看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這幾天Hollywood Reporter的報導出來了,我看到兩篇,這是第一篇,以下是原文網址: https://reurl.cc/2LY2m 為了節省時間,我以下只全文剪貼並翻譯最佳電影、導演、主角、配角部分, 但我翻譯中發現翻譯真的是一件非常困難的事情, 有很多地方我覺得自己英文還是很爛所以翻不出來它隱藏的深意。 有些是我懂意思但不知道怎麼跟大家用中文解釋, 所以先給大家打個預防針,如果覺得中文翻譯得不夠好,是我個人力有未逮 QAQ 喔,對了,本篇的匿名委員是導演組的成員。 他說他以前看奧斯卡都是為了看opening monologue, 但自從奧斯卡宣布沒有主持人之後他覺得一定是大災難。 然後說到原本要拿掉攝影跟剪輯的消息,會員表示: "It's an abomination," he says. "If ABC, which I'm sure was pushing for this, thought that dumping cinematography and film editing was going to bring back any of the viewers the show has lost in recent years, they're idiotic. Cinematography and editing are so important. For fuck's sake, man, a movie director [Roma's Alfonso Cuarón] is going to win the cinematography award this year for the first time ever, and we weren't going to see it live? I don't fucking get it." 我真的很討厭這件事,如果這是ABC(電視台)為了挽救收視率跟找回收視人口 所想出來的方法,那他們真的是白癡。攝影跟剪輯兩者都相當重要,拜託, 阿方索柯朗今年可能會因為“羅馬”而第一次以導演身份獲得攝影獎, 結果我們看不到實況轉播?我實在他媽的不知道他們在想什麼! (根據板友@hawardhsz意見改譯) (以下心得有目前仍未上映電影的雷,請小心踩踏啊) 最佳電影:BlacKkKlansman Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star Is Born are films whose adulation I can't even begin to fathom — I found them to be ordinary. Bohemian Rhapsody is a standard-issue biopic with a really nice last 10 minutes; had it been a great film, I probably still wouldn't have voted for it, because I don't want to do anything to reward Bryan Singer, who is a pariah now and needs to stay that way. “波希米亞狂想曲”跟“一個巨星的誕生”受到的奉承我根本不敢揣測, 我覺得兩部都很普通。 “波”是一部標準的傳記片,最後10分鐘還不錯, 但再怎麼好我也不會投給它,因為我不想要Bryan Singer得到任何讚賞, 這個賤民最好離奧斯卡遠一點(pariah是賤民/下等人的意思 wwwwww) A Star Is Born is a fourth remake with nothing new to say — it was massively overhyped. “巨星”已經重拍多次到老狗玩不出新把戲,電影公司過度宣傳了 (“overhyped ”其實有點像廣告打太多或是瘋狂宣傳的意思, 總之就是說他沒有這麼好,我本來一開始翻過譽,但又不確定是不是這個人的意思) (overhyped根據板友@Greein改譯) Green Book also misses my top five. People describe it as a redux of Driving Miss Daisy, and that's not terribly far off — it's more sophisticated and has a better sense of humor, but there is not one interesting shot in the whole film, there's a giant plot twist right in the middle that is never discussed again, and the performances are very expected. The controversy around it didn't affect me at all — I don't think that Viggo [Mortensen], who's a friend, necessarily did anything wrong using [the N]-word in the context that he used it, and his contrition for it is fine with me. “綠皮書”也排不上我的前五名,很多人都說它很像另一種版本的“溫馨接送情”, 但它也沒那麼糟糕。 電影本身相當細緻且具有幽默感,但整部電影沒有任何一個很棒的鏡頭, 中間有些不錯的轉折重重提起輕輕放下,然後演出就一如期待那樣。 他的所受爭議對我而言沒什麼影響,我不認為Viggo在電影裡說N字經有錯, 然後他的演出對我來說還可以。 My No. 5 is Vice — it would be higher on my list, but it stands no chance whatsoever, so if you're trying to vote strategically for what you'd like to see honored, you have to drop some of your darlings. 第五名是“為副不仁“,他原本會有更高的名次,但不管怎麼說還是沒機會, 如果你要策略性為你想要得獎的電影投票,你必須要有所取捨。 