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最近圍繞自殺突擊隊一片熱烈討論的焦點應該當屬「華納兄弟高層又對DCEU系列出手?」 大家的關心程度由推爆文可見一班:文章代碼(AID): #1Neg7rXT (movie) 就在全片上映前The Hollywood Reporter一篇精彩報導揭露許多內部知情人士意見, 該文內容也被美國多家媒體引用,在此與大家分享,充實觀影前後感受。 新聞網址:http://goo.gl/WDsVfm Suicide Squad's' Secret Drama: Rushed Production, Competing Cuts, High Anxiety 自殺突擊隊秘辛:倉促的製作期,上映版本的內鬥、高到破表的焦慮感 發布時間August 03, 2016 5:30am PT 作者:Kim Masters http://i.imgur.com/t38oEVV.jpg
The upheaval like that behind WarnerBros.' DC team-up is becoming a staple of studio franchise filmmaking. 「幕後紛紛擾擾不休」似乎已經是華納兄弟(Warner Bros.)與DC漫打造DC Extented Universe過程中的標配。 "Better late than never." That was one Warner Bros. executive's reaction to the excitement at Suicide Squad's splashy Aug. 1 premiere in New York. Tracking indicates the film could open to more than $140 million domestically and potentially hand the studio its first unequivocal megahit since American Sniper's $547.4 million in December 2014. With March's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice grossing $873 million worldwide but failing to impress audiences or reach the hoped-for $1 billion mark, Warners still urgently needs to jump-start its critical DC Comics universe, raising the stakes for Suicide Squad, which cost at least $175 million to make. 八月一號「Suicide Squad=自殺突擊隊」絢爛的紐約首映會上,面對全場歡騰的氣 氛,一位華納兄弟高層以一句「晚點到總比不到好」表達他的心情。美國國內首周 預售票房估計可衝上1億4千萬美金,甚至有可能成為華納兄弟自2014年12月「美國 狙擊手= American Sniper」(5億4740萬美金)以來,第一部狂賣巨片。雖然三月 份上映的「蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光=Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice」全球 總票房達8億7千多萬,這並沒有達到華納期望的十億大關,也沒有讓觀眾心滿意足 地走出戲院。華納依然趕著要將DC漫畫的世界在大螢幕上建立起來,而這點讓自殺 突擊隊面臨更多票房壓力,該片大約投入1億7千5百萬拍攝。 Yet if the villain team-up ultimately works — and it has drawn some harsh early reviews-it will be in spite of the kind of behind-the-scenes drama that is becoming typical for giant franchise movies that now are the main focus of the studio business: a production schedule engineered to meet an ambitious release date; a director, David Ayer (Fury), untested in making tentpole movies; and studio executives, brimming with anxiety, who are ready to intercede forcefully as they attempt to protect a branded asset. Often, efforts to fix perceived problems ratchet up costs, which drive anxiety ever higher. In extreme cases, such as Fox's troubled Fantastic Four, the intervention is so aggressive that it becomes unclear what it means to be the director. (In each such case, studios are careful to stress that the credited director is on-scene and in charge, which is essential to avoid DGA issues. And the wise director plays along.) 即使自殺突擊隊最終殺出一條血路(目前已經有些尖銳的批評出現),本片依然有著 一切龐大電影系列該有的「幕後花絮」 1.由精心挑選、首周末就瞄準破億票房的上映日往前回推的「看起來超合理拍攝期程」 2.沒有拍過狂賣巨片的導演David Ayer 3.憂心忡忡的公司高層隨時準備以「保護公司重要資產」為名插手干預。 通常,解決問題需要投入更多資金,而投入更多資金則會讓不安感升高。 在最最最極端的例子中,福斯推出的「驚奇四超人=Fantastic Four」,因為來自 公司方的「調整」多到破表,已經讓人分不清楚掛名該片「導演」的人到底做了甚麼。 (為了避免造成與導演工會之間的紛爭,片商通常會表明"全片拍攝期間導演均有在場 並且主導一切"。而聰明一點的導演通常都會配合演出) So despite grueling moments, multiple editors and competing cuts, the production of Suicide Squad barely stands out in today's landscape. In a joint statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Ayer and Warner Bros. production president Greg Silverman say: "This was an amazing experience. We did a lot of experimentation and collaboration along the way. But we are both very proud of the result. This is a David Ayer film, and Warners is proud to present it." 