看板 iOS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
情報來源: https://tinyurl.com/y4tb9kws What ChargerLab found specifically was that with the launch of iOS 13.1 many third-party wireless chargers rated at Apple’s 7.5W maximum wireless charging speeds were now operating at 5W. As you might expect, this lengthened wireless charging times substantially. For example, an iPhone 11 running iOS 13 would wirelessly charge to 80% in two hours but after installing iOS 13.1 it only achieved a charge of 55% in the same time period. That’s woefully slow. 隨著iOS 13.1的發布,原本許多可以達到蘋果7.5瓦最大充電效率的無線充電頭現在 都只能夠以5瓦的功率來充電。 原本iPhone 11在iOS 13兩小時可以充到80%,但在iOS 13.1兩小時後只能充到55% The downgrade still exists in iOS 13.1.2 and, despite no official explanation from Apple, AppleInsider learned from a source within the company that the change is deliberate. “Any vendors who are fully compliant with the Qi charging spec and all of our guidance will see 7.5W charging," said their source. 在iOS 13.1.2中發現問題仍然還在。根據內部消息說這項改變似乎是刻意的。 它們說:"所有跟Qi 充電相容的廠商會見到7.5瓦的充電速度" As an attempt to protect customers, that would seem reasonable but AppleInsider discovered: “the issue is more complicated. Manufacturers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Apple has yet to give them any specific direction. Also, that they have discovered being fully compliant with Qi certification requirements does not appear to guarantee their products will avoid the 5W cap.” 如果是為了保護消費者,這是合理的。 但事實上,符合Qi 認證的廠商還是只有5瓦的充電速度 And here’s where it gets worrying. ChargerLab’s tests found that all wireless charging pads sold by Apple Stores still worked at 7.5W. Apple calls this rate ‘Apple Fast Charging’ but it is actually just part of the Qi wireless charging standard (which goes up to 15W in rival products) so Apple shouldn’t be enforcing any sort of certification under its Apple MFi Program. If that has changed, fast wireless charger prices look set to increase for iPhone customers. 更神奇的是,所有從蘋果店販賣的充電頭都可以用7.5瓦的速度。蘋果稱這個叫做 "蘋果快速充電",但這只是Qi無線充電的一個標準(其可以達到15瓦的充電速度) 所以蘋果不應該用強迫任何符合Qi無線充電的認證用在蘋果的MFi認證上。 如果這項改變是真的,那蘋果的快充無線充電器價格就上漲了 心得: 保護消費者(X) 保護蘋果獲利(O) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1570514536.A.82B.html
howiekuohr: 一般的快充頭不知道有沒有影響 10/08 14:03
※ 編輯: kyle5241 ( 美國), 10/08/2019 14:04:26 ※ 編輯: kyle5241 ( 美國), 10/08/2019 14:05:04
Oreeeo: 7.5W和5W比一樣還是慢,要鎖就鎖吧 10/08 14:06
lycmse55: 不重新定義無線充電 要怎麼再賺一筆 10/08 14:11
a3619453: 昨天試了還是可以超過5W啊 到底? 10/08 14:12
appleonatree: 充電盤一定是吃5W以上啊 問題是扣掉耗損就是5W 10/08 14:35
t755079ttt: 反正我沒在用 10/08 14:39
appleonatree: https://i.imgur.com/1R1NdlZ.png 10/08 14:39
appleonatree: iPhone11原本兩個小時80%更新完變成兩個小時55% 10/08 14:39
appleonatree: 這樣你跟我說5跟7.5沒差ㄇ? 10/08 14:39
Asbtt: 一樣慢...18W有線充屌打 10/08 14:43
Asbtt: 而且無線充超級浪費能源 10/08 14:46
TPDC: 以後會不會有Qi for Apple認證呢www 10/08 14:47
john950146: 所以之前在官網買7.5瓦充電盤的都是盤子嗎 10/08 15:02
ha5438044: 蘋果真的很雞掰... 10/08 15:04
z665575583yl: 看來我把iphone8鎖在ios12是正確的 10/08 15:28
scyang31010: 反正無線充電都很慢 拿來充airpods就好 10/08 15:29
dragonfly667: 最近看到狗肉有無線充電手機架不然在這之前覺得無線 10/08 15:29
dragonfly667: 充電根本雞肋 10/08 15:29
lanceliou: 舊機不敢亂升ios,就怕被陰,拔了3d、限制無線充,厲害 10/08 15:33
lanceliou: 啦! 10/08 15:33
lanceliou: 朕想拿回來的,你們敢說啥!凸凸凸 10/08 15:35
dds7788369: 表面上說安全,實際就是商業策略綁架消費行為,但還是 10/08 15:41
dds7788369: 會一堆果迷大聲讚好說難道要出問題再來怪蘋果嗎?顆 10/08 15:41
dds7788369: 顆 10/08 15:41
Aaso: 就是要你從官網買的意思 10/08 15:42
s213092921: 拔3D TOUCH鎖無線充電,真的很會 10/08 15:50
mqwe: 無線充完全沒有吸引的點 10/08 16:10
apsol: 老實說啦 超過5w的Qi充電盤大概都沒過Qi的EPP認證,一般來 10/08 16:21
apsol: 說都只會過Qi的BPP認證(即5W) 10/08 16:21
kouta: who car 10/08 16:34
bin12: iphone電池衰退 就會降頻變頓 也是同樣道理阿 10/08 16:34
bin12: 有聽過三星小米的電池衰退 就要強制降頻變頓嗎? 10/08 16:35
Strangers: 商人要賺錢啊 你各位果粉還是會買單啦 10/08 16:37
bin12: 根本只是 蘋果偷降頻 讓舊機變頓 被抓包了 隨便唬弄的理由 10/08 16:37
bin12: 只有果粉會相信這種唬爛的理由啦 嘻嘻 10/08 16:39
likeus: 純評論無線充:用在手機根本沒帶大效益 倒是加速電池耗損 10/08 17:11
sailinama: 充電盤白買了 安全安你媽個蘋果 10/08 18:36
cityport: 那星巴克潮潮怎麼辦?文青的手機需要無線快速充電 10/08 18:52
Asbtt: 7.5哪裡快啊......插個18W才是快。還浪費能源。 10/08 20:28
xu3: 對我來說5W 7.5W 10W都沒差 反正就是隨手擺在桌子就開始 10/08 22:14
xu3: 用電腦 手機就默默地在那邊充電 不過出門我會帶快充 10/08 22:14
cook321: 隔壁無線都20w還在7.5w退到5w 10/08 22:44
p40403: 要是原廠的有20W,副廠的5W,這樣才合理吧 10/09 14:50
Mapodoufu: 還好我出廠13 能10w 10/11 20:42
fju402392: 18w也變慢 10/30 17:30