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Joker: The Batman Easter Egg You May Have Missed https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/10/08/joker-movie-batman-easter-egg-batpole (警告:新聞涉及非關鍵劇情,還沒看過電影的請謹慎評估是否繼續閱讀。) Joker is obviously not a typical comic book movie in that it's lacking the usual hallmarks of the genre that fans have come to expect, debuting without a post-credits scene or many notable comic book references. However, both Joker director Todd Phillips and editor Jeff Groth confirmed to IGN the existence of a Batman Easter egg during the scene where Arthur Fleck visits Wayne Manor.(翻譯:然而,小丑的導演Todd Phillips和剪輯Jeff Groth都向IGN 確認了在Arthur Fleck訪問韋恩莊園的那一段場景中彩蛋的存在。) As Arthur (Joaquin Phoenix) approaches Wayne Manor, he spots young Bruce Wayne (Dante Pereira-Olson) playing on the front lawn in his gazebo-like jungle gym. (Seriously, what kid goes outside to play in a cashmere overcoat?! Only Bruce Wayne.) Bruce's curiosity is piqued by the approaching man wearing the red clown nose so he exits his playset by sliding down a pole. A "Batpole," if you will. Phillips and Groth each acknowledged in separate chats with IGN that the pole is indeed an homage to the Batpoles used by the Dynamic Duo in the 1960s Batman TV series.(翻譯:菲利普斯和格羅斯在與IGN的單獨聊天中都承認,這根柱子確 實是對1960s年代蝙蝠俠電視連續劇《活力雙雄》所使用的蝙蝠柱的致敬。) For those unfamiliar with the classic Adam West show, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson would receive a call for help from Commissioner Gordon on the Batphone in the study of Wayne Manor. Flipping a switch hidden inside a bust of William Shakespeare, Bruce would exclaim "To the Batpoles!" and a secret entrance to the Batcave would appear behind a bookcase. Bruce and Dick would then access the Batcave by sliding down these firehouse-style poles, Bruce would flip the Instant Costume Change Lever and they would land in the Batcave in full costume. The Batpoles could also lift them back up into Wayne Manor and change them back into their civilian clothes. Holy science, Batman! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1570946041.A.100.html ※ 編輯: a5378623 ( 臺灣), 10/13/2019 13:58:51
hide0325 : 一樣的東西你是要發幾篇… 10/13 13:58
Dante6 : 第4篇,到底夠了沒?一直砍又開,幹嘛勒 10/13 14:00
magicscott : 你這篇早點發就好了,就可以聽到一堆啪啪啪聲,可 10/13 14:03
magicscott : 惜…… 10/13 14:03
hide0325 : 什麼早點發…他是刪了又發 10/13 14:28
SamuraiJack : 原來電影板不只不能指出大部份人沒看出來的致敬橋段 10/13 14:38
SamuraiJack : ,也不準別人被嗆腦補之後還貼導演訪談證明喔? 10/13 14:38
hide0325 : 你可以貼啊,集中一篇不就好了,刪了又發,意義在 10/13 14:52
hide0325 : 哪? 10/13 14:52
Dante6 : 你可以貼來討論阿,同一串不就好了,刪了又開刪了又 10/13 14:54
Dante6 : 開,怎麼討論?然後開4串超發文了欸 10/13 14:55
Dante6 : 阿不就好想討論,想討論到刪開刪開一直開新文。 10/13 14:55
SamuraiJack : 回在推文說看不到,回一篇說佔版面,刪掉前面又說 10/13 14:59
SamuraiJack : 不想討論,怎麼說都可以,只有指出你沒看到的致敬 10/13 14:59
SamuraiJack : 不行,真棒~ 10/13 14:59
Dante6 : 誰說看不到?我就沒說過,想討論好好討論不就好了? 10/13 15:05
Dante6 : 偏偏要一直刪又發,你覺得這樣很妥當? 10/13 15:05
perfects1988: 當初把新聞貼出來說致敬不就好了~還搞得自己被桶... 10/13 15:05
Dante6 : 有資料統一整理好同一串編輯發出來,偏不要反而要開 10/13 15:08
Dante6 : 一串又被人家噓了之後再刪再發,現在發4篇了,違反 10/13 15:08
Dante6 : 版規不就好棒。 10/13 15:08
Dante6 : 說別人都在說,你好好討論拿出東西我是不信不會有人 10/13 15:08
Dante6 : 支持啦,這樣亂搞有很棒? 10/13 15:08
magicscott : 所以才說可惜啊~~(也可以說活該) 10/13 15:11
magicscott : 說實在的原文底下那些嗆腦補的確實欠電沒錯… 10/13 15:12
sgess : 根本不可惜啊 我主觀認定他是故意出來鬧的 只是提 10/13 15:15
sgess : 早被桶而已 10/13 15:15
magicscott : 推"好好討論不信不會有支持人” 10/13 15:15
magicscott : 回到原題,看到這新聞我更懷疑導演之前是在說氣話沒 10/13 15:17
magicscott : 錯XD 10/13 15:17
sgess : 如果想打臉卻把前幾篇刪掉那就沒意義了 10/13 15:17
stratuss : 導演都說他不玩彩蛋那套了 10/13 18:51
w790818 : 導演都說沒有彩蛋,一群人是在自爽啥 10/13 21:59
trickart : 導演都說沒有彩蛋 在自爽啥… 10/14 01:10
kaltu : 又不是只有導演可以放彩蛋,編劇場地佈置道具都有辦 10/14 01:48
kaltu : 法不讓導演知道放彩蛋進去 10/14 01:48
kaltu : director沒辦法管到每一個員工職務範圍的細部操作 10/14 01:56
kaltu : 像是赤燭的director就不知道他的美術組在符咒上面寫 10/14 01:56
kaltu : 習近平 10/14 01:56
matchaa : 無聊 10/14 02:09
iamcnc : 我看的時候有感覺 但是我沒想洩漏年齡 10/14 22:41