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Disney 'Mulan' live-action reboot postponed to 2020 迪士尼真人版花木蘭延至2020年 Disney’s live-action “Mulan” reboot is being pushed back by more than a year, the company announced Thursday. 迪士尼周四宣布真人版花木蘭將延後一年以上 The studio shifted the release from Nov. 2, 2018, to March 27, 2020. Directed by Niki Caro, the movie stars Chinese singer-actress Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu. 原先預定上映日2018年11月2號,將延後至2020年3月27號,由Niki Caro執導 劉亦菲扮演花木蘭 Disney announced the change as part of several schedule adjustments, including an earlier release date for “Avengers: Infinity War” and changes to multiple untitled films. 此消息與無限之戰提前上映以及其他未命名電影的消息一起公佈 Other changes include an untitled Pixar Animation release slated for March, 13, 2020, moving up a week to March 6. An untitled Disney live-action pic set for April 3, 2020, shifted to May 29. An untitled Marvel movie slotted for August 7, 2020, moved to July 31. 其他變動包括一部尚未命名的皮克斯動畫從2020/3/13提前至3/6 尚未命名的迪士尼真人電影從2020/4/3移至3/29 尚未命名的Marvel電影從2020/8/7提前至7/31 The English-language version of the original “Mulan” (1998), featuring the voices of Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy, Miguel Ferrer, and BD Wong, grossed $304.3 million worldwide. 1998年的英文原版花木蘭電影,由溫明娜、Eddie Murphy,Miguel Ferrer, and BD Wong 配音,全球票房3億美元 In September 2016, Disney confirmed that the male lead of the film would indeed be Chinese after rumors circulated online that the initial spec script purchased by the company contained a white male lead. 2016年九月,在網路流傳原版的劇本中男主角是個白人後 迪士尼正式公佈男主角將由華人飾演 Since the purchase of this script, Disney hired new writers — Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, the writers behind "Jurassic World" — to rewrite the final script. 迪士尼購買了花木蘭原始劇本後,又聘請撰寫侏儸紀世界的編劇來重寫劇本 新聞網址:https://goo.gl/vTXL94 -- http://i.giphy.com/3o6ZtqHV8gnvxUvDIk.gif
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hoanbeh : 乳滑 03/03 15:01
hotanger : 原始劇本在誰那啊 03/03 15:02
TsaiBiBa : 胡婷婷價格談不攏? 03/03 15:21
fenghuo : 樓上是說胡婷婷給迪士尼的錢不夠嗎 03/03 15:24
hoanbeh : 看選角就知道爛片了 花千骨級的 03/03 15:40
kowei526 : 對迪士尼有信心~期待2020 03/03 15:55
j022015 : 男子漢~ 03/03 17:44
Sparks0917 : 劉亦菲還是能演花木蘭 請婷婷當替身就好了 03/03 19:11
wanderjay : 可能會ㄧ直延後 03/03 20:15
sheep125 : 打壓女權 03/04 09:25
jiny49 : 再延下去木蘭要變老木了 03/04 11:02