After that is Roma. It's beautifully crafted and looks fantastic, but ultimately, I was wondering where the entertainment or even intellectual value is in this movie. To me, it's a very slow and rather indulgent film — the most expensive home movie ever made. As far as the Netflix thing, what is our job as Academy members? We are trying to promote great films for audiences to see. When we gave our award to The Hurt Locker or Moonlight, we were getting people to go to theaters to see them; Roma is this brilliant work, visually speaking, on a big screen, but it becomes greatly diminished when you watch it on television, which is what 95 percent of the people that want to watch it have to do. I've spoken to several of my peers who watched it at home, and they were out after 20 minutes. 再來是”羅馬“,他拍得很棒,但最終我還是對它的娛樂性或思想價值有所顧慮, 對我而言,這部電影節奏緩慢而且相當indulgent(*不確定想要表達什麼), 在某種程度上就是一部比較貴的家庭電影罷了。 (雖然板友有提出意見,但總覺得很難插入文字裡面,想問問看有沒有別的說法) 再者,Netflix的崛起後要我們這些奧斯卡會員幹嘛? 我們努力推出好作品就是希望吸來觀眾進戲院欣賞電影, 好比當我們把獎頒給“Hurt locker“或是”月光男孩“ 就是因為我們希望民眾能多進戲院觀賞這些電影。 ”羅馬“在這點做得相當好,這是一部適合在電影院觀賞的電影, 95趴的觀眾必定會想在電影院看這部電影(潛台詞是這部電影沒有在電影院上映)。 我跟很多在家裡看這部電影的同僚說這部電影時, 他們說他們20分鐘後就不看了。 (*感覺上是因為肚爛Netflix所以給羅馬評價甚低) No. 3 is Black Panther. Look, it's a Marvel comic book movie, and it's not much better than any of the others, but you have to applaud it for its massive social impact and the pride it has given to so many people. I know that's not a reason to vote for a movie, so that's why it's in third place rather than second or first. 第三名是“黑豹”。 看吧,這部漫威改編的電影絕對沒有比其他被提名的幾部電影來得好, 但你必須為它所帶來巨大的社會影響力、帶給許多人驕傲而讚美它。 我知道這些絕對不是投票理由, 所以他只在我的名單裡面排名第三而不是第一或第二。 For those spots, I was torn between The Favourite and BlacKkKlansman. The Favourite is an unbelievably delicious film, and I was completely entertained from beginning to end — its humor and sexuality turned me on. It's a better movie than BlacKkKlansman, but I have no idea what it was trying to say. I prefer to reward a movie that is solid and has something of social importance to say, like BlacKkKlansman. 那到底要把第一、第二名給誰呢?我在“真寵”“黑色黨徒”之間猶豫著。 ”真寵“真的是一部難以相信的好電影,我完全被娛樂到, 而且裡面的幽默跟性暗示也讓我很性奮。 (根據板友@poopooShaw改譯) 它絕對比“黑色黨徒”來得好,但我不知道它到底整部片想說什麼(*你在幹嘛?) 我比較喜歡電影裡面寫實且跟社會脈動有關的東西,就像“黑色黨徒”。 The Charlottesville footage at the end of it sealed the deal for me — it reminds us that things really haven't gotten better. 我非常喜歡結尾的“夏洛特維爾”片段,這提醒我事情一點都沒有變得比較好。 最佳導演:Spike Lee I did not nominate Pawel [Pawlikowski of Cold War] — to be honest with you, it never even crossed my mind. The guy I nominated instead, who I might have voted to give the award to if I had the chance, was Bo Burnham, who did Eighth Grade. To get performances like that from kids, and to have it be so fucking honest, is just astonishing. Everyone expects [Roma's Alfonso] Cuarón to win, and that's likely to happen because people have an appreciation for the sweat and emotional equity that he put into this film. But the greatest wrong in the history of the Oscars was Spike Lee not being nominated for Do the Right Thing, and BlacKkKlansman is like the other end of Do the Right Thing. I've admired this guy's work so much over the years. Until now, the Academy has almost completely ignored this genius, and it's about fucking time to correct that. I don't know that it's the best directing job of the year — I think that [The Favourite's] Yorgos Lanthimos' decisions were more creative, interesting and daring — but I don't know that I'll have another opportunity to vote for Spike, so I'm going to take this one. 