看板 home-sale 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I have a dream that one day this price will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Taoyuan, the sons of loser and his boss will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Taiwan, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my two little children will one day live in a country where they will not be judged by where they form but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day, down in the south of Taiwan, with its ideology, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in South little boys and girls will be able to join hands with little Southeast boys and Southeast girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together." ※ 引述《frowning1226 (法利昂)》之銘言: : 客亦知夫多與空乎 : 租者如斯 : 而未嘗往也 : 漲跌者如彼 : 而卒莫消長也(sarra大所作) : 蓋將自其置空者而觀之 : 則房價曾不能以一瞬 : 自其中立者而觀之 : 則房與價皆無盡也 : 而又何羨乎! : 且夫天地之間,房各有主 : 苟非汝之所有 : 雖一毫而莫取 : 惟公園之小亭與山間之小路 : 頭靠之而為枕,目閉之而成夢 : 躺之無盡,用之不費錢 : 是造物者之無盡藏也 : 而吾與子之所共識~ : 客喜莫笑 : 洗盞更酌 : 修法既盡 : 杯盤狼籍 : 相與嘻笑乎版中 : 而不知漲價之既來 : 嘻嘻 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/home-sale/M.1673365593.A.4CB.html
sarra: 創作大戰就是了XD01/10 23:49
jinso7410: its a good dream?01/10 23:51
sarra: 害我也想來一篇XD01/10 23:54
kusomanfcu: 來點不一樣的01/10 23:56
chen831030: 抱歉,有翻譯嗎01/10 23:57
ceca: https://i.imgur.com/X6MGprH.jpg01/11 00:00
humbler: 快笑死01/11 00:06
Tylose: 這是歌詞嗎?01/11 00:09
sarra: 馬丁路德 I have a dream01/11 00:10
frowning1226: 哈哈哈哈哈~~~I have a dream~~~01/11 00:17
qqphor: 空空是英盲,看沒01/11 00:22
英文排版會亂跳errr ※ 編輯: kusomanfcu ( 臺灣), 01/11/2023 00:28:51
orz811017: 這篇還蠻應景的 下週美國馬丁路德紀念日 01/11 00:29
kusomanfcu: 樓上很懂喔 01/11 00:29
ceca: 其實我想到的ABBA的歌. 01/11 00:33
frowning1226: ceca大辛苦了,一堆指名要戰你~哈哈 01/11 00:34
Tylose: 空空腦袋就很悾阿,投客分很多種 01/11 00:40
Tylose: 他們眼中投客就是一種,就是投客 01/11 00:40
Tylose: 假設有abcde五種,今天打到e,你是a,他也說你被打到 01/11 00:41
Tylose: 空空之所以為空空,就是因為他悾悾 01/11 00:41
sarra: 這邊就很多浪費才能的投客XDD 01/11 00:41
s26492755: 連最基礎的類型都不分 真的幼幼班 01/11 01:16
s26492755: 做翻修的 做置產的 做收租的 做增值的 搞預售搞成屋 短 01/11 01:17
s26492755: 期 中期 長期 商用不動產 店面 很多細節 01/11 01:17
s26492755: 然後這邊反而不知道是反串還是愛唬小的 正常都是分享經 01/11 01:18
s26492755: 驗或市況 何來不實 01/11 01:18
s26492755: 然後區域不同結果也會不同 像我這邊 新案三個 預售一 01/11 01:22
s26492755: 個 兩個已經成屋了 01/11 01:22
s26492755: 這奈米量就算炸了都沒啥影響 01/11 01:23
qqphor: S大請教一下,買中古屋翻的跟新的一樣,還可以客制化,加 01/11 01:25
qqphor: 在貸款裏,變相的預售屋,反正投客比自住客會翻,又比真 01/11 01:25
qqphor: 正的預售屋便宜,可行嗎 01/11 01:25
sarra: 樓上那就老屋翻新轉手 當然可行 但有權狀就不是預售囉XD 01/11 01:33
s26492755: 就是純翻修啊 有的還整棟拉皮 01/11 01:34
s26492755: 但就像妹子過30怎麼打扮跟化妝 還是跟18歲有差 01/11 01:35
s26492755: 但老屋翻修的利潤會比較好 但也比較麻煩 01/11 01:36
sarra: 阿姨也是化妝效益好差很多 18歲化不化妝都很好XD 01/11 01:39
Narok: I have a dream. That one day every person in this natio 01/11 07:09
Narok: n will control their own destiny. A nation of the truly 01/11 07:09
Narok: free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by 01/11 07:09
Narok: strength, not committee!! 01/11 07:09
qqphor: 謝謝回覆 01/11 08:10
KrisNYC: 好了 等一下醫生要來秀古拉丁文了... 01/11 08:24
s26492755: 靠北 sa大說的有道理 01/11 10:27