TAPCPR is launching a fundraising campaign, from Sept. 10 to Oct. 2, with a goal of raising $30,000 USD. If you would like to support us, or learn more about the project, please click on the following link: https://goo.gl/r8dJ5T --     自由戀愛、多元成家     Face to the Right       2個 同意 平權公投     3個 不同意 反同公投    https://goo.gl/fncZNJ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/gay/M.1536656852.A.319.html
akrsw: 推 09/12 22:39