我並沒有提名“沒有煙硝的愛情”的導演,事實上我根本沒想過這個人。 如果這個人有選上(我也確實有提名他)且我一定投票的人是八年級生的導演。 跟這些小朋友相處並讓他們演出,且把電影拍得如此真誠的導演真的很厲害。 大家都覺得羅馬的阿方索柯朗會贏,我猜應該也是他贏, 他之所以會贏大概是因為大家喜歡他電影裡的“sweat and emotional equity“。 (*不太能理解這個意思) 但,綜觀奧斯卡歷史,最大的錯誤就是史派克李沒有因為“為所應為”獲得提名! “黑色黨徒”就像是“為所應為”,不過像是它的另外一個結局。 我個人一直很喜歡史派克李這些年的作品,但這幾年奧斯卡死命忽略他, 今年總算給他應得的提名了! 我不確定這是不是最棒的作品,但Yorgos在“真寵”真的做得很不錯, 他(對電影執導所下)的每個決定都具有創意、有趣、而且也很大膽, 但我不知道將來有沒有機會再看到史派克李,所以我今年決定投他。 (我看到上面的描述覺得這個人很奇妙 XD 快笑死了) 最佳男主角:Christian Bale I've not seen the [Willem] Dafoe performance [in At Eternity's Gate], it's one of those movies that I just can't bring myself to watch — I'm not interested. Bradley Cooper is doing an impersonation of either Kris Kristofferson or Sam Elliott, I can't quite figure it out, but I'm just not a fan of A Star Is Born. There's a general feeling that some people have it all, and you don't want to give them more, and that is going to affect Bradley Cooper for a long time, just like it affected Leo DiCaprio. Viggo was fine — it's a performance I've seen before, but nothing special; that's a role that [Robert] De Niro would have played 20 years ago. [Bohemian Rhapsody's] Rami Malek is going to win — everywhere I've gone, Rami Malek was there; he's a very charming fellow. I've now spent more time with him than I have with my dog. I've not seen [Vice's] Christian Bale anywhere, but that is the performance of the year. His playing Dick Cheney, it's not just an impersonation; it's a channeling. If you dumped Dick Cheney into the movie, you couldn't tell the difference between the two. I think he reached into this guy's humanity, or lack thereof. 我沒有看過Dafoe的電影,我對這部電影沒有興趣。 Cooper的表演像是在模仿KK或SE,我不確定,但我不喜歡“巨星”就是了。 Cooper感覺上像是“萬事俱備,只欠東風”,你知道他可以,但你就是不想成全他, 就像我們不想成全李奧納多迪卡皮歐一樣,所以庫柏大概也會跟李奧一樣等很久。 Viggo的表演不錯,但沒有比較出色。 我曾經看過類似的表演,勞勃狄尼洛20年前就演過類似的角色。 Malik應該會贏,我每次去什麼地方,Rami就在那裡(大概是諷刺波片瘋狂造勢), 他是個個性很可愛的人。我跟他相處的時間都快比跟我家狗狗相處的時間還多了 XD 我沒看過Bale出現在任何地方,但Bale的演出真的超讚! 而且他絕對沒在模仿,他的角色(迪克錢尼)真的是唯妙唯俏, 如果你把迪克錢尼丟到電影裡去,你大概也分不出來誰是Bale誰是錢尼。 我認為Bale的演出就像是觸及到這個人的人性,或是沒有人性的一面 (*委員對男演員的演出真的是婊到無極限 XD) 最佳女演員:Olivia Coleman I'm going to tell you something that's going to shock you: Many people vote for their friends. I have worked with [The Favourite's] Olivia Colman and had a wonderful experience with her — I remember saying to her, "At some point, you're going to be up on a stage accepting an Academy Award," and I want to help make that happen. What I don't understand is what she's doing in this category, or what the other two [Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz] are doing in supporting — all three should be the same. 我要跟你說件會讓你很震驚的事情,就是大部分的人都馬是投給自己的朋友。 我先前曾跟Coleman工作過,而且與之相處的感覺很不錯。 我還記得我跟她說過“總有一天你會站在頒獎台上領奧斯卡獎”, 所以現在我要助她一臂之力。 我所無法理解的是她在這個(女主角)項目的原因, 或者其他兩個為什麼在supporting的原因, 因為我覺得她們三個的演出應該要屬於同一個catagory。 