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說起Passenger大家都會想到紅透半邊天的Let Her Go 其實他們還有很多好聽的歌啊 夜深人靜的時候聽心都會揪揪的 沙啞的聲音唱出對愛情的付出與無奈 well she calls me up when she's broken 當她受傷時追上我 says to leave my front door open 要我不要關上門 come home to find her smoking 回到家發現她在抽菸 with her eyes all fragile and thin 眼神脆弱而無神 she's always been hopeless at hoping 她不曾覺得自己的願望會實現 always coped badly with coping 總是把自己的事搞得一團亂 and i never know when she's joking 而我從不知道她是不是在說笑 she never lets anyone in 她從不讓任何人走進她的心 i know i'm a fool to let her run away with my heart 我知道愛上她是愚蠢的行為 and she'll never tire of these games 而且她永遠不會對這種遊戲厭煩 loving her is like playing catch in the dark 愛她就像在黑暗中玩鬼抓人 I'm a tear drop in an ocean of flames 我就像一滴落在火海中的眼淚 and we'll drink too much for a wednesday 我們將會在小周末喝太多 she'll ask me why none of her men stay 她會問我為什麼沒有人為她停留 i tell her just what her friends say 我告訴她朋友該說的話 it never goes down too well 這好像從來都沒什麼效果 and she'll stay hear til late in the evening 她將會留下來聽到傍晚 but she's always arriving or leaving 但她總是來來去去 never decides to believe in 從來不相信 the people who know her so well 這麼了解她的人說的話 i know i'm a fool to let her run away with my heart 我知道愛上她是愚蠢的行為 and she'll never tire of these games 而且她永遠不會對這種遊戲厭煩 loving her is like playing catch in the dark 愛她就像在黑暗中玩鬼抓人 I'm a tear drop in an ocean of flames 我就像一滴落在火海中的眼淚 she says if we're single at 40 她說如果我們到四十歲都還單身 we'll get married and move to the country 我們就結婚搬到鄉下去住 but i know she'll never want me 但我知道她永遠不會想要我 then its five fifteen in the morning 凌晨五點十五 i reach for her whilst I'm yawning 當我不斷打哈欠時,我到了她那 she leaves me with no warning 她離開了 什麼都沒對我說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/lyrics/M.1463884987.A.967.html