看板 historia 關於我們 聯絡資訊
只摘錄久一點的「歷史」。欲知近期歷史與全文者,請見: http://www.globalresearch.ca/genocide-and-the-philippines-american-war-president-rodrigo-duterte-and-neocolonialism/5578125 "Genocide and the Philippines-American War. President Rodrigo Duterte and Neocolonialism" Colonialism, Oppression, and Imperial Conquest To Duterte, it is not just about Washington’s criticism of his war on drugs policy, it is about the history between the U.S. and the Philippines during and after the Spanish-American War. The Philippines became a colony of the U.S. after the Spanish-American War until 1946 and since its independence; it has remained a vassal state. One of the main chapters in the Philippine-American War Duterte had mentioned was the Moro Rebellion (1899-1913), a conflict between the U.S. forces and the Moro people (ethnic Muslims) that took place in the southern part of the Philippines in the islands of Mindanao, Jolo and the Sulu Archipelago. The Moros are a tribe, committed to establishing a ‘Moro Nation.’ It was a “national liberation movement” of the Bangsamoro (an autonomous political entity within the Philippines for the ethnic Moro). The Moros have resisted foreign invaders for more than 400 years that included the Japanese, Spanish and the Americans. In 1968, a conflict also erupted between the Moros and the Philippine government under the U.S-backed dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos. It was known as the Jabidah massacre that resulted in the killings of more than 60 Filipino Muslim commandos on a planned operation by the Marcos government to reclaim the north-eastern part of the Malaysian state of Sabah. Sabah was under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu, a Muslim state which was part of the Malaysian Federation since 1963 under the Malaysia Agreement. However, the Philippine government claimed that the eastern part of Sabah was never part of any foreign entity and that Sabah was only leased and still remained part of the Philippines. There were numerous battles between U.S. and the Filipino forces. One of the conflicts took place on May 2, 1902 called ‘The Battle of Bayan’ where U.S. troops clashed with the Moros near Bayan on the island of Mindanao which claimed the deaths of more than 350 Moros and a dozen U.S. soldiers. The online news website www.sunstar.com.ph based in the Philippines published Duterte’s comments on America’s history in the Philippines during the early 20th Century. Duterte was asked by a reporter from Reuters about Obama’s response on the extra-judicial killings and he went on to mention the history of The Battle of Bud Dajo on March 6th, 1906 on the island of Jolo: “Who is he? When as a matter of fact at the turn of the century, before the Americans left, the Philippines, in the pacification campaign of the Moro in this island, there were around 6 million ang population ng Moro, how many died? Six hundred. If you can answer this question and give an apology, I will answer him,” Duterte said It was a massacre by the U.S. forces that attacked the Moros with advanced weapons such as mountain guns since an agreement between both sides that failed to establish a peaceful resolution. The Moros wanted Bud Dajo as a shelter, far away from the war. The Sunstar article published the details of what had happened at Bud Dajo: On July 4, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt declared the war over after successfully subjugating the insurrectionist Filipino forces, and in his own proclamation said, “except in the country inhabited by the Moro tribes, to which this proclamation does not apply.” The Moro Province was created in 1903, comprising the southern Mindanao and the Sulu islands. Unlike the other provinces, the Moro Province was to be staffed by US Army officers, simply because US believed the Moro Province was backward and need to be civilized and educated on democracy t was the continuation of Manifest Destiny when the U.S. expanded its economic, political and social influences throughout North America particularly affecting indigenous tribal nations. That same program was obviously implemented on the Philippines: On March 5, 1906, Woods ordered his officers to gather 800 of his men from the 6th and 19th Infantry, the 4th Cavalry, the 28th Artillery Battery, the Sulu Constabulary, and sailors from the gunboat Pampanga, led by Colobnel Duncan, to Jolo. They were armed with mountain guns, rifles, bayonets, fast-firing pistols and grenades. When negotiations for the Moro people who sought refuge in Bud Dajo failed, they attacked. The Moro warriors were armed with kris, barongs, and spears. The attack ended on March 7, 1906, with not one Moro standing; women and children among them. The Americans lost two dozen men and some 70 wounded. It was a complete massacre. The “victory” that was earlier celebrated in the US was immediately tainted with shame after the US Congress realized there were women and children among the dead Duterte reminded Washington that the Philippines are neither a colony nor a vassal state: “The PH is not a vassal state, we have long ceased to be a colony of the US. Alam mo, marami diyang mga columnista they look upon Obama and the US as we are the lapdogs of this country. I do not respond to anybody but to the people of the Republic of the Philippines. Wala akong pakialam sa kanya. Who is he to confront me, as a matter of fact, America has one too many to answer for the misdeeds in this country,” Duterte said The Philippine-American War was about U.S. Imperialism and maintaining a foothold within the Asia-Pacific region. On December 10th 1898, Spain ceded Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the U.S. under the Treaty of Paris. The Philippines was technically sold for $20 million. It was a justification for the U.S. to permanently occupy the Philippines. The Spanish Empire’s downfall led to the rise of the ever expanding American Empire. The U.S. government installed a military dictatorship on the Philippines on December 21, 1898 (as they did in other newly acquired territories including Puerto Rico). U.S. President William McKinley issued the Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation which said that the U.S. has “come, not as invaders or conquerors, but as friends, to protect the natives in their homes, in their employment, and in their personal and religious rights.” The U.S. military experienced a resistance in the Philippines which led to The Philippine–American War. The leader of the resistance was Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, a politician, a revolutionary and a military leader who led the defeat against Spanish forces and became the first President of the Philippines from 1899–1901. On January 5th, 1899 Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines and established a “rebel” government in Malolos on January 23rd, 1899. Aguinaldo was named the President of the newly established government who led Philippine forces against Spain and then went on to fight the U.S. government with guerilla warfare tactics. Conflict began almost immediately between the Aguinaldo led rebel government forces and the U.S. in Manila on February 4th, 1899. U.S. forces went on to take control of a volcanic island called Jolo located in the province of Sulu on May 18th, 1899. Numerous conflicts soon followed as the rebel government suffered heavy losses due to a well-armed U.S. military. Aguinaldo was forced to continuously move his base of military operations during the war. The U.S. government wanted Aguinaldo dead or alive. Since Aguinaldo declared independence for the Philippines, President McKinley had appointed the ‘First Philippine Commission’ or ‘The Schurman Commission’ on January 20, 1899. Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman was chosen as the chairman with other prominent members to investigate the living conditions throughout the Philippines and make recommendations to solve problems in an attempt to gain influence over the Filipino population. However, conflicts continued between U.S. forces and the Filipino rebels the following month as Aguinaldo’s ‘Revolutionary Congress’ which was known as the ‘Malolos Congress’ voted to stop fighting and give the peaceful resolution set forth by the McKinley administration a chance. The revolutionary congress was then led by Apolinario Mabini, but was replaced by a ‘peace cabinet’ but suffered from internal conflicts. Aguinaldo appointed a delegation to meet with the commission that was advised by moderate members of the commission. Several arrests were made against the original members’ of the peace cabinet including Pedro Paterno and Felipe Buencamin by General Antonio Luna, a field commander for the rebels. Aguinaldo immediately withdrew his support of the peace cabinet and reinstated Mabini and his revolutionary cabinet. Mr. Schurman advised McKinley to create a new plan as a way for the Filipino’s to participate politically and economically within the Philippine government since his original plan had failed to gain popularity with the Revolutionary government. President Mckinley ordered his Secretary of State John Hay to tell Schurman that the U.S. government would prefer peace but McKinley received advise from the commission members that the “prosecution of the war until the insurgents submit” would be more beneficial for U.S. interests. On March 16th, 1900, the ‘Second Philippine Commission’ under the future President of the United States William Howard Taft called the Taft Commission appointed by McKinley was given legislative and executive powers replacing the Spanish