看板 joke 關於我們 聯絡資訊
史帝夫·厄文 澳洲保育人士,以「鱷魚先生」聞名 雅克-伊夫·庫斯托 法國海洋學家,水肺共同發明者,2005年法國民眾投票「最偉大的法國人」中排名第9 Invented SCUBA, captained the Calypso 雅克·庫斯托發明水肺,Calypso為希臘神話中海之女神,也是雅克·庫斯托的研究船名 Palme d’Or-winning documenter of the ocean 雅克·庫斯托以海洋紀錄片在坎城影展拿下過金棕櫚獎 My Life Aquatic was adventure and beauty I’m so cool, Bill Murray played me in the movie 電影「海海人生」(The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou)中,比爾莫瑞飾演 以雅克·庫斯托為原型的 I have Oscars! You’re in Doctor Dolittle 2! 史帝夫·厄文在怪醫杜立德2中客串過 So run back home to your daddy’s zoo! 史帝夫·厄文的動物園為他老爸創立 Were you killed by a fish kids pet at the aquarium? 史帝夫·厄文死於被魟魚毒針刺中 ps.我人生第一次因名人死亡而大受打擊 Have a look at this salty fella: His face looks like it’s made of pure leather! Look out! He’s got the body of a naked mole rat! He’s cranky ‘cause he has to wear a Papa Smurf hat! 這裡要講的不是關於歌詞,而是EpicLLOYD簡直抓到史帝夫·厄文在節目上的動作精髓 Now embrace your French nature and quietly surrender! 法國人的投降梗 Talk about sons, better watch what you say now You almost turned yours into Outback Mistake-house! 史帝夫·厄文曾因單手抱著兒子餵鱷魚引發爭議 There’s a type of snail, recently discovered And named after you — I’ll eat them with butter! 有一新種蝸牛Crikey steveirwini以史帝夫·厄文與他的口頭禪為名 還玩了法國人吃蝸牛的梗 Silent World? More like Silent Worldstar! 前面提到坎城影展拿下過金棕櫚獎的紀錄片即為Silent World When I rock the mic, I’m danger! Danger! Dangerous! danger! Danger! Dangerous!為史帝夫·厄文在節目上知名語句之一 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1566146081.A.F4A.html
season2011: 好久沒看到這系列 還以為斷了 08/19 01:43
qwtl0213: 沒想到這個也會出現在joke 推爆 08/19 02:53
windsine: 推 08/19 13:18