看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
相信在這裡的都是愛電影的影迷吧! 一直覺得電影是人成長中很重要的一部份,很多經典台詞都讓我們回憶起心裡很多片段, 你最喜歡哪一句呢? 前幾天看完一篇十大電影經典台詞(http://womany.net/read/article/5929) 怎麼看還是最喜歡阿甘那句 然後啊,其實陪我長大的根本不是好萊塢電影,是港片吧!!!!!! 立馬腦中浮現一堆周星馳電影名句,even 要開始背唐伯虎裡的吟詩作對起來~~~ 哈哈哈啊,你們喜歡哪些經典台詞呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1414757159.A.B11.html
FengWMing: I'm your father 10/31 20:07
a80568911: 當幸福來敲門那邊 10/31 20:23
pttnowash: "我準備好了" 10/31 20:35
lpbrother: 我愛樓下 10/31 20:42
juunuon: @一樓:nooooooooo 10/31 20:53
pttnowash: Sam: NONONONONO!!!!! Optimus!!! 10/31 21:07
booyaka: Say what again!Say!What again!! 10/31 21:11
mathafaka: Redrum Redrum Redrum Redrum Redrum Redrum Redrum 10/31 21:15
kickyjump: No one can make you feel inferior without your 10/31 21:35
kickyjump: consent 10/31 21:35
IKUZO: Get down!! shut up!! 10/31 21:35
acer6772: \印和闐/\印和闐/\印和闐/\印和闐/\印和闐/\印和闐/ 10/31 21:37
soraka: Im-ho-tep, Im-ho-tep, Im-ho-tep, Im-ho-tep, Im-ho-tep 10/31 21:39
soraka: 甘 在查印和闐英文怎麼拼的時候被搶先了 10/31 21:40
judyblesion: 求求菩薩保護我~~ 10/31 21:41
taiwan540: Revenge is a dish better servered cold 10/31 21:42
Avina: I'LL BE BACK~! 10/31 21:48
gdm0037: Good Luck 10/31 21:49
uhawae: 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆 了 10/31 21:51
chachayu: 一樓星際大戰的梗吧 10/31 21:52
aulaul82: \All Hail J/\All Hail J/ (MIB) 10/31 22:03
aulaul82: Hulk: weak god ! 10/31 22:05
MONGA7: There is no starting or stopping - only doing! 10/31 22:06
Tenging: 辜辣可 10/31 22:21
szuta: Never go full retard. 10/31 22:21
lover19: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what 10/31 22:37
lover19: you're gonna get. 10/31 22:37
cpc576697: You can't handle the truth! 10/31 22:37
ga617472: Why so Serious? 10/31 22:39
yhchen2: DESTORY MY BROTHERS 10/31 22:40
diru: Sony is guilty, he makes our people angry. 10/31 22:42
stevexbucky: Hope is a good thing 10/31 22:42
wowhung: Life finds a way. 10/31 22:44
zxxsd: Pain demonds to be felt. 10/31 22:44
zxxsd: demands 10/31 22:45
alan1943: "Wall~~~~le". "Eve~". 10/31 22:46
ontherun3325: 失敗中的失敗 10/31 22:48
j30360: 有沒有感覺到刺~刺~的~~~ 10/31 22:54
toyamaK52: WILSON~~~ 10/31 22:55
NYMets5566: Say hello to my little friend ~ 10/31 22:55
danny0857: You jump I jump 10/31 22:58
demoQ: 我是說在座的各位 10/31 23:04
wukasaka: Caesar:No———!! 10/31 23:08
math14: 是不是到公海啦~ 10/31 23:12
toyamaK52: 已經到公海啦! 10/31 23:15
ucda: 公你老木 10/31 23:21
befaithful: 我想做好人 10/31 23:25
EmperorOslo: You're goddamn right 10/31 23:27
EmperorOslo: You do not talk about fight club 10/31 23:31
Mattifa: 還是要給零分(緩緩舉牌) 10/31 23:33
pttnowash: "你為什麼要那麼著急呢?" 10/31 23:34
