看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞網址:http://tinyurl.com/j7drs5k It has been rumored for a while that Legendary Pictures had been courting Sicario and Arrival director Denis Villeneuve for their upcoming Dune reboot. Now in under 140 characters, Brian Herbert (son of Dune author Frank Herbert) has confirmed that the contracts have all been signed, and Villeneuve will be directing. 沙丘魔堡原作者之子已確認丹尼斯 維勒納夫已經簽約成為該片導演 Back in late November, we’d reported on Legendary having secured the rights to the Dune series of novels from the Frank Herbert estate. The deal gives Legendary the option for both film and television rights worldwide. Brian’s tweet implies that Villeneuve will be attached to the film project, and we’ ll keep an eye out for any news on around the TV front. It seems that studios are looking to go wider than a single format lately, with Lionsgate developing the Kingkiller Chronicles simultaneously for both TV and Film. 去年十一月傳奇影業就已經取得沙丘魔堡系列改編為影集或者電影的權利 The Dune projects would be produced by Thomas Tull, Mary Parent and Cale Boyter, with Brian Herbert, Byron Merritt and Kim Herbert serving as executive producers. 製作人介紹 The property has been developed several times previously, with the 1984 David Lynch version being the most well known, with Twin Peaks star Kyle MacLachlan as Paul Atreides. A few years ago MacLachlan took to twitter to explain the plot of Dune in a single tweet to a fan unfamiliar with the story: 沙丘魔堡系列在以前已經被拍攝過不少次 其中最知名的為林區版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1485964250.A.94A.html
peter220: (扣掉出道作)還沒有拍過爛片的神導,值得期待! 02/01 23:53
laechan: 各種翻拍 老片重開機 無腦續集 演員狂接片 偽3D 02/01 23:54
orzisme: Denis Villeneuve真是火紅阿 02/01 23:55
peter220: 二樓別這樣 這書的改編還沒有成功過(不愛林區版本) 02/01 23:55
orzisme: 但是沙丘比Stories of Your Life and Others更難拍了 只 02/01 23:56
orzisme: 能說勇氣可嘉 林區都慘敗到都他自己很討厭提這部....orz 02/01 23:57
peter220: 對了,以前謠言說是三部曲,不知道會不會成真? 02/02 00:02
orzisme: 更正 單篇名只是"Stories of Your Life" 02/02 00:03
orzisme: 話說我看到要出中文版了! 鸚鵡螺文化出的 台灣翻妳一生的 02/02 00:04
orzisme: 預言 配合電影上映時間一起上架 02/02 00:05
mrmowmow: 他是怎樣,不拍科幻片則已,一拍就拍到爽喔 02/02 00:21
Montgomery: Jodorowsky表示 02/02 00:25
mikejan: 傳奇影業呀 那景甜出現的機率頗高 02/02 04:31
ffggg8526: Jodorowsky:我到底啥時才能拍 02/02 07:18
sonic101276: 曠世奇片之死蠻有趣的 02/02 07:35
wombat121: 好奇景甜會演哪個角色 02/02 12:07
checkmarx: 4f correct 02/02 18:17
morganx: 雖然也期待,但還是希望能有Jodorowsky版本啊QQ 02/02 22:26