所以,即使曾傳出危機消息,影片剪輯換過一個又一個,以及公司版與導演版的競 逐,自殺突擊隊在今日的電影圈並不算幕後爛攤子一堆的例子。在聯合聲明中, 華納兄弟總裁Greg Silverman與導演David Ayer同聲表示「拍攝本片是個不可思議 的歷程。我們做了很多嘗試,也一起合作走過來了。但我們對最終成品都同感驕傲, 這是David Ayer的作品,而華納兄弟非常榮幸能發表本片」 內部/業界知情人士一號 Warners chief Kevin Tsujihara announced the project in October 2014 as part of a slate of 10 DC films stretching into 2020. Though the studio believed there was enough time to get the movie done, a source with ties to the project says it was a sprint from the start. "[Ayer] wrote the script in like, six weeks, and they just went," he says, arguing that the whole process would have benefited if Ayer, 48, had been given more time to work. 2014年10月,華納兄弟執行長辻原凱文(Kevin Tsujihara)發表了10部DC漫畫改編電 影,一路排到2020年,自殺突擊隊就是其中一片。雖然片商相信這樣的前置作業時 間應該足夠,我們掌握到的內部知情人士表示「該片從發布開始就一直在追趕進度, David Ayer大概花了…6個禮拜寫劇本,然後片子就進入籌拍階段」,他還表示「如果 48歲的David Ayer能有更多時間做準備,整個拍攝過程應該都會受益」。 內部/業界知情人士二號 But another source closely involved with the film says once it was dated, pushing back the release was not an option: "It's not just that you've told the public the movie is coming, you've made huge deals around the world with huge branding partners, with merchandise partners. It's a really big deal to move a tentpole date." 另一位知情人士則表示「當上映日一發布,就不可能改期了。這並不只是"喔,我們 已經辦了發表會,跟全世界說了一個上映日,所以絕對不能改!"。因為這樣規模的 大片,會有許多大咖合作夥伴,許多周邊商品製作夥伴。改期真的非常非常困難」 內部/業界知情人士三號 In Ayer, Warner Bros. enlisted a director who had never made a giant, effects-packed action movie. Hiring filmmakers who lack such experience is the trend, and it's often out of necessity. "There are a lot of people who don't want to direct those movies and that's a huge problem," says one producer with franchise experience. "A lot of the proven guys are back-to-back with their stuff, or they want to develop it for five years, and there's a machine that has to be fed. And there's the economics." Seasoned directors are expensive, meaning studios turn to those with less experience, relying on instinct that they will be up to the job. Sometimes it works (Colin Trevorrow on Jurassic World), and sometimes it doesn't (James Bobin on Alice Through the Looking Glass). 關於導演Ayer,華納兄弟請來一位從來沒有拍過大製作、特效驚人且充滿動作場面 的導演。這種決策,是目前的潮流,而且有其必要性。一位參與過大型系列電影的 製片透露「有相當多人不願意接下這樣的大片,這可很讓人傷腦筋。票房保證等級 的導演手邊通常都排滿片約,或是需要個五年來籌備一部片。但這行業就是有那麼 多人要養家活口,加上經濟情況又不是年年順風滿帆。經驗豐富的導演相對要領較 高的酬勞,所以,片商轉向聘用較沒有經驗的導演,帶點賭一下的意味,希望他們 能勝任。有時候賭贏(Colin Trevorrow=侏儸紀世界)有時候,片商會押錯寶(James Bobin=魔鏡夢遊:時光怪客)」 內部/業界知情人士四號 A source with knowledge of events says Warners executives, nervous from the start, grew more anxious after they were blindsided and deeply rattled by the tepid response to BvS. "Kevin was really pissed about damage to the brand," says one executive close to the studio. A key concern for Warners executives was that Suicide Squad didn't deliver on the fun, edgy tone promised in the strong teaser trailer for the film. So while Ayer pursued his original vision, Warners set about working on a different cut, with an assist from Trailer Park, the company that had made the teaser. 了解自殺突擊隊整個拍攝過程的內部人士表示,從該片發表開始就相當緊張的華納 公司高層,在見到「蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光」沒有大獲好評後心力交瘁、深深不安。 這位內部人士說「看到掛著華納招牌出品的作品承受這麼多負面批評,執行長辻原 凱文氣到可以說要吐血了」。華納高層最擔心的一點是自殺突擊隊正片沒辦法像大 受好評的預告片一樣「有趣、有種瘋癲的感覺」。