Melissa McCarthy gives a fantastic performance in a very slight movie [Can You Ever Forgive Me?]. I just don't see it with [A Star Is Born's] Lady Gaga — I mean, she shines like a goddess when she's onstage and singing, but I don't think I bought her in a single moment beyond that. Glenn Close is fantastic in The Wife, and I think she's going to win easily — I personally don't know anybody who's not voting for her. Melissa在一部如此小品的電影裡呈現極棒的演出。 同樣在“巨星”裡,我就無法在Gaga身上看到相同的(演技)程度, 我的意思是她在舞台上的演出如同女神般閃耀,但除了舞台以外的演出就算了。 Glenn在“愛欺”裡做得真的很棒,我想她絕對能輕易取勝, 我實在想不到誰不會投給她 But if I didn't know Olivia, I'd have voted for Yalitza [Aparicio of Roma], not because she gave a great performance — she didn't even give a performance, she existed onscreen — but because I can't imagine a more heartwarming moment in the history of the Academy Awards than if this woman went up there to get it. 如果我沒認識Coleman,我應該會投給Yalitza,但不是因為她的表演, 她根本沒在表演,她就是“existed onscreen ”(演活了這個角色), 但要是她因為這個角色而上台領獎,我無法想像出比這個更讓人感動的時刻。 最佳男配角: Richard E. Grant I didn't feel that Sam Rockwell should have been nominated for Vice, but he's in "the club" now [having won this Oscar in 2018]; I would have preferred the dude from If Beale Street Could Talk [Brian Tyree Henry] or the gold prospector from Buster Scruggs who sounds like Cookie Monster when he sings [Tom Waits]. [A Star Is Born's] Sam Elliott is nominated for a role that I didn't buy for one second — he's playing Bradley Cooper's brother?! I'm not voting for Adam Driver — yes, I voted for BlacKkKlansman for best picture, but I didn't find any of its performances to be that special. It should be a scandal that [Green Book's] Mahershala Ali is in this category — he's no more a supporting player than Tom Cruise was in Rain Man. I voted for [Can You Ever Forgive Me?'s] Richard E. Grant because of that scene at the end of the movie when he's obviously sick, knows he's going to be written about and begs for her to treat him with respect and dignity. It's the most beautifully acted moment of the year. Rockwell去年因為拿到男配角獎,所以我不認為Rockwell能因這個角色獲得提名, 但他就是被提名了。 我比較希望“藍色比爾街的沈默”的Brian, 或是“西部老巴的故事”那個聲音像cookie monster唱歌時候的淘金客獲得提名。 Elliot在一個我根本不喜歡的電影被提名了,他是演Cooper的哥哥嗎? 我也不想投給Adam,對,雖然我把最佳電影投給“黑色黨徒”, 但我不覺得他的演出有任何特殊之處。 Mahershala會在這個category真的是一個很糟糕的事情, 他的演出已經超越一個男配角該有的定位了! (就像Tom Cruise在雨人的定位一樣) 我會投給“你能原諒我嗎”的Richard是因為在電影最後, 當他演的角色生了重病,也知道他即將被(女主角)寫入書裡時, 他懇求(女主角)給予他尊重跟尊嚴的那一幕是我覺得本年度的最佳演出。 最佳女配角:Emma Stone I was surprised to see Marina [de Tavira of Roma] even get nominated. I didn't even know who she was in the movie, she could have been the grandmother. [If Beale Street Could Talk's] Regina King is one of the best actresses in the country, but there wasn't anything remarkable about this performance except one scene when she's trying to convince the woman who was raped to come forward. Amy Adams is terrific, as always, in Vice, but her performance didn't have the same weight as the two from The Favourite, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone, who added such extraordinary depth to their characters; those parts could have been played in the old days by Bette Davis and Marilyn Monroe. They've both won Academy Awards, so you can't say, "OK, whose turn is it?" I went with Emma because she was able to play a foreigner with such authenticity, but I really could have gone either way. 