看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞網址:https://goo.gl/SNNKHY http://i.imgur.com/6WAMbfl.jpg
"We all find whatever we need in a particular character, whatever that may be." 我們都會在某位英雄身上找到自己需要的東西,不論那是甚麼。 The political climate in the country has been heating up even more since Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States and began implementing his policies less than two weeks ago. 兩周前,在川普就任為第45任總統且開始著手執行他的各項政策後,美國國內的政治 氛圍就開始更加激化。 So far, the most contentious of the orders put in place by Trump temporarily bans travel from seven Muslim-majority countries to the U.S. One of the reoccurring symbols that has come from protests of those opposed to that policy is the image of Captain America, a comic book superhero created by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby in 1941. 到目前為止,川普最有爭議的一項行政命令是暫時禁止七個穆斯林為主要組成人口 國家的人民入境美國。在抗議這項行政命令的場景中,由Joe Simon(作家)與Jack Kirby(畫家)在1941年創造的漫畫英雄角色「美國隊長」經常作為象徵出現在隊伍之中。 Simon's middle of five children,Melissa Groben, told Heat Vision on Tuesday she is well aware people are using her father's creation to convey a message, but that sentiment is nothing new. Melissa Groben,Joe Simon第三個孩子也是目前他所有創作智財權的現任管理者, 週二向我們表示這樣的情況(抗議川普行動中出現美國隊長形象)她完全知道,但這 情形過去已出現過。 "Captain America has been around for a long time, so anytime there is any turmoil or unrest or disagreement, he pops up," "We all find whatever we need in a particular character, whatever that may be. So, I can't say that the way anyone is using the character is wrong. If that's what they see in the character, then that's what works for them." 她表示「美國隊長已經誕生這麼久,每當有動盪、抗議或是意見相左的情形時,他就 會出現。我們都會在某位英雄身上找到自己需要的東西,不論那是甚麼。所以,我不 能指出任何人使用美國隊長形象的方式是錯的。如果美國隊長代表他們想傳達的意念 人們當然會因此高舉他的形象,當成一個象徵。」 Groben, the executor of her father's estate, made clear the views she was sharing with Heat Vision were her own, and that she was not speaking on not speaking on behalf of the entire family. 她特別強調,接受我們訪問時表達的意見完全是她個人想法,不代表整個家族的意見。 "What Captain America represents to my neighbor might be different than what he means to someone from three towns over," she said." 她繼續說到「我鄰居怎麼詮釋美國隊長,可能與住在三個鎮之外的人不同」 Captain America was created by Simon and Kirby before the United States entered World War II, which occurred in December 1941. The first issue, published months before the U.S. entered the war, featured one of the most famous covers in comic book history, depicting Cap punching Adolf Hitler in the face. Simon與Kirby是在美國介入第二次世界大戰前創造出美國隊長這個角色,在1941年12月 美國正式參戰半年前,三月份出版的美國隊長第一期封面就展示了歷史留名的一個畫面 「美國隊長一拳打在希特勒臉上」。 "Captain America was created while the Jews were being killed off in Europe, and my father, being Jewish, and Jack, being Jewish, were enraged that America was not over there with our military strength," "They created Captain America to go after Hitler because our country wouldn't go after Hitler. My father was very, very, very pro America, pro Jewish, he was very traditional, and it was a different world back then." Melissa女士表示「美國隊長是歐洲各地猶太人被趕盡殺絕時創造出來的。