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情報來源: https://9to5mac.com/2020/04/02/2020-ipad-pro-privacy-hardware/ 2020 iPad Pro first model with microphone hardware disconnect privacy feature 2020 iPad Pro是第一個加入麥克風斷線隱私功能的iPad Recent Apple MacBooks have included an aggressive security feature that disconnects hardware microphones when the lid is physically closed. The feature is designed to prevent eavesdropping on compromised hardware. 最近蘋果Macbook加入了一個安全功能,當你蓋上筆電後,筆電的麥克風會 自動斷線。這個功能是拿來防竊聽 Starting with the recently introduced 2020 iPad Pro, Apple is bringing the same privacy feature to iPads. 這個功能也隨著2020 iPad Pro來到了iPad Apple started using this security measure in 2018 with MacBook models equipped with Apple’s T2 security chip. The new security feature, which works by closing the iPad with a case, requires using an MFi compliant accessory with the 2020 model iPad Pro. 蘋果開始在2018佩備有T2晶片(以A10X為基礎)的Macbook上加上這個功能。 而在iPad上的類似功能,則是需要用MFI蘋果認證的保護殼來蓋上iPad The latest version of Apple’s Platform Security document reveals the new feature: 蘋果官方文件的說明: iPad models beginning in 2020 also feature the hardware microphone disconnect. When an MFI compliant case (including those sold by Apple) is attached to the iPad and closed, the microphone is disconnected in hardware, preventing microphone audio data being made available to any software—even with root or kernel privileges in iPadOS or in case the firmware is compromised. 從2020開始賣的iPad (暗示今年還有其它的新iPad?)會有硬體麥克風斷線功能。 當MFI認證的殼裝到iPad上並且關閉,麥克風會從硬體上強制斷線。這阻止了 麥克風的音訊被傳到任何的軟體上,就算iPadOS被越獄了或是被破解了 Apple’s document also highlights six other new security measures in place: 另外還有六項額外的安全措施 一、Data Vaults added to How Apple protects users’ personal information. 二、Updates to Using Bootstrap Token, User setup, Organization setup, and Command-line tools. 三、Malware Removal Tool additions in Protecting against malware. 四、Updates to Shared iPad overview, Sign in to Shared iPad, and Sign out of Shared iPad. 五、New Apple security and privacy certifications overview topic. 六、Updates to Apple security and privacy certifications overview and Apple security assurance 心得: 感覺增加了很多有趣的隱私功能 硬體斷線不知道原理是什麼可以只讓MFI認證的用 因為感覺這個不是靠軟體或是iPad的電源來解的 如果是靠硬體token或是key感覺還是很好複製這個功能? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1585896465.A.1FB.html ※ 編輯: kyle5241 ( 美國), 04/03/2020 14:48:33
sixf0ld: 磁鐵? 04/03 15:04
ho83leo: 磁鐵或轉軸? 04/03 15:44
ASUS: RFID晶片+磁鐵?。磁鐵用來確認蓋子是否闔上,rfid則是用來 04/03 15:52
ASUS: 確認廠商是否有交保護費給蘋果。 04/03 15:52
kouta: 看成人片的好幫手 04/03 16:08
psg468203: 看片幫手 04/03 16:19
kyle5241: 呃~麥克風錄音用跟看片有什麼關聯...... 04/03 17:04
fupm: 那是喇叭吧 04/03 17:21
kouta: 沒看到是麥克風XD 04/03 17:43