我很驚訝羅馬的Marian居然撈到提名?我根本不知道她在裡面演誰啊,大概是阿嬤吧。 Regina是美國非常傑出的女演員之一,但她在這部片裡完全沒有特殊之處, 除了她試著去說服被強暴女人站出來的那一幕。 但即便如此也依然比不上真寵的兩個女配角,這兩個人展現了對角色詮釋的深度, 那些橋段要是在以前就是Batte Davis或是Marilyn Monroe來演, 而她們兩個都拿過奧斯卡了,所以你無法決定誰該領到這個獎。 我選Emma是因為她把一個外國人演得如此真實,但我可能到時候會選另外一個吧。 (*他選Emma的理由也太模糊了,還不如選Weiz!) 總之,我知道我的翻譯裡面應該有誤譯的地方,如果有看到覺得不對的翻譯, 或是可以修正的地方請再告訴我,我之後有時間再翻HR訪問的第二篇。 謝謝各位~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1550922797.A.EFE.html ※ 編輯: yufangshih (, 02/23/2019 20:09:23
joey0602 : 看到導演那欄有點想笑。他投給史派克李的原因是覺得 02/23 20:05
joey0602 : 將來不可能看到他惹www 02/23 20:05
qpr322 : 這篇要防個雷阿....被雷到... 02/23 20:11
yufangshih : 哎呀!不好意思,我沒注意到這點 02/23 20:12
lpca : XD 02/23 20:13
mach1210 : 大部份都非常中肯,但為何不看梵谷 02/23 20:16
puppetired : "我覺得兩部都很普通"→事實啊~~~~~~~~~~ 02/23 20:18
Bastille : 波跟巨星能入圍奧斯卡最佳影片根本太神奇了 傑克 02/23 20:26
unclebenjohn: 雖然與現在的風向不大同,但原因和理由還蠻不錯的~~ 02/23 20:29
hhwang : 要是我有得看我可能看得比他還多部 02/23 20:29
Greein : overhyped應該是過度造勢的意思,這個導演很重視電 02/23 20:30
Greein : 影想傳達的意義 02/23 20:30
hhwang : 本來以為我看片悟性不夠,原來學院的看片也看成這 02/23 20:32
hhwang : 樣喔? 02/23 20:32
其實委員沒有你想得高尚,很多之前的匿名投票證明了這一點, 不是所有的委員都會乖乖的去看片投票的wwwwww
grafan : 原來都是投給朋友啊(菸) 02/23 20:40
likeaprayer : 一直不都是這樣嗎XD 02/23 20:42
yufangshih : 就是幫朋友搖旗吶喊啊 XD 不意外啦wwwwww 02/23 20:43
likeaprayer : 這種千人以上投票的獎項 就是比人脈跟造勢 02/23 20:45
likeaprayer : 長期以來都是如此 從沒變過 02/23 20:45
Greein : 入圍名單中有朋友會投給朋友,所以才說奧斯卡獎入 02/23 20:46
Greein : 圍和得獎人緣很重要 02/23 20:46
qpr322 : 不然去年愛珍妮怎麼慧得獎,就是人緣女王阿 02/23 20:47
qpr322 : 怎麼會打成愛珍妮XDD,艾莉森珍妮啦XD 02/23 20:48
但我自己看Tanya,覺得她的演技也很好... 雖然我覺得去年的女配都很強,但艾莉森拿了對我而言也是不驚訝就是...
likeaprayer : Cooper等不到奧斯卡青睞 倒是先拿到葛萊美... 02/23 20:50
Stefano : 「我要跟你說件會讓你很震驚的事情,就是大部分的人 02/23 20:50
Stefano : 都馬是投給自己的朋友。」其實沒人覺得震驚。 02/23 20:50
likeaprayer : 最佳流行合唱/團體是頒給表演者的獎 份量還不小 02/23 20:50
likeaprayer : 看他拿葛萊美獎盃上節目都快笑死了XD 02/23 20:51
likeaprayer : 真的沒有人震驚XD 根本大家都知道的事 02/23 20:51
bill93557063: 難怪這兩部片都沒入圍導演 02/23 20:59
likeaprayer : 波希本來就不可能入圍導演 02/23 21:08
likeaprayer : 不管是頒獎方 電影公司 甚至劇組 都沒人想跟辛格 02/23 21:09
likeaprayer : 扯上任何關係 02/23 21:09
hawardhsz : 坦白說 如果不是Netflix 我根本不會進戲院看羅馬 02/23 21:17
hawardhsz : 透過Netflix我看了羅馬三遍 都感動不已 02/23 21:19
我覺得羅馬誠如導演所說,要不是Netflix願意注資, 我們絕對無法看到這麼棒的作品,所以導演說的其實是很殘酷的一件事, 我相信導演絕對希望這個劇本能被大公司買走, 但我想絕對是沒人喜歡這個劇本,一定不賺錢,所以才跟Netflix合作吧。 所以這不是Netflix的問題呀,但只要一談到這個就會有像雞生蛋、蛋生雞的迴圈。
IBIZA : 我覺得對真寵的評價很實在啊 02/23 21:19
hawardhsz : 然後才會想進電影院看大螢幕的震撼 02/23 21:19
likeaprayer : Coleman的弱勢在於她在影片份量 所以有些獎把她放配 02/23 21:21
hawardhsz : 第一段攝影跟剪輯的地方 要強調的是 "第一個導演" 02/23 21:21
likeaprayer : 而不是主角 02/23 21:21
hawardhsz : 得到這個獎項 02/23 21:22
msnobody : 我覺得兩部都很普通 感同身受XD 男主那邊真的很酸 02/23 21:32
msnobody : 感覺Bale拿不到男主 看來是拜票不夠勤勞XD 但總有一 02/23 21:34
msnobody : 天這個獎會是他的 02/23 21:34
mainline : indulgent在說放縱感 肆虐感 舉例昆丁電影最會的 02/23 21:36
是有點耽於自溺的意思嗎? 過度沈醉在自己的世界?