jnov: RUN FOREST~~~~~~~~ RUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! 10/31 23:37
existfor: 我只是想好好踢足球 10/31 23:42
liquidfred: you complete me 10/31 23:44
mrwrong: show me the money 10/31 23:45
toyamaK52: EVA GREEN:I AM THE MONEY 10/31 23:53
toyamaK52: (樓樓上忘了要附帶口吃 10/31 23:53
jackXDD: I want to play a game. 10/31 23:54
fnb10803: 高義 你XX的雜X 10/31 23:55
a1992540: Say my name(跑錯棚 11/01 00:00
pigmouth: 他永遠在對著你笑 笑得你心裡發寒... 11/01 00:02
Vassili242: Where is my fucking money ---The Rock 11/01 00:04
ppc2t2: Django, D-J-A-N-G-O... The D is silent. 11/01 00:05
lkk0752: E...T...Phone...home 11/01 00:06
Vassili242: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn 11/01 00:07
p336465: this is John, John Constantine, asshole. 11/01 00:08
jo427427: 只有犧牲 才有勝利 11/01 00:11
Aadmiral: 「你覺得我很邪惡,但是我是必要之惡」 11/01 00:19
uniliono: good luck 11/01 00:21
ppc2t2: I'm in a world of shit 11/01 00:23
clkdtm32: "All made in Taiwan!!!! " (敲儀器) 11/01 00:25
MadMac: 竟然沒有run! Forrest run! 11/01 00:28
ppc2t2: "Sarah Connor?" 11/01 00:28
ppc2t2: "I'm gonna give him an offer he can't reffuse" 11/01 00:29
bj129: 星艦戰將:Buuuuuuuuug 11/01 00:41
neptuns: 彌敦道九號 11/01 00:49
wumuray: I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dr 11/01 01:14
wumuray: eams 11/01 01:14
helen630h: 有為,我還有點餓! 11/01 01:18
gabanola: only god could judge me (搭配背肌) 11/01 01:20
ppc2t2: DREDD: I AM THE LAW! 11/01 01:23
ReiFan: I will look for you,I will find you,and I will kill yo 11/01 01:24
aqua3314: you shall not pass 11/01 01:24
diverneen97: R~~P~~G~~~!!!!! (咻咻咻~~ 11/01 01:28
aj250037: 紅燒翅膀我喜歡吃~ 11/01 01:37
dudu5566: 我說在座的各位 都是垃圾 11/01 01:47
jujustine83: 這是上個月西德最新產品,價值11萬美金 11/01 02:01
eting007: 藤原龍也:這是什麼?好大!好痛! 11/01 02:08
ab577438: I am danger 11/01 02:09
shark64: 各位觀眾,五支菸!! 11/01 02:15
flybabyfly: 如果非要在這份愛上加一個期限,我希望是一萬年 11/01 02:38
newgunden: HELL!!!!! 11/01 03:06
peterwww: 十里平湖霜滿天 寸寸青絲愁華年 11/01 05:40
mathrew: 打我啊 笨蛋 11/01 08:35
pohan88: why so serious? 11/01 08:55
pa027905: you jump, i jump 11/01 09:08
lpbrother: 我愛你 11/01 09:12
bryanvai: 我就跟你賭命~我就跟你賭命~我就跟你賭命 11/01 09:52
mkoo: 我操你嗎的台北 (海角7號) 11/01 10:28
Dillon0801: 「對不起 我又自私了」 「對不起 我是白痴」 11/01 10:41
axvbn: 開張6給他 讓他贏莊家一百塊 11/01 10:48
b9111111111b: im the king of the world!! 11/01 10:59
CSIScofield: 給開司一罐啤酒 11/01 11:14
paige000: show me the money! 11/01 11:23
kaobeh: why Mr. Anderson? why? 11/01 11:31
kbill: 我只是尿急抖了一下 11/01 11:32
twodollar: nothing can hold me back 11/01 12:06
twodollar: indeed,a wise choice 11/01 12:08
twodollar: dead man walking 11/01 12:09
nostar: Good morning, and in case I don't see you, 11/01 12:10