所以,儘管Ayer依照他的劇本拍 完全片,華納也找來剪輯出自殺突擊隊預告片的公司「Trailer Park」,要求這家公 司準備另一個版本。 By the time the film was done, multiple editors had been brought into the process, though only John Gilroy is credited. 當全片拍攝完畢,好幾位剪接被請來完成正片,但只有John Gilroy(環太平洋、 勇者無敵、獨家腥聞、神鬼認證4)正式掛名本片剪接。 內部/業界知情人士五號 A source says he left by the end of the process and that the final editor was Michael Tronick. "When you have big tentpoles and time pressure, you pull in resources from every which way you can," says this source. "You can't do it the way it used to be, with one editor and one assistant editor." 有參與剪輯的業內人士表示,他待到最後階段,當他離開時是Michael Tronick (衝出康普頓/2槍斃命/青蜂俠/史密斯任務)在負責,這位業內人士表示:當你有 時間壓力,又是一部期望大回收的大製作,你會把所有可以派上用場的資源都倒進去, 你不能像以前「一位剪輯與一位助理剪輯搞定一部電影」一樣搞。 內部/業界知情人士六號 In May, Ayer's more somber version and a lighter, studio-favored version were tested with audiences in Northern California. "If there are multiple opinions that aren't in sync, you go down multiple tracks — two tracks at least," says an insider. "That was the case here for a period of time, always trying to get to a place where you have consensus." Those associated with the film insist Ayer agreed to and participated in the process. Once feedback on the two versions was analyzed, it became clear it was possible to get to "a very common-ground place." (The studio-favored version with more character introduced early in the film and jazzed-up graphics won.) Getting to that place of consensus, however, required millions of dollars' worth of additional photography. 在五月份,Ayer版本(較嚴肅正經)與華納公司版本(較輕鬆)在北加州進行試片。 知情人士表示「如果試片得到的諸多迴響不一致,你必須繼續試下去,至少再兩輪。 至少在這部片是這麼作的,你總是希望找到版本間有共通的地方。參與本片的工作 人員堅持說Ayer同意而且參與在這個過程中。當兩個版本的迴響出爐、分析後,結論 是有辦法"在兩個版本中找到一個協調之處"。但是,這樣一個「和諧的版本」將 需要多投入數百萬美金進行額外的拍攝工作。(但華納公司版本,早早介紹完角色, 視覺表現比較生動,在試片過程中是勝出的版本) 發文者歡迎指教處: "If there are multiple opinions that aren't in sync, you go down multiple tracks — two tracks at least," 如果試片得到的諸多迴響不一致,你必須繼續試下去,至少再兩輪。 內部/業界知情人士七號 Other sources describe a fraught process — one cites "a lot of panic and ego instead of calmly addressing the tonal issue." Clearly all wasn't sitting right with Ayer, who in June suddenly dropped his longtime agent at CAA and defected to WME, though the agency won him back in a day. "He was under a lot — a lot — of pressure," says one person with knowledge of the situation, arguing that Ayer was exhausted and needed time to process conflicting ideas. 另一方面也有內幕消息指出更令人洩氣的資訊「試片過程並不是大家冷靜的面對調 性問題,而是一群人的驚慌失措與自以為是交互作用。這一切都把Ayer給搞毛了, 他甚至在六月份時從原來的經紀公司"CAA=Creative Artists Agency"跳到競爭對手 "WEM=William Morris Endeavor"旗下,幸好這段叛逃只維持一天,原公司CAA 就把他勸回來。Ayer真的扛了非常非常多的壓力,他一定需要時間來消化這麼多 相衝突的意見」 And there may have been other strains. Just weeks before the two versions were tested, Warner Bros. declined to ante up for Ayer's next project, Bright, which will reunite him with Suicide Squad star Will Smith. He ended up at Netflix, which made a staggering $90 million deal. Nonetheless, a day or two after Ayer fired and rehired CAA, another cut of the film was screened for a test audience, and sources say the results were strong enough that there was an upbeat plane ride back to Los Angeles. 有戲看的還不只試片過程。在試片之前,約莫幾個禮拜前,華納兄弟不願意投資Ayer 下一部作品,他與自殺突擊隊頭牌威爾史密斯合作的「Bright」,Ayer轉向Netflix, 最後爭取到九千萬美金的大額預算。不論如何,在Ayer短暫離開又回到CAA經紀公司 後幾天,一個讓試片觀眾拍手叫好的版本出爐了,讓試片團隊得以帶著好心情上飛機 返回洛杉磯。 