mainline : turn me on 在表達切中他的頻率 02/23 21:36
poopooShaw : Turn me on 可以翻成讓我興奮 XD 有點性暗示的意思 02/23 21:36
poopooShaw : sweat and emotional equlity ,可能是指 sweat 和 02/23 21:38
poopooShaw : emotional 取得很好的平衡(? 02/23 21:38
重點是我不懂sweat的意思是什麼?字典說是什麼汗水啥的, 但為什麼sweat跟emotional equlity會是委員說的兩個元素, 其實我是在這兩個字卡住了 囧rz
shiz : Gina! 02/23 21:39
shiz : 推錯 www 02/23 21:39
SE4NLN415 : 沒差過去幾年這樣搞我連看誰得獎的興趣都沒有了 02/23 21:39
mainline : 另外 中譯部分 不是看不到剪輯獎頒獎 而是看不到l 02/23 21:39
mainline : ive實況 奧斯卡原本的打算就是將它在廣告時間頒 隨 02/23 21:40
mainline : 後剪輯插入 還是有播出的 不過這主意一樣有夠糟 02/23 21:40
likeaprayer : 是說金酸莓出來了=3= 福爾摩濕與滑生是最大贏家 02/23 21:47
likeaprayer : 川普最爛男主 Melissa McCarthy最爛女主 02/23 21:47
XSR300 : 黑豹第三 02/23 21:55
hhwang : 說到黑豹,有人清楚Kendrick Lamar拒絕演出的原委 02/23 22:12
hhwang : 嗎? https://reurl.cc/Ovr3v 沒有關切他 02/23 22:12
yufangshih : 樓上~HR有說KL正在歐洲巡演,他認為他無法負荷演出 02/23 22:13
yufangshih : 而製作方也不想找替代KL的歌手來替代他和SZA,因此 02/23 22:14
yufangshih : 歌曲表演不會有"All the stars" 02/23 22:14
這是Hollywood Reporter的原文,我附上網址: https://reurl.cc/r5vWx
ccwhat : 有夠垃圾的..看了好無言 02/23 22:18
我懂你的意思,但我實在玻璃心,可以請你不要噓我嗎(我還花了很多時間耶) 況且這種意見就是看看就好,笑一下無傷大雅,反正是好是壞2/25就見真章了。
peifen : 「大部份人都是投給自己的朋友」丹麥女孩的ER在好 02/23 22:29
peifen : 萊塢應該沒什麼人脈吧,還是那年的男主角入圍者和他 02/23 22:29
peifen : 差不多沒多少人認識? 02/23 22:29
hhwang : 樓上,不然你以為那年為什麼是皮卡丘橫掃? 02/23 22:31
dragon50119 : 這個人的論點不錯 <波>這樣的普片能入圍真的問號 02/23 22:36
dragon50119 : 男配那段有夠中肯 雖然沒看過Richard那部 但阿里 02/23 22:37
likeaprayer : 奧斯卡演出要彩排那些工作 Kendrick Lamar人在歐洲 02/23 22:38
dragon50119 : 降報配角這個問題有些人選擇忽視呢 02/23 22:38
likeaprayer : 沒辦法撥出時間配合 所以才不去奧斯卡 02/23 22:38
dragon50119 : 結果竟然金球後被炒成大熱門??? 02/23 22:39
likeaprayer : 人脈可以用電影公司造勢出來 02/23 22:39
Alexiel : 還有公關公司的人脈 02/23 22:39
likeaprayer : 這就是公關費為什麼都這麼高 演員沒人脈? 沒問題 02/23 22:40
dragon50119 : Adam Driver真的是好演員 但黑色黨徒裡確實沒什麼 02/23 22:40
likeaprayer : 電影公司幫你搞定 02/23 22:40
likeaprayer : 這次羅馬花最多公關費 超過2000萬美元 02/23 22:40
