看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處:https://goo.gl/Kn1HGf (collider) 圖片說明:大陸飯店內請勿喧鬧. http://i.imgur.com/5z4ESCa.jpg
When John Wick ended, it felt like a conclusion that could be continued if warranted, but it also felt like a complete story that didn’t require a sequel. By comparison, John Wick: Chapter 2 ends with a massive cliffhanger, and fans would be furious if the story didn’t continue. Thankfully, John Wick: Chapter 2 grossed about twice as much as the original, which is good since John Wick 3 was in the works as early as last October. 回顧捍衛任務第一集,一般人應該都同意這是個起承轉合一氣呵成的故事, 並沒有特意留伏筆,或是讓劇情硬生生停在關鍵處,大喇喇告訴你「下集待續」. 相較之下,捍衛任務第二集(捍衛任務2:殺神回歸)可是結束在讓觀眾情緒完全收不回來 的地方,要是系列就此停住,粉絲應該會受不了吧? 還好,續集上映之後,票房幾乎是第一集的兩倍, 更棒的是,系列第三部作品其實早在去年十月就已經悄悄開始籌畫了. Today, Tommy Cook spoke with John Wick: Chapter 2 director Chad Stahelski for the home release of the film and they discussed the status of John Wick 3. They led off by talking about where the sequel is in the pre-production process. 今天,在數位家用版本發售之前,我們的記者Tommy Cook與捍衛任務2導演 Chad Stahelski談起系列第三部作品.首先是"第三集目前籌備到甚麼程度?" “Yeah — we’re currently in the middle of writing it right now,”Stahelski said of the film’s status, and it seems like the film pretty much has a greenlight; it’s just waiting on the filmmakers to get everything into place. When asked when they might start filming, Stahelski replied, “It’s more of a how fast can we get our shit together. But I would assume that if not by the end of this year, the beginning of next year.” 導演Chad Stahelski: 我們正在編寫劇本的部分,進度大概有一半了. 看起來,第三集的開拍已經獲得高層同意,就等導演/編劇與製片等人把一切準備功夫 做好.而當被問起"何時開拍?"時 導演Chad Stahelski: 我想只要我們把準備工作TMD快點搞定,就能開拍.不是今年底,就是明年初開拍. However, the question becomes if Stahelski will get behind the camera for the sequel. He co-directed John Wick with David Leitch, but Leitch went on to direct Atomic Blonde instead of returning for Chapter 2. For Stahelski's part, he’s now attached to the Highlander reboot, so where does that leave John Wick 3? Stahelski says he’s “super involved” with the sequel right now and loves the property, but “Currently I’m acting as prep director. Hopefully everything will work out time wise. Of course — I would love to…” 當然,接下來很自然會讓人想問的就是 "導演Chad Stahelski會不會再次執導捍衛任務第三部作品?" 他與David Leitch兩人共同執導了第一集,而David Leitch因為接下" Atomic Blonde" (莎莉賽隆主演之冷戰時期諜報動作片)沒能參與捍衛殺神第二集的導演工作. Chad Stahelski目前則傳出會執導"Highlander(時空英豪)"重開機版本.這樣一來, 誰要執導捍衛任務第三集? 導演Chad Stahelski: 我個人是非常非常非常投入第三部作品的籌備工作,而且我是真心愛著這個故事/角色. 但目前,我個人的定位算是"籌備期導演",希望之後一切發展能讓我擠出時間. 我當然很希望能繼續執導第三集 While the lack of Stahelskihe or Leitch(who's currently busy with Deadpool 2) would certainly leave fans apprehensive about who lands in the director's chair, Stahelski says they have a clear direction where they want to go in terms of expanding the franchise’s mythology: 雖然捍衛殺神系列兩位生父Stahelski 和 Leitch(目前正籌拍Deadpool2=死侍2) 看來都很忙這點,可能讓粉絲感到憂心,但Stahelski說他們兩人對整個系列的走向 有非常清楚的願景 “We want, not so much to go bigger on the third one, but to show you more of the intricacies of the world… I feel like there are all these different subtleties that I skipped over in Number Two, that I’d like to go back to on [chapter three] and show you the inner workings of different parts of New York. So rather than massive set pieces, I’d like to show you cooler and more intricate ones… I think it would be a mistake budget wise and creatively to just go big and blow up a freeway. That’s not our gig. That’s a comic book or a Bond gig. We want to show you cool and intricate details. What are those little details in everyday life? Hopefully – we make people look at garbage collectors and cleaner vans and homeless people a little differently now.” 導演Chad Stahelski: 我們要的是,展現更多刺客世界裡錯綜複雜的事物給觀眾,而非把場面搞大. 我覺得,在第二集的故事中,我略過許多細節.在下一集裡面,我想要讓觀眾看到紐約殺手 世界裡面各種不同面向. 所以,比起一場特大尺寸的動作/爆破橋段,我更想展現的是那些很酷的、勾起你好奇心的 事物.