nostar: good afternoon, good evening, and good night! 11/01 12:10
catbeer2000: Hercules~~~(然後配角就死了) 裡面那個不會講話的人 11/01 12:34
dora0502: 是洋蔥,我加了洋蔥 11/01 12:55
hui2708: Come to Dad 11/01 12:58
davy012345: 讓子彈飛一會兒 11/01 13:45
tx210: I'm groot 11/01 13:49
heichiuan: You never know湶f yours will be the best offer. 11/01 13:58
heichiuan: you never know if yours will be the best offer 11/01 13:59
nn1975: 寬恕是他與上帝間的事,我只負責安排他們會面 11/01 14:09
TomLoxx: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. 11/01 14:23
garnett05: 他是沈默的守護者 他是黑暗騎士 11/01 14:46
blackhawks: 打我阿~~笨蛋!!! 11/01 15:02
Taidalmc: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 11/01 15:41
dodo5991: 我在大都等你 11/01 15:46
blake7899: 人如果沒有夢想那跟鹹魚有什麽分别? 11/01 15:47
Beanoodle: 矮委唷比被客 11/01 15:52
mosuta23179: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse 11/01 16:09
anita79979: Yippee ki yay mother fucker! 11/01 16:11
ChiShiangKe: get busy live get busy die. it's god damn right 11/01 16:32
tweence: 這是榴槤 沒有毒的 11/01 18:04
bloodhood: 打我啊笨蛋 11/01 18:18
Vett: 死做活座像條狗 11/01 18:33
SoulShadow: Hasta la vista,baby 11/01 18:37
playingx4: This is Spartaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! 11/01 19:01
j3nx177808: 還有誰????? 11/01 19:29
shirami: Batman:Where is she!!!?? 11/01 19:33
frighten: 痛苦太多, 收獲太少 11/01 19:41
papa7788: 如果我沒看錯的話 兩位應該是低~能兒 11/01 20:09
klandakuei: 大家都聽到啦,是他叫我打我才打的呀 11/01 20:22
rainhappy: 大哥是對的 11/01 21:22
kid75kenny: 快回火星吧 11/01 22:29
gn0391328: 先生,你那位? 11/01 22:48
NOst: Show me the money 11/01 22:58
leibni: 如果之後不能在見到你,先跟你說早安午安 晚安 11/02 00:05
henin2003: 有沒有覺得熱熱的 11/02 01:23
ppyy0123: you had me at hello 11/02 01:38
MaryJanexx: 鐵男躲避球 -- I know you. You know you. And I know 11/02 05:02
MaryJanexx: you know that I know you. 11/02 05:02
four5: 可以回家啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/02 08:26
blackmmm: Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker! 11/02 12:36
shopholic: 六樓超北爛哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 11/02 14:57
kevin3169: 我不給 你不能搶 超霸氣! 11/02 15:22
singing110: Meet me in Montauk... 11/02 16:20
Freezy: 給開司一罐啤酒~ 11/02 17:22
ts01721286: 古辣克 11/02 20:56
shiou0909: I see you 11/02 21:19
staymind0000: 喔你媽個頭 11/02 22:55
candy04242: Emma: I Had a Crush on You. 11/02 23:59
seerp: 馬莉珍:啊~~~~~~~~~~ 11/03 00:54
ricky0220: thundercats are go!! 11/03 16:58
Hewhoni: give me a"b" , give me an"a" , give me a"b", give 11/04 06:18
Hewhoni: me a"y",what's tha spell?? WHAT'S THAT SPELL??!!! 11/04 06:19
oldTim: keep your friend close , keep your enemy closer 11/05 20:51
yuanbaw: you are my ghost 11/09 20:37
ruisme: 你他媽告訴我什麼叫驚喜!!!? 07/17 16:37