看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知道有沒有人分享過這個影片了? 如果有的話還請告訴我,謝謝。 網誌連結:http://lunglungway.blogspot.tw/2015/06/blog-post_74.html 下面是簡單的文字翻譯,圖片和影片請進入網誌觀看。 "One of the many reasons MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is so successful as an action film is the editing style. By using “Eye Trace” and “Crosshair Framing” techniques during the shooting, the editor could keep the important visual information vital in one spot…the Center of the Frame. Because almost every shot was center framed, comprehending the action requires no hunting of each new shot for the point of interest. The viewer doesn’t need 3 or 4 frames to figure out where to look. " 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》作為一部動作片,能夠如此成功,仰賴許多原因,其中它的剪輯風 格更是功不可沒。透過運用「視線追蹤」和「十字景框」的攝影技巧,剪輯師得以將最重 要的視覺衝擊保持在一個位置--畫面的中央。由於每個鏡頭都被設置在畫面中央,觀眾 可以輕易掌握動作的連續性,不需要費力尋找其它視覺元素,更不需要經過兩三個畫面還 搞不清楚到底要看哪裡。 -- “Eye Trace” is another editing technique that posits that you can guide the viewers eye and make them look where you want... An arrow shot from a bow flying left to right on screen of one shot…will seamlessly cut with a whip pan into the next shot that has a target and an arrow already stuck into it still quivering from the impact. Your eye is tracking the arrow left to right and your brain expects it to hit somewhere on the right side of the screen in the next shot. The viewer never sees the arrow make contact and doesn’t need to. A properly placed sound effect will convey the energy and impact. Apply this same technique to the punches, gunshots, spears, car crashes or any other shot in MAD MAX:Fury Road and you can see how much easier it makes the action to follow. 「視線追蹤」是另一個可以用來引導觀眾視線的技巧……前一個鏡頭,一枝箭從話面的左 邊飛向右邊,然後一個快速的橫移進入下一個鏡頭--那把箭已經射中了目標,尾端還在 顫抖。你的眼睛跟著箭矢由左往右,同時你的大腦預期它在下個鏡頭會射中螢幕右邊的某 個地方。觀眾從來沒有看見箭矢接觸目標的剎那,事實上他們也不需要,只要適當地加入 足夠音效,就可以傳達出撞擊的力量。同樣的技巧可以應用在打擊、開槍、拋擲長矛、車 輛撞擊或者任何其它你在《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》裡頭看到的鏡頭,於是你可以發現呈現一 連串流暢的動作場面是多麼容易的一件事情。 -- 「如果談電影、動漫只談劇情,為什麼不看小說就好了?」 臉書專頁:https://www.facebook.com/lunglungway BLOGGER :http://lunglungway.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1433771678.A.8C5.html
ojo32: 推最後一句 06/08 23:59
SE4NLN415: 其實可以從很多地方可以看出來這部片大概有很大可能拍 06/09 00:55
SE4NLN415: 不出來 觀眾大概沒發現到不過很多地方都很突兀 06/09 00:55
ie1: 吉他!是吉他好嗎 06/10 00:13