看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
印象中影片中有一段是摩根費里曼對女律師說,「人民不追求理性,而是訴諸感性...」 想請教一下,還有人記得完整台詞嗎? -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1435621909.A.BFE.html
Marcus2014: 當你凝視深淵 深淵也在凝視你 06/30 08:43
Mei5566: Do not go gentle into that good night..... 06/30 09:53
shyuwu: 民可使由之,不可使知之 06/30 10:04
deray: 昨日像那東流水 離我遠去不可留 06/30 10:28
BJme: 近世進士 盡是近視 06/30 10:34
LordOfCS: 2樓那是阿福(?!)說的吧 06/30 10:47
moredeeper: I will be back 06/30 13:09
deathsman: 摩根費里曼只會演黑人 by愛因斯坦 06/30 13:20
TCMango: justin bieber 06/30 13:38
Vassili242: i am your father 06/30 17:07
ckshchen: No one is born hating.... 06/30 18:42
nickcatwang: if you tangled up, just tango on 06/30 20:40
joanne1452: 沒一個認真回答XDDDD 06/30 21:10
likeGemini: bear...you can't handle the truth. 06/30 22:02
MYLIUUU: People don't judge by resons, they judge by emotions. 07/01 00:51
MYLIUUU: 不知道是不是一樣!我也喜歡這句! 07/01 00:52
mimi8598: 就是這句,謝謝m大。 07/01 01:15
mimi8598: 不知道有中文嗎? 07/01 01:18
sinben: No man is an island 07/01 02:08
ivor1212: i invite you ,to change the world 07/01 16:36
lilshin: I want play a game 07/01 18:09
culoobalus: Wilson!!!!!! 07/02 01:37
shaxcer: Justin bieber 也太鬧哈哈哈 07/02 13:03
sneak : justin bieb https://noxiv.com 11/20 18:56