看板 iOS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
AirPlay support is coming to VLC for Android The popular VLC media player will bring AirPlay support to its Android app in a future update. It’s been confirmed by one of the app’s lead developers, Jean-Baptiste Kempf (via Variety). Kempf also shared some of the roadmap for VLC with Variety, which includes implementing AirPlay. This will make it possible for Android users to beam videos from their mobile devices to Apple TVs. Kempf said that AirPlay support could make it to the main VLC app in about a month. I think he is talking about official support, not a hack or reverse engineering. 來源: https://www.idownloadblog.com/2019/01/10/vlc-android-airplay/ 這個好處是安卓系統可以 AirPlay 到 Apple TV 但有 Apple TV 的人 還要特地用安卓去 AirPlay 嗎 如果家中有不同成員的話也許會實用吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1547197482.A.D73.html ※ 編輯: kouta (, 01/11/2019 17:07:57
roccqqck: 所以蘋果把airplay opensource了? 01/11 18:02
roccqqck: 或是免費授權給vlc? 01/11 18:02
kzfun2001: 蘋果那麼貪怎麼可能免費 01/11 18:14
roccqqck: 對啊 我就是這樣想 但是vlc是opensource啊 01/11 18:44
rLks02: iOS 的VLC App 本來就有支援AirPlay; 新聞是 Google Play 01/11 19:07
rLks02: 的VLC很快也可以。 01/11 19:07
chadhsieh: 那個延遲我完全不行 01/11 19:21
j07242054: 我覺得airplay 拿來播影片蠻難用的。。。 01/11 20:55
LinuxKernel: airplay一堆對岸app都支援啊 只是穩定度而已= = 01/11 21:43
Tsai07: airplay我都拿來放影片耶,請問是怎麼難用...? 01/12 00:32
bigR: 不會用當然說難用啊,不行膩 01/12 01:08
nurockplayer: Airplay會頓的可能 WiFi 是 2.4Ghz 的機率比較高 01/14 19:44
nurockplayer: 可以試試看改用 5Ghz 的 WiFi 01/14 19:44
nurockplayer: ^802.11ac 01/14 19:50