看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(前言) 夏季檔期結束了 各網站的夏季電影評分也差不多了 我注意到爛番茄網站特別做專題圖表 但這些電影的順序排列讓我忍不住邊看邊搖頭 所以我又查了幾個影評網 盤點了這些電影的平均分數 入選條件: 2017年五到八月上映 至少800間北美戲院播映,或在爛番茄網站上獲得80條以上影評評論 RT為爛番茄好評百分比, MT為MetaCritic評分 同分時以IMDB分數高低為主 59th. The Emoji Movie (表情符號電影) IMDB: 2.0 (worst 1st) RT: 8% (worst 1st) MT: 12 (worst 1st) 平均: 13.3 58th. The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature (暫譯: 堅果行動2) IMDB: 4.6 (worst 5th) RT: 11% (worst 2nd) MT: 36 (worst 9th) 平均: 31.0 57th. Transformers: The Last Knight (變形金剛5:最終騎士) IMDB: 5.3 (worst 9th) RT: 15% (worst 3rd) MT: 28 (worst 2nd) 平均: 32.0 56th. Wish Upon (奪命潘朵拉) IMDB: 4.7 (worst 7th) RT: 18% (worst 8th) MT: 32 (worst 5th) 平均: 32.3 55th. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (暫譯: 遜咖冒險王4) IMDB: 4.1 (worst 2nd) RT: 20% (worst 10th) MT: 39 平均: 33.3 54th. Birth of the Dragon (龍之誕生) IMDB: 4.4 (worst 4th) RT: 21% MT: 35 (worst 8th) 平均: 33.3 53rd. The House (無中譯威爾法洛喜劇) IMDB: 5.6 RT: 17% (worst 7th) MT: 30 (worst 3rd) 平均: 34.3 52nd. The Mummy (神鬼傳奇) IMDB: 5.6 RT: 16% (worst 4th) MT: 34 (worst 6th) 平均: 35.3 51st. The Book of Henry (亨利之書) IMDB: 5.7 RT: 22% MT: 31 (worst 4th) 平均: 36.7 50th. The Dark Tower (黑塔) IMDB: 6.0 RT: 16% (worst 4th) MT: 34 (worst 6th) 平均: 36.7 49th. Baywatch (海灘救護隊) IMDB: 5.6 RT: 19% (worst 9th) MT: 37 (worst 10th) 平均: 37.3 48th. All Eyez on Me (暫譯: 萬眾矚目) IMDB: 5.8 RT: 16% (worst 4th) MT: 38 平均: 37.3 47th. Snatched (搶救千金) IMDB: 4.1 (worst 2nd) RT: 35% MT: 45 平均: 40.3 46th. Kidnap (暫譯: 綁架) IMDB: 6.0 RT: 34% MT: 44 平均: 46.0 45th. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (加勒比海盜 神鬼奇航:死 無對證) IMDB: 7.0 RT: 30% MT: 39 平均: 46.3 44th. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (亞瑟:王者之劍) IMDB: 7.0 RT: 28% MT: 41 平均: 46.3 43rd. Rough Night (女狼嗨到趴) IMDB: 5.2 (worst 8th) RT: 46% MT: 51 平均: 49.7 42nd. Paris Can Wait (無中譯浪漫喜劇) IMDB: 5.9 RT: 44% MT: 48 平均: 50.3 41st. Leap! (芭蕾奇緣) IMDB: 6.8 RT: 35% MT: 48 平均: 50.3 40th. The Dinner (無中譯李察吉爾驚悚片) IMDB: 4.6 (worst 5th) RT: 53% MT: 58 平均: 52.3 39th. The Hitman's Bodyguard (殺手保鑣) IMDB: 7.0 RT: 40% MT: 47 平均: 52.3 38th. Everything, Everything (暫譯: 一切的一切) IMDB: 6.3 RT: 44% MT: 52 平均: 53.0 37th. Churchill (暫譯: 邱吉爾) IMDB: 7.1 RT: 47% MT: 44 平均: 54.0 36th. 47 Meters Down (深海鯊機) IMDB: 5.8 RT: 54% MT: 52 平均: 54.7 35th. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (星際特工瓦雷諾:千星之城) IMDB: 6.7 RT: 51% MT: 51 平均: 56.3 34th. Despicable 3 (神偷奶爸3) IMDB: 6.3 RT: 61% MT: 49 平均: 57.7 33rd. The Glass Castle (玻璃城堡) IMDB: 7.2 RT: 49% MT: 56 平均: 59.0 32nd. Cars 3 (Cars3閃電再起) IMDB: 7.1 RT: 68% MT: 59 平均: 66.0 31st. My Cousin Rachel (暫譯: 遺孀美人心) IMDB: 6.1 RT: 76% MT: 63 平均: 66.7 30th. Alien: Covenant (異形:聖約) IMDB: 6.5 RT: 70% MT: 65 平均: 66.7 29th. Annabelle: Creation (安娜貝爾:造孽) IMDB: 7.0 RT: 68% MT: 62 平均: 66.7 28th. An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (不願面對的真相2) IMDB: 5.5 (worst 10th) RT: 78% MT: 68 平均: 67.0 27th. Landline (無中譯家庭風暴喜劇) IMDB: 6.4 RT: 73% MT: 66 平均: 67.7 26th. Beatriz at Dinner (暫譯: 晚宴上的比特麗茲) IMDB: 6.3 RT: 77% MT: 68 平均: 69.3 25th. Atomic Blonde (極凍之城) IMDB: 7.1 RT: 75% MT: 63 平均: 69.7 24th. The Hero (無中譯死亡將至戲劇) IMDB: 7.2 RT: 77% MT: 61 平均: 70.0 23rd. The Little Hours (無中譯修女飆髒話黑色喜劇) IMDB: 6.6 RT: 77% MT: 69 平均: 70.7 22nd. All Saints (無中譯宗教片) IMDB: 5.9 RT: 93% (best 2nd) MT: 63 平均: 71.7 21st. Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (內褲隊長) IMDB: 6.4 RT: 87% MT: 69 平均: 73.3 20th. Megan Leavey (暫譯: 梅根李維) IMDB: 7.1 RT: 84% MT: 66 平均: 73.7 19th. The Beguiled (魅惑) IMDB: 6.9 RT: 79% MT: 77 (best 10th) 平均: 75.0 18th. Brigsby Bear (無中譯成長戲劇) IMDB: 7.8 (best 9th) RT: 79% MT: 68 平均: 75.0 17th. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (星際異攻隊2) IMDB: 7.9 (best 6th) RT: 81% MT: 67 平均: 75.7 16th. Girls Trip (閨蜜假期) IMDB: 6.9 RT: 89% (best 10th) MT: 71 平均: 76.3 15th. Ingrid Goes West (暫譯: 網美嬉遊記) IMDB: 7.3 RT: 87% MT: 71 平均: 77.0 14th. It Comes at Night (暫譯: 它在黑夜到訪) IMDB: 6.6 RT: 88% MT: 78 (best 7th) 平均: 77.3 13th. Lady Macbeth (惡女馬克白) IMDB: 7.1 RT: 88% MT: 76 平均: 78.3 12th. Okja (玉子) IMDB: 7.5 RT: 85% MT: 76 平均: 78.7 11th. Detroit (底特律) IMDB: 7.6 RT: 82% MT: 78 (best 7th) 平均: 78.7 10th. Wind River (極地追擊) IMDB: 8.1 (best 2nd) RT: 86% MT: 73 平均: 80.0 9th. Logan Lucky (羅根好好運) IMDB: 7.4 RT: 92% (best 6th) MT: 78 (best 7th) 平均: 81.3 8th. Spider-Man: Homecoming (蜘蛛人:返校日) IMDB: 7.9 (best 6th) RT: 92% (best 6th) MT: 73 平均: 81.3 7th. Wonder Woman (神力女超人) IMDB: 7.8 (best 9th) RT: 92% (best 6th) MT: 76 平均: 82.0 6th. Good Time (好時光) IMDB: 8.1 (best 2nd) RT: 88% MT: 80 (best 6th) 平均: 83.0 5th. A Ghost Story (暫譯: 鬼的故事) IMDB: 7.8 (best 9th) RT: 92% (best 6th) MT: 84 (best 4th) 平均: 84.7 4th. War for the Planet of the Apes (猩球崛起:終極決戰) IMDB: 7.9 (best 6th) RT: 93% (best 2nd) MT: 82 (best 5th) 平均: 84.7 3rd. Baby Driver (玩命再劫) IMDB: 8.1 (best 2nd) RT: 93% (best 2nd) MT: 86 (best 2nd) 平均: 86.7 2nd. The Big Sick (愛情昏迷中) IMDB: 8.1 (best 2nd) RT: 98% (best 1st) MT: 86 (best 2nd) 平均: 88.3 1st. Dunkirk (敦克爾克大行動) IMDB: 8.4 (best 1st) RT: 93% (best 2nd) MT: 94 (best 1st) 平均: 90.3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1504608225.A.73D.html
tin0107: 是不是很多台灣沒上呀?09/05 18:57
sam8921502: 有一部片好像跟版上的風向差很多耶09/05 19:15
JEFF11503: 絕命是去年的片子嗎?09/05 19:56
JEFF11503: 喔我看到了,夏季09/05 19:57
darkbrigher: imbd 2.0 笑死 這大概史上最低吧 變型金剛都有5了09/05 21:10
fonghai: 表情那部蝦到爆炸最低分09/05 21:31
qn123456: 用這種方式算平均好像怪怪的......09/05 22:13
懇請賜教 ※ 編輯: peter220 (, 09/05/2017 22:17:24
qn123456: 各評分網的一貫標準與口味本來就不同,連量尺都不一樣, 09/06 00:48
qn123456: 怎麼會直接把IMDB分數乘個10倍後和其他兩家一起平均?XD 09/06 00:48
qn123456: 更別提爛蕃茄自己分成「影評分」與「觀眾分」兩種分數, 09/06 00:49
qn123456: 上面列出來的%數更是「新鮮度平均」,不是給分,沒辦法 09/06 00:50
qn123456: 混在一起算吧..... 09/06 00:50
qn123456: 所謂的「新鮮度」就只是「新鮮」或「爛」二選一,最後去 09/06 00:51
qn123456: 統計所有樣本裡的新鮮比例,和那種10分或100分裡給幾分 09/06 00:52
qn123456: 的評分方式不一樣呀 09/06 00:52
AQUANGEL: 爛番茄的評分制度不同 很難定義分數 所謂爛番茄分數 09/06 06:31
AQUANGEL: 不過就是喜愛度百分比 可是對於喜愛的程度卻無法判斷 09/06 06:31
AQUANGEL: 1部70分沒啥大缺點的電影 爛番茄分數都會很高 09/06 06:33