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我國經濟要和國際接軌似乎必須考慮加入美國主導的TPP, 但TPP的智財至上條款恐怕會對健保藥價構成強烈威脅, 然後總額有限的情況下,矛頭可能又轉向弱勢醫療勞動業... 下面來看看近期NEJM對TPP的觀點 The Trans-Pacific Partnership — Is It Bad for Your Health? http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1506158?query=TOC The full health implications of the TPP are hard to judge, not only because its provisions are complex but also because the draft text is a closely held secret. Even members of the U.S. Congress can see it only if they agree not to talk publicly about it and if they leave their pens and phones (and, until recently, their expert staffers) at the door. But several key chapters have recently been leaked and reveal that the TPP could have a substantial impact on health. (本段說明TPP草案仍是黑箱狀態,連美國國會議員都必須承諾不公開討論才能看) Groups including Medecins sans Frontieres and Oxfam warn, for example, that the agreement could threaten the lives of millions of people in developing countries. Their concerns stem primarily from the leaked IP chapter and the effect that patents have on the prices of medicines. In the context of human immunodeficiency virus, for example, patents increase the annual cost of antiretroviral therapy from around $100 per person to $10,000 per person. (HIV每人ART藥價翻100倍) For example, India allows patents on new drugs but not on new uses of old drugs or new forms of known drugs that do not increase therapeutic efficacy. These provisions have paved the way for generic versions of lifesaving drugs such as the cancer treatment imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) in that country.1 But such limits on patent eligibility could be outlawed by the TPP. Reports suggest that there may be some kind of phase-in period for developing-country members, but only for some parts of the agreement. (印度只承認新藥專利,不接受舊藥新用或者沒增加療效的舊藥新劑型,但這違反TPP) Though it is less widely recognized, the TPP could also have a direct effect on health in developed countries. For example, the leaked IP chapter contemplates major extensions of “data exclusivity” provisions. These laws prevent drug regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration from registering a generic version of a drug for a certain number of years — and as a result can substantially affect the prices of medicines. (藥品資料專屬權讓專利期過後還得過一定年限學名藥才能申請藥證) 評: 這根本是變相延長專利壟斷期... 因為學名藥廠必須要重新跑一遍藥品開發過程非常花錢的phase 1-4的trial, 但花大筆錢跑完後卻沒有原廠當初跑完可以得到的專利權,可能血本無歸, 多數藥廠應該會直接放棄進入市場,原廠將可以繼續保有市場壟斷地位... 總結來說, 自由主義的美國卻總是動用政府間契約威權強制來保障少數大藥廠的壟斷利益... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/medache/M.1434020325.A.193.html
essex: 學名藥若只在台灣而不打入國際市場是否有影響? 06/12 09:34
文中舉印度的例子,應該不是說印度要賣一堆學名藥到國際上, 而是締約國都必須修改國內法配合TPP... 藥品智慧財產權的另一種保護?談「資料專屬權」(Data Exclusivity) http://tinyurl.com/q2djv3x http://www2.cde.org.tw/Data/CDEDoc/Documents/%E8%97%A5%E5%93%81%E6%99%BA%E6%85%A7%E8%B2%A1%E7%94%A2%E6%AC%8A%E7%9A%84%E5%8F%A6%E4%B8%80%E7%A8%AE%E4%BF%9D%E8%AD%B7%20%E8%AB%87%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E5%B0%88%E5%B1%AC%E6%AC%8A.pdf WTO條文中沒有藥品資料專屬權,都還被那些利益團體透過各種管道施壓, 現在可能連新適應症的專屬權都要明文寫在TPP裡面, 一旦締約就不太可能不配合修法... ※ 編輯: hahawow (, 06/12/2015 16:18:18
essex: 如果締約國要強制配合..那就很痛了 06/12 20:56
delta0521: 看NHK的報導(不期待台灣媒體)美國兩黨議員有異議 06/13 10:46
delta0521: 的也多。不過反對意見主要是在怕影響國內就業跟給予 06/13 10:48
delta0521: 總統更高的交涉權限—比較偏政治面的反對 06/13 10:49
MOTCT: 結果台灣朝野不分黨派通通希望早日參加TPP....... 07/18 18:28