system of law. From the start of the Taft Commission, close to 500 laws were passed including a U.S. inspired judicial system, a supreme court, municipality and tax collections. Elections were also held for new municipal board members. All of the new U.S. imposed systems were under the supervision of the U.S. government. Emilio Aguinaldo was captured on March 23, 1901 by U.S. forces led by General Frederick Funston along with Filipino troops loyal to the U.S. government. Aguinaldo was replaced by General Miguel Malvar as the new rebel leader and continued the resistance against occupying U.S. forces. Aguinaldo was persuaded to take an “oath of allegiance” to the U.S. government on April 19, 1901. A few weeks later, Aguinaldo made a public statement which called on the rebels to lay down their weapons and surrender. H.W. Brands author of ‘Bound to Empire: The United States and the Philippines’ published what Aguinaldo had told the rebels: “Let the stream of blood cease to flow; let there be an end to tears and desolation,” Aguinaldo said. “The lesson which the war holds out and the significance of which I realized only recently, leads me to the firm conviction that the complete termination of hostilities and a lasting peace are not only desirable but also absolutely essential for the well-being of the Philippines” Aguinaldo’s full cooperation with the U.S. government was a major setback for the Filipino’s cause for independence. Washington replaced Aguinaldo with first, a U.S. Military Dictatorship under Lieutenant General Adna Chaffee, a veteran of the American Civil War and the “Indian Wars” then with a civilian government known as the ‘Insular Government’ of the Philippine’s led by William Howard Taft who served as its first civilian Governor-General taking the place of the military Governor, Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur Jr. However, General Miguel Malvar’s new leadership did give the Filipino’s hope by continuing what Aguinaldo had started, a revolution against the U.S. occupation. General Malvar launched an offensive against U.S. forces that were occupying the Batangas region while other Filipino generals continued the war in other areas throughout the Philippines. U.S. forces retaliated by targeting Filipino citizens, they forced interrogations upon the Filipino population and tortured suspected rebels. General Malvar along with his wife, children and close to 3,000 rebels had surrendered on April 16th, 1902 as the Scorched Earth Policy began to take a toll on the population. That same month, the U.S. Military went on to establish concentration camps known as “reconcentrados.” Close to 300,000 Filipinos were forced into concentration camps in the province of Batangas resulting in the deaths of more than 8,000 Filipinos. Torture methods such as ‘water boarding’ or what was known then as “the water cure” were also used against prisoners to gain intelligence on the rebels. The New Yorker magazine published a story in 2008 titled ‘The Water Cure’ by Paul Kramer who published a letter written by an American infantry man who was involved in the war explained how the water cure was used against the Filipinos: A letter by A. F. Miller, of the 32nd Volunteer Infantry Regiment, published in the Omaha World-Herald in May, 1900, told of how Miller’s unit uncovered hidden weapons by subjecting a prisoner to what he and others called the “water cure.” “Now, this is the way we give them the water cure,” he explained. “Lay them on their backs, a man standing on each hand and each foot, then put a round stick in the mouth and pour a pail of water in the mouth and nose, and if they don’t give up pour in another pail. They swell up like toads. I’ll tell you it is a terrible torture” The U.S. war in the Philippines resulted in numerous deaths in what could be considered, genocide. Various estimates suggest that at least 400,000 rebels or “insurrectos” and 4,000 U.S. soldiers died in combat. More than 1 million Filipino civilians had died through hardships caused by the “Scorched Earth Policies.” Deaths were caused by mass starvation and by U.S. forces targeting towns and villages killing men, women and even children. 米國施加菲律賓的暴行罄竹難書,包括屠殺南部原住民。 從事歷史研究者, 1、知道這一段歷史嗎? 2、知道的人,有道德勇氣寫出來嗎? 3、現在知道這段歷史的論壇當權者,正在積極設想封殺歷史真相嗎? -- 真相多於謊言的媒體http://whatreallyhappened.com http://globalresearch.ca http://rt.com http://presstv.com http://zerogedge.com http://aljazeera.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/historia/M.1488803013.A.853.html
Aotearoa: 想了解美國對夏威夷侵略史 03/06 20:34
夏威夷先後被英國、美國非法推翻其政府、被併吞,學校被迫改以英語教學 ,邊緣化原住民語言。一直在對抗美國、重建其原有政府(首相、議會...) 、恢復其母語: https://www.facebook.com/hawaiithestolenparadise
sanae0307: 必噓 03/06 20:39
jimmy5680: 你寫俄羅斯侵略別人的歷史我就推回來 03/06 20:48
slcgboy: 所以接下來是哪國的侵略史 03/06 22:54
也許是以色列對巴勒斯坦人的種族滅絕史。但尚未定案。 有興趣瞭解歷史真相嗎?