dragon50119 : 特別突出的部分啊 Sam Rockwell根本是靠共和黨角色 02/23 22:41
likeaprayer : 巨星一開始也很高 但隨著重要獎項落空 華納也收了 02/23 22:41
dragon50119 : 加分吧 02/23 22:41
likeaprayer : 不太繼續砸錢造勢 02/23 22:41
hhwang : 就算波希賺很多,福斯都沒了,是要怎麼公關? 02/23 22:43
likeaprayer : 那個都有人負責的... 不會因為併購就沒有 02/23 22:45
likeaprayer : 光是明星出席各紅毯 活動的髮妝等費用 02/23 22:46
likeaprayer : 都是公關環節的一部份 02/23 22:46
Evelynwei : 推推 02/23 22:47
likeaprayer : 寄送光碟給評審觀賞更是基本工作 02/23 22:48
aoka : 波的最後十分鐘就演唱會啊,他怎麼前面覺得不怎麼 02/23 22:57
aoka : 樣,後面的演唱會又覺得不錯? 02/23 22:57
legendarysoy: 正常啊 波的最後演唱會是表演和剪輯最精華的地方 02/23 23:06
hawardhsz : 所以我覺得這些投票會員杯葛羅馬是一件很好笑的事情 02/23 23:06
hawardhsz : 就電影公司都不願意出資才找Netflix的 現在卻被嫌棄 02/23 23:07
legendarysoy: 就戰力而言 這屆羅馬應該是沒對手 但因為是網飛的 02/23 23:09
mysmalllamb : 我覺得他們杯葛羅馬正是他們所處位置的天經地義呀 02/23 23:10
mysmalllamb : 如果奧斯卡開明開放又公正,我反而覺得這世界瘋了 02/23 23:11
legendarysoy: 在影片外有不利因子 只能盡量用公關沖淡抵制網飛 02/23 23:12
draving : 覺得很多都說的蠻直接中肯的 謝謝翻譯! 02/23 23:57
kosha : 天 真的是瞎透 02/24 01:00
其實我覺得這篇不是最瞎的,哈哈 XD 認真講這次Hollywood Reporter有另外一篇更瞎的,瞎到我覺得PO上來大概會被噓透。 (板上實在有人無法平常心看待,但這個真的是認真就輸了代表例子) 同樣是委員我雖然覺得人各有意志,但起碼這個委員算是還滿認真的在判斷, 但另外一個就不是了。 舉個例子好了,另外一個委員說她會把男配角的票投給Richard E. Grant, 但為什麼呢,不是因為演技喔,而是因為他是芭芭拉史翠珊死忠粉這件事太可愛了 (我想說excuse me,妳是認真在投票嗎?) 結果講很大一篇都在說他是史翠珊的粉絲巴拉巴拉的, 關於演員本身只提到“就是那種你常常看到但說不出來名字的人”,這種委員才瞎啊。 ※ 編輯: yufangshih (, 02/24/2019 01:21:37
joey0602 : 我有看到說芭芭拉那個,真心有點瞎www 好像是技術 02/24 01:33
joey0602 : 部門會員…她看羅馬還等電影片尾彩蛋…這篇評委真 02/24 01:33
joey0602 : 的好多了 02/24 01:33
hhwang : 看到學院的素質,覺得安心,公投完才估狗相比之下 02/24 01:50
hhwang : 根本不算什麼~ 02/24 01:50
a031405 : 謝謝翻譯 02/24 01:52
DoubleFace : 謝謝翻譯! 02/24 01:52
kelly0508 : 黑色黨徒的收尾個人認為也很草率… 02/24 02:00
LEOPARDO : 投給朋友真的不意外 只是這樣我覺得Viggo 可能都拿 02/24 02:37
LEOPARDO : 不到奧斯卡了吧...... 02/24 02:37
shiz : 以後影帝影后都改名為Mr./Ms. Congeniality好了 02/24 09:10
freaky0908 : 選片標準好老實但也好糟糕 02/24 10:23
tsbet : 謝謝翻譯!有些投票理由真的很瞎w 02/24 12:45
willyc : Indulgent = 自溺的 02/24 18:44
ph777 : 過譽?overhyperd 02/24 18:59