看板 home-sale 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一、主文 coller 處水桶壹年,#1YRgEgCL (home-sale) 退文。 poyin 處水桶壹年,#1YSvTr1H (home-sale) 退文,#1XjPD0aH (home-sale) 刪除。 godofsex 處水桶壹佰玖拾陸日,#1YN6UaN9 (home-sale)#1YNnXGAr (home-sale) #1YPiDikL (home-sale)#1YP-Ss3H (home-sale)#1YQ7R8Kn (home-sale) #1YQcKqkK (home-sale)#1YQmAXMw (home-sale)#1YRyP2RN (home-sale) #1YS0kWHZ (home-sale)#1YTH2ogJ (home-sale)#1YTKDIe- (home-sale) #1YTaPT0R (home-sale)#1YTvBf_m (home-sale)#1YT-Fm7c (home-sale) 刪除二、說明 coller 回覆賣屋類文章詢問交易事宜至看板上, 依 #1Vbw5d7L (home-sale) 第三條之一第一項第四、六款, 處水桶一年,並予該篇文章退文。 poyin 以賣屋類文章張貼躉售之廣告文, 依 #1Vbw5d7L (home-sale) 第三條之一第一項第六款, 處水桶一年,並予該篇文章退文。 godofsex 張貼之十四篇新聞類文章,未自行撰寫二十字以上心得, 依 #1Vbw5d7L (home-sale) 第三條之三第一項第五款, 每一篇處水桶十四日,合計處水桶一百九十六日,並刪除該十四篇文章。 -- If a card(s) or effect(s) is activating, OR a monster(s) is Summoning, OR a monster declare an attack, except this card: You must pay half of your life; Negate all the activation in this chain except this card, Summoning, OR attack, and if you do, destroy that card(s), then destroy all the other cards on the field and in either players' hand. (This effect is treated as spell speed 3.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/home-sale/M.1652025149.A.AFD.html