hinenak: 這位仁兄之前在IA版住了一陣子 看來現在是跑來歷史版了 03/06 23:02
是。自從發現 http://big5.sputniknews.cn 以及簽名檔述及真相生產中心後, 至少2年不進謠言懶人包轉發中心,【IA】至少2年了。 還有人留在那裡接受西方霸權帝國控制下的MSM(主流媒體)的洗腦嗎?
hinenak: 我只想說 真的在做歷史的人是不會拿二手資料來做三流論述 03/06 23:03
選擇(1):發一封email給原作者,告訴他:你有足夠的資格指導他重寫 二手的三流米帝對菲律賓的侵略史成為一流的文章。 選擇(2):你自己去寫一篇第一手、一流的米帝對菲律賓的侵略史
sam09: 您終於發現新大陸了 03/07 03:56
Galm: XD 03/07 09:35
※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 03/07/2017 14:05:15
monarchist: 03/07 14:09
※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 03/07/2017 14:21:58
tony3366211: 一堆ia版特地來噓,是有這麼討人厭嗎? 03/07 15:07
能理解這種自我顛覆的心情: 我以前也是外國霸權的思想奴隸,見到強國人,先矮他一截。 這幾年,這批歹徒的罪行被其正義同胞揭發後,要否定自己以前的愚蠢,很痛苦!
hinenak: 簡單再講一下吧,你做的事情跟被"洗腦"主流大眾有差別? 03/07 15:56
hinenak: 不都是選擇相信特定媒體 為何你會認為你才有判斷能力? 03/07 15:58
就是要先肯定自己的看法,然後才推薦他人。 難道要推薦比別人不瞭解的材料給別人?像【IA】板裏的信徒一樣: 只要是西方霸權主辦MSM宣傳的外電譯文,不分青紅皂白、不過濾真假、 未肯定其內容,就閃電張貼,以盲引盲,手牽手一起墜崖? Trump曾經也是謠言的受害者。 關鍵字:「fake news」、「MSM, main stream media」! 我認同的文,才推薦。給有勇氣「接受魔鬼的試煉」者一條不同的思路。 至死不悔者,誰也沒有任何義務改變誰。
hinenak: 丟個連結複製貼上內容 然後開始指導大眾何謂"真相"? 03/07 16:00
jimmy5680: 不敢面對特定議題的明明是原po,話說貼英文連翻譯都不 03/07 18:59
jimmy5680: 會 03/07 19:00
1. 古狗有翻譯機。 2. 專業翻譯工作量太大。沒有稿酬,我做不好。
Aotearoa: 感謝回文,但不是你說是真相就是真相 03/07 19:05
我支持一種態度: 看文章,如果同意觀點,當然可以保持沉默; 若不同意,就出面具體反駁,而非無重點、籠統、概括、抽象批評。 連結所指,應該是夏威夷原住民的地盤。如果反對他們的主張或論述, 去踢館!順便測試一下夏威夷原住民的言論自由素養。 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 03/07/2017 21:31:47
kuopohung: 這裡不是學術研討會,好歹摘要翻譯要做吧。 03/07 21:33
這是我失職的部份。但是譯或不譯,也要考慮「值不值得」這項因素。 舉一例:這篇辛苦譯文,被觀點不同的一群當權者無理由地輕鬆鎖文: #1OjMAGFC (historia) [推薦] 近代傑出政治家 - 普亭 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/historia/M.1488282256.A.3CC.html 眾人默然! 對甚麼素質的網友,就必須要用甚麼樣的態度去尊重! ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 03/07/2017 21:45:38
x838550: 難怪林則徐要禁鴉片...看看樓主哈多了變成啥樣 03/08 00:35
camus5817: 樓上哈哈哈 03/08 02:01