Now the question is whether the film will deliver for an industry thirsty for something, anything, that will work in a summer bereft of live-action hits. Though reviews suggest the competing visions for the movie may have taken a toll (THR's critic calls the film "puzzlingly confused"), BTIG analyst Rich Greenfield says, "I've learned long ago there is not always a connection between reviews and box office and financial success." At the same time, it is imperative for Warners to build DC movies fans love like they do the Marvel pics. 現在,關鍵問題是自殺突擊隊能不能在貧弱的暑假檔期中,為電影業帶來一計強心 針。已經有影評表示在試片中勝出的這個版本「難懂、讓人搞不清楚」,金融服務 公司BTIG分析師Rich Greenfield表示「我很久以前就發現,影評、票房、片商收益 之間並不一定互相有關連」同時,華納兄弟以Marvel為目標持續打造觀眾喜愛的 DC Entended Universe依然是他們勢在必行的計畫。 內部/業界知情人士八+九號 Even on the day of the premiere, one insider fretted about whether Suicide Squad would mirror BvS' huge opening and weak legs. Another veteran says the goal is survival: "The movie's got to do $750 million, $800 million to break even. If they get anywhere close to that, they'll consider it a win." 即使在本片首映當天,我們依然聽到內部知情人士為自殺突擊隊會不會像BvS上映 首周大轟動但後繼無力,感到憂心。另一位業界老兵說一切都只是為了生存「這部 電影必須要賺到七、八億美金才能打平支出。如果上映期間票房結算接近這個數字, 我想華納兄弟應該就會含笑收下了。」 作者:Kim Masters http://i.imgur.com/hiZPhxh.jpg
原文出處: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/ 原文連結: http://goo.gl/WDsVfm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1470408731.A.BA7.html
holyseraph: 最後一段數字有錯 08/05 22:57
holyseraph: $750 million, $800 million並不是7500、8000萬美金 08/05 22:58
kuninaka: $750 million 是 7.5億 08/05 22:59
kuninaka: BVS也才8.9億 08/05 23:00
holyseraph: 而且BVS能在中國上映 收了9500萬美金 SS可能無法上 08/05 23:03
s091572no: 雖然不錯看 但是票房要八億也太勉強了吧 08/05 23:08
※ 編輯: hsupohsiang (, 08/05/2016 23:15:25
sinon121821: 這篇是假新聞吧~詳情可看這篇闢謠 08/05 23:15
sinon121821: 阿...貼不了網址,總之艾耶接受Collider採訪時強調院 08/05 23:17
sinon121821: 線版本就是"my cut"導演剪輯版,沒有其他版本,刪減片 08/05 23:17
sinon121821: 段會放藍光...真是受夠這些媒體在那亂報了... 08/05 23:18
kuninaka: 沒有救援了 08/05 23:26
InMontauk: BvS才八億多.....再少掉中國的一億 SS可能只勉強回本 08/05 23:27
InMontauk: 看來華納只能繼續靠哈利波特了 08/05 23:29
newgunden: 如果導演是配合演出?或是他壓根不知道有其他版本? 08/05 23:49
devilshadow: 他說是你就信囉 08/05 23:56
hellodio: 搞不好導演是相忍為國片(無誤,對他們來說是國片)阿XD 08/06 00:05
Wolfen: 他說是你就信也太可愛XD 08/06 00:31
mysmalllamb: 最後是作者照片嗎?挺正的~ 08/06 00:35
hsupohsiang: 文末是作者的照片。謝謝您看到最後。 08/06 01:00
hsupohsiang: 關於「自殺突擊隊」使用不同版本試片這點,另一家 08/06 01:01
hsupohsiang: 媒體「ETC」也有報導。報導中引述兩個版本(試片版 08/06 01:01
hsupohsiang: 及上映版)都看過的業界人士他的推特有對兩個版本發 08/06 01:02
hsupohsiang: 表簡短心得,5月20號他看完試片版後心得棒到讓他歡 08/06 01:02
hsupohsiang: 呼「DCEU還有希望」http://i.imgur.com/dWWMYZD.jpg 08/06 01:03
hsupohsiang: 而7月29號他看完另一個版本後(這麼接近上映日,合 08/06 01:03
hsupohsiang: 理推論應該是院線上映用版本)卻有了不同的感受, 08/06 01:04
hsupohsiang: 他提到「一點小調整竟可以影響一部電影到這個程度」 08/06 01:04
hsupohsiang: 「有些改變很...怪。幾幕的前後順序被調整了。多了些 08/06 01:04
hsupohsiang: 回憶場面」「小丑的戲份更少(讓人更不懂小丑存在於 08/06 01:04
hsupohsiang: 本片的使命)」「但我還是喜歡這部片」 08/06 01:05
hsupohsiang: http://i.imgur.com/FaARw22.jpg 08/06 01:05
hsupohsiang: 他的意見很多人參考,多到他還發文澄清「我沒有討 08/06 01:06
hsupohsiang: 厭自殺突擊隊,我只是不喜歡後面版本的一些調整, 08/06 01:06
hsupohsiang: 我還是認為這是一部好看的電影。不要再誤解我先前 08/06 01:06
hsupohsiang: 的發文。」http://i.imgur.com/lWQiwtW.jpg 08/06 01:06
hsupohsiang: 這位業界人士的推特在https://twitter.com/DanielRPK 08/06 01:07
hsupohsiang: 新聞出處在:https://youtu.be/y3tw0dz8CbY 08/06 01:07
SKnight: 美狙的五億四千萬是全球票房唷,剛順手好奇去查的 08/06 04:50
SKnight: (指原po內文) 然後我剛查boxofficemojo美狙該國票房3億5 08/06 04:51