看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《joey0602 (joey)》之銘言: : 轉載村聲(Village Voice)的變形金剛5影評 : 無雷 : 看前面沒有po這個,分享一個影評人被折磨的過程www : 瞬間被戳笑點wwwwww : 這個村聲的BILGE EBIRI應該是在公司猜拳猜輸去的 : 原文網址 https://goo.gl/umeGz1 : http://i.imgur.com/OB7cTUB.jpg
: 中間有一段非亂碼的 : 稱讚了管家機器人考個鰻彈奏主題音樂打斷霍普金斯演講的"幽默"場景 : 他笑了,然後沒了 : 他看片寫的筆記 : http://i.imgur.com/q4p7OBd.jpg
幫解碼: 第二行: so much random stuff so much 第三行: it's like you thought the earlier movies were confusing hahahah 第四行: how are kids supposed to understand any of this 第五行: actually how are adults supposed to understand any of this 第六行: say what you will but once upon a time 第七行: michael bay could bring beauty to an action scene 第八行: manic poetry filled with kinetic grace and heroism 第九行: like whatever happened to THAT guy 第十行: the guy who made the rock and bad boys 2 and even the first transformers 第十一行: pain and gain too that was pretty good 第十二行: but now he's become a self-parody 第十三行: and the crazy thing is he knows it 第十四行: but doesn't seem to know how to escape it (後半段) 第一行: a vomitous discharge of plot points 第二行: like there's a chosen one here and another chosen one 第三行: and multiple sacred objects 第四行: and jesus a tone point they even have mark wahlberg utter arthur c clarke's 第五行: famous quote about how any sufficiently advanced technology will be 第六行: indistinguishable from magic oh god stop!!! 第七行: it's all overload and overkill and chaos 第八行: like your shopping bag burst and splattered robots all over the floor 第九行: but we lost this war a long time ago 第十行: what do you do when the signal becomes the noise 第十一行: and you can no longer tell the difference. 黃金鐵律: 爛電影,永遠是好影評文章,與影評創意的溫床。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1498480751.A.A86.html ※ 編輯: KingKingCold (, 06/26/2017 20:41:01
vestal: 太強了 06/26 21:00
writersky: 眼都花了,強耶 06/26 21:40
dakkk: any of these 06/26 22:06