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標題全文是這樣的 What Public Libraries Need To Know About the Coronavirus 這是LJ (Library Journal)的一篇文 by Stephen Buss Feb 05, 2020 雖然距離今天已經有將近一個半月 C-19疫情已在全球大擴展 然而台灣的公共圖書館除了執行防疫種種不一的措施 還有做些什麼? 在該文的第一段: Originating in China’s Wuhan province, the novel coronavirus, a flu-like respiratory illness, is spreading slowly across the world. Very few cases have appeared in the United States so far, and it’s not yet known what percentage of the sick will recover. But public health anxiety, stoked by media coverage, is widespread, and misinformation can lead to discrimination against Chinese and Chinese American community members. Authoritative information on this virus, and on infectious diseases in general, is more important than ever; direct patrons who are curious—or afraid—to the following books and websites. And check out Gary Price’s InfoDocket for a roundup of more academic resources on the coronavirus, including normally paywalled journal articles made free by publishers. 圖書館可以做的事情還有些什麼? 除了電子書使用激增? 有沒有哪個館立即推出防疫相關書展?或是健康書展?乃至於安頓身心的書展? 推介館藏! 在假新聞和網路酸民的風言風語之外, 圖書館有沒有能回答讀者有關疫情知識的正確參考諮詢? 甚至行政上也跟著在館內拚命到處消毒? 還是消毒箱因為使用過度故障了? 來閒聊吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/library/M.1584240907.A.AB0.html
thehent: 數位政策讓館更大方轉介「資源」:line@(疾管家)等資訊。 03/15 15:53