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原文連結:https://gamerant.com/apple-class-action-lawsuit-digital-purchases/ 新聞原文: Apple is hit with a lawsuit over whether it can take away customer's digital purchases when an iTunes or Apple ID account is suspended. Enthusiasts of all things movies, games, and music are often proud of the collections they amass, with some record collectors owning thousands of albums and some gamers owning an equally large amount of video games. As media has moved into the online realm over the years, many of these fans have moved to collecting digital downloads instead of physical discs, but now the question being presented in a lawsuit against Apple is: Do consumers actually own the digital downloads they buy? As far as lawsuits go, this is far from Apple's first rodeo. In February this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook was instructed to appear in court for a seven hour long deposition in relation to Epic Games' recent lawsuit against the tech giant, and every new iPhone release seems to come with a few consumer lawsuits over battery or repair issues. This most recent suit, however, is slightly new territory. The crux of the suit, lead by plaintiff David Andino, is whether Apple has the right to block a customer's access to media they have purchased on iTunes or the App Store if their account has been suspended. Andino's suit argues, "just like Best Buy cannot come into a person’s home to repossess the movie DVD that such person purchased from it, Defendant should not be able to remove Digital Content from its customers’ Purchased folders." Even though Apple is being investigated for anti-competitive behavior in the fallout of the Epic Games lawsuit and was ordered to pay damages in a recent consumer battery lawsuit, the company appears to be saddling up once again to see Andino's suit through the hard way in the legal system. With the suit moving ahead, Apple has tried to claim that "no reasonable consumer would believe" content purchased on iTunes would remain there forever, however U.S. District Court Judge John Mendez dismissed this claim stating, "In common usage, the term 'buy' means to acquire possession over something." With in-app purchases at an all time high during the pandemic, now is not a bad time to decide, in a court of law, whether these purchases are actually owned by the consumer or not. Judge Mendez goes on to state that the case would not be dismissed because, "Reasonable consumers would expect their access couldn’t be revoked." Fellow tech giant Microsoft recently settled a suit out of court over Xbox controller drift, and it's technically not too late for Apple to settle out of court as well, though there has been no word yet on whether the company intends to move in that direction. Earlier this month Apple tried to block witnesses in the Epic Games antitrust trial, so if the digital download case does go to court Apple will likely have similar moves up its sleeves. Amazon is also facing a similar lawsuit at the moment, so whichever case is resolved first may just set the precedent for the other company as well as all other digital retailers. 心得:略翻一下,美國由原告 David Andino 發起了集體訴訟表示,就算自己的Apple帳 號被Ban,仍應該有權訪問自己所購買的數位內容,包括電影與影集等,他說:「就像百 視達不能直接走進用戶的家裡拿走用戶正在看的電影一樣。蘋果不應該能夠從用戶那邊 刪除用戶購買的內容,但事實上他們可以,儘管有些消費者很幸運,不會碰上這種問題, 但總有一天人們會發現他們的數位內容就這樣消失了。」 但蘋果認為,沒有人會相信這些東西都能永遠保留在iTunes平台上,不過當地法官駁回了 這個說法:「通常而言,「購買」一詞代表著人們能夠佔有某物,通過支付獲得這個物品 的擁有權。」,蘋果試圖證明原告所稱的「傷害」只是純粹的推測,但法官仍然認為蘋果 在用詞上的誤導可能會讓消費者錯誤的理解對於數位內容的擁有權,或者對這些產品花了 本來不會花的錢,目前全案仍在審理當中。 而這個案子所造成的影響可能會比想像中來的廣泛,特別是對於現在這個數位內容大行其 道的時代,如果有一天使用者不能再使用我的帳號了,那麼我所購買的數位內容能否持續 保有?對於這些內容我能不能主張自己的所有權?這些或許都是未來廠商們要面對的問題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1619242744.A.20D.html