我父親與 畫家Jack Kirby兩位猶太裔美國人對於美國沒有使用武力介入這樣慘絕人寰悲劇的 情況感到憤怒。因為我們國家沒有要阻止希特勒,所以他們兩人才創造美國隊長在 漫畫世界裡阻止希特勒。我父親是非常非常非常傳統的美國人、猶太人。當時的時空 環境與今日可是大不相同」 As for the character being used as a symbol for those opposing Trump's polices, Groben said she couldn't speak for her father in that regard. However, "He saw the character used in many different ways and was thrilled that people found something in the character that fed whatever they were looking for." 對於美國隊長出現在抗議川普行動中一事,Melissa女士表示她不能代替自己已經 逝世的父親發言。但是,Melissa女士提到「我父親生前曾看過美國隊長在許許多多 不同場合出現過,他對於人們可以在這個角色身上看到自己追尋的事物感到興奮」 These days, Chris Evans is likely the face that comes to mind when people think about Captain America, as he's the actor portraying Simon and Kirby's creation in Marvel blockbusters. And Evans has been vocal himself about his opposition to Trump's polices, which is fine with Groben. 在多部漫威票房賣座電影中詮釋美國隊長一角的Chris Evans可能是人們想起他時腦海 中所浮現的第一人選。而Evans公開反對川普政策,對於Melissa女士來說並沒有造成 困擾。 "Mr. Evans is not representing his views as Captain America, he is representing his views as an individual," said Groben. "He has been in many other roles and is a fantastic actor. He really did a great job as Captain America, but we have to separate fiction from reality. He is not speaking as Captain America. He is speaking as Chris Evans. And that's the way it should be. His viewpoints are his own." 她這樣說到「Evans先生並不是以美國隊長的身分表達意見。他是以個人身分發表自己 的看法。他曾經演出許多不同角色,而且是位出色的演員。他詮釋的美國隊長真的很 棒,但我們必須區分現實世界與虛構世界的不同。他並不是以美國隊長的身分發言, 這是Chris Evans在表示個人意見。而他只代表他個人的看法,是我們應該理解的事實」 Simon died in 2011 at the age of 98. "We're all still reminded of who Captain America is, what he is," said Simon in a previous interview. "And he is a symbol. We need a leader like Capitan America, a hero. He was that hero, an icon." Joe Simon在2011年逝世,享年98歲。在他生前受訪時曾經這樣描述美國隊長「直到 今日我們都還記得美國隊長是甚麼樣的人物,記得他代表甚麼。他是一個象徵。我們 需要像美國隊長一樣的領袖,一位英雄。而他就是這樣的英雄,一個象徵。」 感想: Melissa女士作為美國隊長共同創作者的女兒及版權現任管理者,心中最在乎的還是 角色本身。她沒有要在這一刻因為美國政治氛圍、甚至是Chris Evans這位美國隊長 螢幕化身的大明星個人政治取向選邊,只想確保父親的創作是超乎在這一切之上, 是一個能繼續留芳後世的存在。 Good Job. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1485969581.A.0DF.html ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang (, 02/02/2017 01:21:33
lpb: 這回答真是很不錯! 02/02 01:38
qazxswptt: 很聰明的回答 美國隊長的角色要有一定高度 02/02 01:44
qazxswptt: 不該依附在單一演員身上 02/02 01:44
mineko: 把角色和演員混在一起本來就很怪.... 02/02 02:39
jerrylin: 007都換多少人演了 演員跟角色本來就是分開的 02/02 04:01
BF109Pilot: 是因為美隊太晚電影化了 不然超人蝙蝠俠蜘蛛人都馬 02/02 09:15
BF109Pilot: 換好幾人演了 02/02 09:15
Strasburg: 我喜歡這種中英分段呈現的譯文 但這篇好難讀… 02/02 09:39
ksng1092: 但是我在電影版就看過很多把演員角色混淆在一起的發言 02/02 10:21
draving: 說得很好 02/02 10:29
mindy201: 觀眾/讀者本來就該把角色跟演員分開來,這是基本常識。 02/02 11:03
DaGarn: 推啊 看到CE以自己演的角色帶風向就反感 02/02 11:53
Zsanou: 推 02/02 11:59
cindylin812: CE一直都是以個人身分發言 是某些人自己要混在一起 02/02 12:01
nightdragen: CE沒有以美隊的身份發言過吧 02/02 13:15
nightdragen: 還好CE平常沒什麼發推所以可以翻很快 02/02 13:21
checkmarx: 滾去專版 02/02 14:00
sophia6607: 我怎麼覺得留言才在帶風向,想黑演員嗎 02/02 15:52
octopus4406: 演員和角色立場不一樣很正常 不該混在一起 02/02 16:36
FMANT: 不是說美國隊長原型是奧迪墨菲這個士兵嗎? 02/04 02:05
FMANT: 這個人1942年才當兵 怎麼會1941年就有了? 02/04 02:06