看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
迪士尼將於2019/09/10發行阿拉丁4K/Blu-ray/DVD的Signature Collection珍藏版影音產 品,喜歡阿拉丁的朋友們可以參考看看要不要入手。話說回來2015年才發行了Diamond Edition,隔了四年趁著電影熱度趕快發行搶錢,真不愧是迪士尼啊.... 另外提一下台灣觀眾不熟悉的阿拉丁配唱Brad Kane的近況,在短暫的參與百老匯音樂劇 後轉行當起了編劇與監製,參與了Fringe、Black Sails、Lodge 49和改編自李小龍遺作 Warrior等影集都有他的蹤跡喔! https://abc7news.com/video/embed/?pid=1025921 Signature Collection 收錄了新增花絮等內容: https://ew.com/movies/2019/08/16/robin-williams-aladdin-recording-booth/ *Sing Along With the Movie– Sing along to your favorite tunes as you watch the film. With magical on-screen lyrics. *Aladdin on Aladdin– Join the speaking voice of Aladdin, Scott Weinger (“ Fuller House”), as he reflects on almost 30 years of being Aladdin. *“Let’s Not Be Too Hasty”:The Voices of “Aladdin”– Take your seat in the recording booth and watch as the voice actors of “Aladdin” work their microphone magic. *Alternate Endings– Enter the realm of “what if” and see just how differently the movie could have ended. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1566479808.A.CF1.html
h75311418 : 想知道真人版的什麼時候買的到呢? 08/23 13:34
真人版的發行日在同一天,台版的話可能要再等一等囉! ※ 編輯: valeria ( 臺灣), 08/23/2019 13:47:59
PCL1515 : 真人版台灣預計9/20發行藍光 08/23 13:58
pttsea : MOD貌似8/28(來亂 08/23 20:43