shadowsos: 支持,ban帳號是廠商的權利,但不應該剝奪消費者已經 04/24 13:56
shadowsos: 購買過的產品。 04/24 13:56
taipoo: 我認同法官的觀點,購買就代表取得永久使用權,應該要維護 04/24 14:19
fox527: 有被下架過電影的人,就知道這還滿不合理的 04/24 14:23
fox527: 花錢買的,說沒了就沒了 04/24 14:24
fox527: 應該要把購買改成「下架前,無限次數觀看」 04/24 14:25
pikakami: 我也有專輯不見過 雖然有備份但是還是@@ 04/24 14:26
Aaso: 希望能告成功 蘋果真的會亂BAN帳號 很機歪 04/24 14:29
comestai: 同理switch被ban帳號也應該能繼續使用已購買的數位版遊 04/24 14:36
comestai: 戲嗎 04/24 14:36
HiroshiKin: 「沒有人會相信這些東西都能永遠保留iTunes在平台上。 04/24 14:37
HiroshiKin: 」這句話真的垃圾 04/24 14:37
dbwu: 在有人出來說steam之前,先告訴大家G胖保證過若哪天steam 04/24 14:46
dbwu: 沒了會開放遊戲庫下載,且現在steam無DRM的遊戲也越來越多 04/24 14:46
dbwu: 。apple這裡做的真的不好 04/24 14:46
其實這個東西遊戲界先前就已經吵過一輪了,像是Sony直接Ban掉PSN帳號那裏面的內容怎 麼辦,後來大家的共識是在條款裡面聲明玩家購買的只是「使用權」而非擁有權(但也沒 有賣得比較便宜就是了),當然使用者購買的也是電影、音樂的播放權,不過蘋果的確也 沒有立場直接禁止用戶觀看已經購買的東西就是了。個人覺得對於使用者來說,我們是跟 App開發者與創作者購買程式的使用權與數位內容的使用權,蘋果不應該因為Ban掉使用者 的帳號就連帶讓這些權益受到損失。 ※ 編輯: www846www ( 臺灣), 04/24/2021 15:03:07
autoupdate: 改無限觀看也是不合理,購買了就要存在 04/24 15:24
jason840226: 商人的嘴臉…噁 04/24 15:30
pttx6714: 換個例子,很多服務關閉與下架,這樣消費者能提告嗎? 04/24 16:03
pttx6714: 串流這類商品,確實無法保證”永久”,購買的到底是” 04/24 16:04
pttx6714: 服務”還是”商品”,感覺有點模糊。 04/24 16:04
myvoice: 支持 04/24 16:12
Mimmature: 這真的很難界定 因為一般人包括我 04/24 16:14
Mimmature: 也是認為電影應該有永久存取權 04/24 16:14
Mimmature: 真的有一天要倒了 至少給消費者下載所有內容 04/24 16:14
Mimmature: 但如果iTunes 是像線上遊戲那種服務性質的東西 04/24 16:14
Mimmature: 那還真無法求償 目前在上面買了700多部電影 04/24 16:14
Mimmature: 我會不敢再繼續買下去.... 04/24 16:14
waroz: 應該要永久保存,不然會產生不信任感,誰敢買呀 04/24 16:17
dosoleil: 所現在都要說subscribe 而不能說purchase了 04/24 16:33
Motor: 推,買了還會不見,哪招 04/24 16:34
seanhiroshi: epic的無盡之劍123也都無法使用了哈哈哈 04/24 16:49
chenming867: 為什麼他的帳號會被Ban? 04/24 17:02
charles1010: 還好我從來都沒買過 04/24 18:09
kouta: 把商店當成雲端硬碟啊? 04/24 18:17
KimomiKai: 真的..我的無盡之劍QQ 04/24 18:36
fiiox3: kouta在回什麼鬼東西... 04/24 18:56
smallcar801: iTunes無法繼承 04/24 19:05
chenming867: 因為這對蘋果不利吧 04/24 19:05
waroz: 真的不知道在回啥鬼ww 04/24 19:10
hsulinchih: 買過鈴聲,換新手機以後就不見,當時覺得傻眼 04/24 23:19
hsulinchih: 現在學乖了,鈴聲自己做 04/24 23:20
kevin95257: 看了新聞去查一下購買紀錄,驕陽似我有買過但是點進 04/25 02:14
kevin95257: 去要我再購買才能看,檢視購買紀錄發現原來發行商換 04/25 02:14
kevin95257: 人,舊的版本有存在片庫裡可以直接觀看,商店裡的是 04/25 02:14
kevin95257: 新發行商的版本,如果我再買一次不知道會不會出現兩 04/25 02:14
kevin95257: 個不同發行商但是相同片名的版本? 04/25 02:14
nintenblo: 其實合議書(包括現在其他主流的數位提供商)裡面是有 04/25 08:26
nintenblo: 提到數位只有使用權而非擁有權,最主要的癥結點是法官 04/25 08:26
nintenblo: 認為不該擁有「購買」這個字眼讓消費者誤會。至於使用 04/25 08:26
nintenblo: 者即便Ban帳號,裡面的內容也應該可以使用,這倒是蠻贊 04/25 08:26
nintenblo: 成的。 04/25 08:26
hoos891405: 無盡的劍好像真的連購買紀錄都找不到? 04/25 10:59
LonyIce: 不太意外 那個ID 超級護航蘋果 蘋果只有優點沒有缺點 04/25 15:50
jameshcm: 繳了N年的FHM,結果現在APA下架通通都下載不到,你說呢? 04/25 16:04
jameshcm: APP下架 04/25 16:04
duece0927: 我也覺得該跟steam一樣 下架遊戲 但是你還是可以從你 04/25 17:09
duece0927: 個人的收藏庫內重新下載 04/25 17:09
ezo786: 等等我電影買了兩萬多塊欸== 04/25 22:43
ezo786: 如果哪天我被ban掉,在台灣不就要在打一次訴訟... 04/25 22:43
a1106abc: 那以後手遊用外掛被ban還是要能訪問遊戲內的購買內容嗎 04/29 11:57
a1106abc: ? 04/29 11:57