我想,把預算拿來炸掉一條公路,不論是從製作成本角度或是從故事創作的角度都是 不智之舉.那不是我們的Style.那是漫畫改編電影或是龐德的風格. 我們要的是那些很酷的/引人入勝的細節.像是尋常人生活中每天見到的一切的另一面, 像是個"裏世界".希望我們能讓觀眾看到垃圾車跟清潔隊員,還有路邊行乞的流浪漢時, 心裡都會好奇…在我看不到的時候,他們都在做甚麼? So don’t worry—John Wick will remain John Wick where you want to look around every corner to see how this world works rather than trying to wow you with massive CGI set pieces. 所以,別擔心.John Wick依然會是之前兩部作品中的John Wick,活生生與你我在同一個 時空呼吸一樣空氣的John Wick,不會突然蹦出滿滿的電腦特效灌爆你的感官. They also know where they want to take Wick’s emotional arc in the third movie: 導演們也知道對John來說,第三集的整個角色情感上的鋪陳該怎麼發展 “We’re very comfortable with where we want [John Wick] to go in the third one and what Keanu wants to do. If you really watch the first and second one, there’s only one place it can go — so I’ll let you sort that out.” 導演Chad Stahelski:我們對於John Wick在第三集中要何去何從,還有基努李維想要 再帶進來甚麼有非常完整的想法,關於這點我們非常安心.如果各位用心欣賞前面兩部 作品的話,應該同意故事只能朝一個方向發展了.在這裡,我先賣個關子. And although we know some of Wick’s backstory from what’s been implied in the previous movies, Stahelski says more revelations will only come from action, not from some exposition dump: 雖然前面兩部作品有暗示John的背景/出身,Stahelski表示,真相大白的那天,會是用 動作場面交代,也就是"拍出來給觀眾看",而不是用旁白交代. “Yeah, definitely — but it’s about John revealing it. It’s not about you finding a hidden book or a secret map about who John Wick is. Anyone watching can start piecing it together. You know he’s had some serious training. Was it military? Ehh — he kind of looks military. Where’s he from? Well — he speaks all these languages. We’re giving you the pieces and I think it’s always good… Hopefully in five years, you and your buddies will talk about how ‘he’s this or he’s that.’ We’ll give you a couple more pieces and let you stitch it together.” 導演Chad Stahelski: 當然當然,John本人故事的大結局,當然會由John本人來揭曉.我們不會讓觀眾像是尋寶 一樣,突然發現一本書裡面寫著"John Wick的一生".每位欣賞過前面作品的朋友,都能 開始拼湊出大結局. 你知道John超凡身手來自特殊的訓練…也許他曾經是軍人? 那他待過哪些地方?畢竟,他通曉這麼多國語言…我們一點一點的給出線索,希望這是個 不錯的方式,也希望五年之後,你跟朋友間還會聊起"喔!等等,如果John知道這個的話, 不就表示他曾經…balabala" 我們會繼續鋪梗,讓觀眾來拚出真相. John Wick 2 is now available on Digital HD and will be on 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD on June 13th. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1495895057.A.212.html
phix: 讚喔 不是越搞場面越大 05/27 22:31
fox527: 江偉克目前整個就是成為新經典系列的氣勢! 05/27 22:33
monkeytalks: 期待! 05/27 22:34
SupCat: 江維克給推 05/27 22:42
alvis000: 期待 05/27 22:42
Bigcookie2: 超愛 應該是近10年我最愛的動作 05/27 23:12
Bigcookie2: 電影 05/27 23:13
ThreeNG: 第三集要大逃殺了吧 05/27 23:18
tedann: 江偉克大戰全世界XDDD 05/28 00:17
k945: 期待江偉克kill them all 05/28 00:25
rpm2500: 一鏡殺幾十個人的流暢感,慣壞我了,續集是必要的!! 05/28 00:30
perfects1988: 除了槍外~希望來點互丟芭樂的橋段~~~ 05/28 00:57
branko: 讚讚讚 05/28 01:16
blue0914: 期待 05/28 02:25
marco76415: 其實第一集公子哥不認識自己幫會的傳奇也是很扯的事 05/28 03:18
marco76415: 情,特別是傳奇還他媽的很有名 05/28 03:18
twinmick: 因為是個只知玩樂的屁孩啊,連他老爸自己都說了沒用... 05/28 03:57
twinmick: 要真的有種,那早在偷車時就順手殺了傳奇啦,也不會搞到 05/28 03:59
twinmick: 只敢殺狗然後害老爸整幫被滅了.. 05/28 04:01
jade7601: 拍第一集時沒想到有續集啊 吃這點小書已經很優秀了 05/28 04:09
jade7601: 還有敗家子出場時江維克是退休狀態 第二集到處被人認 05/28 04:17
jade7601: 是在他挑了整個幫派之後 大家趕緊想起這號危險人物 05/28 04:17
jade7601: 長怎樣 免得不小心借到他的手機充電器 05/28 04:18
sky20501: 第三一定會光榮的戰死倒在狗狗身旁,狗狗也只剩半個身體 05/28 05:36
yoshilin: 不要有景甜就好 05/28 08:10
jolier327: 期待! 05/28 10:34
mingxian: 結果第3集換井田出來演女殺手 05/28 10:54
theclgy2001: 希望反派不要太弱 第二集壟啞女營造很強的感覺 05/28 11:43
theclgy2001: 但最後沒幾下就死了 05/28 11:44
polo007: 我覺得啞巴女本來就很弱,根本被江維克當屁孩虐 05/28 12:51
polo007: 反而卡西恩才真的有實力跟江維克拼 05/28 12:52
alvis000: 卡西恩很強啊都單幹 阿瑞斯都有帶打手 05/28 13:08
alvis000: 沒有很強的感覺吧 05/28 13:08
jade7601: 啞女只是機掰而已 卡西恩才是宿敵 05/28 13:16
RevanHsu: 卡西恩第三集會出來救駕吧 留一手沒殺死 05/28 17:38
CloudChaserw: 啞巴女很殺啊 而且比手語別有一番風味 05/28 18:48
roson1208: 配樂神讚 有一幕他蹲下來音樂也跟著瞬停 起神時同奏 05/28 19:54
tim9527: 靠夭 第三集要怎麼演 大戰全世界惹 05/29 02:27
funk167: 聾啞女只是個自以為是的咖,明明身上還有子彈不換,卻要 05/29 10:46
funk167: 拿刀出來做近身戰,然後變成john的補給站 05/29 10:46
hahn: 酒店老闆感覺是他老爸..真的超精彩 05/30 13:31