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新聞網址:https://tinyurl.com/ybpbqlmf A Quiet Place Could Have Been a Cloverfield Movie In an interview with /Film, Beck and Woods revealed there was talk about turning the horror thriller into a Cloverfield movie. This was around the same time the second Cloverfield film, 10 Cloverfield Lane, was in development at Paramount, the same studio behind A Quiet Place. "I guess it crossed our mind and we had spoken to our representatives about that possibility," Beck said. "It was weird timing, though, because when we were writing the script, 10 Cloverfield Lane was at Paramount." However, Paramount believed in A Quiet Place as an original, standalone project. "We were actually talking to an executive there about this film, and it felt from pitch form that there might be crossover, but when we finally took the final script in to Paramount, they saw it as a totally different movie," Beck said. The screenwriters were relieved by this decision. Even though Beck and Woods are fans of the Cloverfield movies, they didn't want their film to be swept up into a franchise. Instead, the duo were more interested in developing a brand new project. "It's just that as filmgoers, we crave new and original ideas, and we feel like so much of what’s out there is IP," Woods said. "It's comic books, it's remakes, it's sequels. We show up to all of them, we enjoy those movies too, but our dream was always to drop something different into the marketplace, so we feel grateful that Paramount embraced the movie as its own thing." It appears all worked out just fine for A Quiet Place, as the thriller from director-actor John Krasinski has received plenty of commercial and critical success. In our review of the film, which had the second biggest domestic opening of the year so far, we say A Quiet Place "delivers B-movie thrills with legitimate chills." -------------------------------------------------------------- 兩位編劇當時把劇本遞交上去時,《科洛弗檔案十號地窖》正在製作中, 和派拉蒙方面進行討論,一開始想要打算和科洛弗系列進行聯動, 但在派拉蒙方面看過劇本後,覺得這是一部完全不同的電影, 認為《噤界》的架構概念上能夠獨立存在 所以最後這兩位編劇很感謝派拉蒙把這部電影當成了自己的東西 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1523342787.A.A1C.html ※ 編輯: Makaay (, 04/10/2018 14:46:50
zx3426300 : 笑死 04/10 15:18
hosighle : 柯洛佛檔案4:噤界 04/10 15:25
peter080808 : 科幻懸疑片都要冠科洛弗名字就對了?! 04/10 15:25
qpr322 : 剛好John也有演上帝粒子 04/10 15:28
f544544f : 怪物差那麼多...是要開幾個平行宇宙啦 04/10 15:44
likeilike : 噤界正夯 04/10 16:08
Makaay : 但當續集的話 很多人批評沒軍隊就合理了XD 04/10 16:37
iam0718 : 哪可能 也差太多 04/10 16:45
austinkeven : 靠咧,當初在電影院看就給我一種科洛服的感覺,連bu 04/10 19:28
austinkeven : g也和科洛服悖論一樣多.... 04/10 19:28
futurekeep : 別說了,我光看預告就有這感覺了 04/10 20:33
CrazyDance : 幸好沒有 04/10 22:21
wengho : 我當成番外篇 好看啊 04/11 00:32