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job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、性別平等工作法」、勞基法」與其他法律之文章 發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保! 此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】 就業情報資訊股份有限公司 【工作職缺】 約聘會計 Contract Accountant (派駐Viatris 暉致醫藥) 【工作內容】 1.會計帳務及資金處理相關作業 2.財務報告編製相關作業 3.配合會計師事務師查帳事宜 4.每月管理報表編製及分析 5.稅務帳務及申報等相關作業 6.依專案需求進行B/S和I/S報表資料整合等相關作業 7.跨部門溝通協調 8.其他交辦事項 ‧Maintaining the general ledger, including journal entry preparation and posting during the month and at close of the month ‧Preparing the bank reconciliation, including daily entries for bank generated debit and credits ‧Preparation of accurate monthly/quarterly/annual financial packages which include Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flow in the time frame indicated by the corporate schedule ‧Reconciling all other balance sheet accounts on a monthly basis ‧Preparation of monthly financial package and reconciling year-end financial statements ‧Recording and reconciling inter-company transaction and loans ‧Handle all aspects of the Accounts Receivable function (posting payments, collections, maintenance of aging) ‧Handle all aspects of the Accounts Payable function (receipt of vendor invoices, approvals, entry and payments, maintenance of aging) ‧Regular cash management as required ‧Cooperate with auditor to prepare annual financial reports and tax filing in time ‧Project based B/S and I/S carve-out for business integration purpose and account reconciliation for review ‧All other duties as assigned 【徵求條件】 ‧Bachelor of Finance / Accounting degree ‧3+ years of finance experience ‧Able to work independently, with strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills ‧Strong attention to detail and the ability to prioritize / manage multiple tasks and deadlines in a time sensitive environment ‧Ability to work well in a highly matrixed organization ‧Growth and simplicity mindset ※ TOEIC: 500以上 ※ 此為派遣職務,如經徵選符合資格,期待以可配合即時到任為優先 【工作地點】 台北市信義區信義路5段7號27F (101大樓) 【工作時間】 日班、0900-1800 【月休】 周休二日 【公司福利】 1.享勞保、健保、勞退 2.員工團保 3.彈性休假 【薪資範圍】 月薪 $50,000-$65,000 【需求人數】 1人 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 1.廖小姐 [email protected],請E-MAIL:《履歷表、自傳、畢業證書》 2.歡迎至104投遞履歷,連結:https://www.104.com.tw/job/7v2l6?jobsource=tab_job_to_cs 【其他備註】 派遣公司對派遣員工並無抽成金額。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/job/M.1681354347.A.E53.html