看板 lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Ever seen a speeding bullet Ever found yourself too deep I can’t seem to break this habit Regretting what I just can’t keep Comfortably numb til the dark’s a familiar place Each step that I take is a journey to my faith There ain’t no way I’m escaping This prison I’m in There ain’t no one left to save me Cause I’m wild like I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind I can see that freight train coming I can see it all from here My pain’s become my only weapon Learned to stand behind my fear Comfortably numb til the dark’s a familiar place Each step that I take is a journey to my faith The good inside me is a stranger And I’m in love with my sins There ain’t no one left to save me Cause I’m wild like the wind There ain’t no way I’m escaping This prison I’m in There ain’t no one left to save me Cause I’m wild like I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind I’m wild like the wind -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/lyrics/M.1551891048.A.60E.html