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https://variety.com/2020/film/festivals/cannes-film-festival-cancellation-not- covered-insurance-coronavirus-1203527442/ Cannes Film Festival Not Covered by Insurance in Case of Cancellation (EXCLUSI VE) By ELSA KESLASSY The Cannes Film Festival is among a number of events in France hanging in the balance in the face of the coronavirus outbreak and the government’s recent b an on gatherings of more than 1,000 people. In the event of a cancellation, ho wever, the festival won’t be able to rely on an insurance claim. The festival was given the opportunity by its insurance company, Circle Group, to purchase a buy-back option covering epidemics and pandemics around 10 days ago, and surprisingly declined it, according to a source at Circle Group, a l eading insurance company whose client roster also includes the Cesar Awards — France’s equivalent to the Oscars. The buy-back option represented around 6% of the total price for the insurance package. Because Cannes has declined to take the option, the festival won’t be covered if it needs to cancel — even if organizers’ hands are forced by a governmen tal decree. The film festival, which carries a budget reportedly in the €30-million ($33 million) range, is financed by French taxpayers and corporate sponsors. Organi zers previously told Variety they are monitoring the situation while pursuing the selection of movies in the run-up to their April 16 press conference. A Cannes spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment about the festi val’s insurance policy by press time. However, Pierre Lescure, president of the Cannes Film Festival, confirmed to F rench outlet Le Figaro that the festival is not insured for coronavirus. He ad ded that the offer made by Circle Group 10 days ago was “totally disproportio nate.” “We were only offered to cover ourselves for up to €2 million ($2.3 million) while our budget is €32 million ($36 million). It was really peanuts. The co mpany was clearly playing bounty hunter and we have of course declined this pr oposal,” he said. The executive added that the festival has a large endowment fund that will pro vide “reserves” if the festival — which is forging ahead with its film sele ction — is cancelled. The fund covers at least one year without revenue, said Lescure. Much like most insurance companies in France, Circle Group doesn’t cover canc ellations due to coronavirus, as with other epidemics and pandemics. That mean s event organizers have to book a separate buy-back option, but this can only be done in early stages and before the virus passes a certain mark. In the case of coronavirus, insurance companies have stopped making these opti ons available to clients since the end of January, when the virus began grabbi ng headlines. It is believed, however, that Circle Group was willing to make a n exception for the Cannes Film Festival, as it did for other key clients. For events which are not covered, such as the film festival, claiming a case o f force majeure won’t suffice, even if the government requests a cancellation or gatherings ban, said a spokesperson for the French Federation of Insurance (Federation Nationale de l’Assurance). The spokesperson added that coronavir us was not considered by French insurers as a case of force majeure because it doesn’t fit any of the three defining criteria, which are “uncontrollable, external and unforeseeable.” “There is no way a cancellation due to a virus outbreak will be taken into ac count by an insurance company as a case of force majeure if it’s clearly excl uded from coverage in contracts — even if the government gets involved,” a s ource at Circle Group said. “Firstly, this is due to a separation of powers a nd, secondly, because making us change our rules on epidemics would sink the e ntire insurance world.” France’s restrictive insurance policies around disease-linked damages have co me as a response to SARS in 2002 and MERS in 2012, said Alexandre Regniault, p artner at international law firm Simmons & Simmons, who heads up the firm’s l ife sciences sector. “As time passes and these epidemics keep reappearing, it will become increasi ngly difficult to argue that outbreaks are unforeseeable,” said Regniault, ad ding that it was nevertheless possible in some cases to dispute the insurer an d defend coverage, depending on the terms and conditions of the policy. Laurent Cellot, the head of Gras Savoye Sports & Evenements, who works with cu ltural and sports events such as the tennis tournament Rolland Garros, said th at most major events now have a habit of undertaking an additional option that includes losses due to diseases and epidemics. Reacting to Sunday’s ban on gatherings of more than 1,000 people, Cellot said the new restrictions will cause many cancellations, including sports games an d other live events such as concerts and spectacles. “Many events have been spared so far because organizers were able to work aro und the ban on indoor gatherings of more than 5,000 people. For instance, ther e was a big soccer game on Sunday between Lille and Lyon that gathered 30,000 people, but with this new ban, many events of different sizes are now being th reatened,” said Cellot. 看到這新聞蠻驚訝欸,坎城影展為什麼拒絕保險公司的提議啊…(如果西南偏南看到,借 地下錢莊也會立刻買吧…) 坎城本來買的保險沒包含傳染病流行。但保險公司前幾天說如果加付保險總額的6%,就可 以理賠如果因武漢肺炎使影展取消所需的費用。但坎城拒絕…???所以是表示一定會硬 辦了欸… 是說,真心覺得法國人(歐洲人)沒有認真重視疫情欸…鄰居義大利都封鎖了。週末還快 樂舉辦藍色小精靈的數千人遊行。法網前天也說如期舉行,說在戶外ok的,幾萬觀眾馬照 跑舞照跳。只加了一條說不讓疫區的人買票…修但幾勒!法國自己都1700多例了,還有25 死亡,然後覺得自己不算疫區?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1583896374.A.A67.html
nsx : 法國不是說文化大臣染疫,追查源頭可能是出席電影節 03/11 11:14
nsx : ,中間不知道握了幾百人的手? 03/11 11:15
joey0602 : 我沒看到這個新聞,是參加什麼影展啊?? 03/11 11:35
a9a99 : 義大利都搞成那樣了還不怕? 03/11 11:39
DemonElf : 這次的疫情也算是全球總體檢了,沒跌倒過的都不知道 03/11 11:47
DemonElf : 痛 03/11 11:47
dragon50119 : 一樓說的是凱薩獎,新聞寫握了2000人的手...... 03/11 11:55
joey0602 : 竟然是凱薩獎…怕爆… 03/11 11:56
mysmalllamb : 文中說就算加保了也只會補救到一點「花生米」 03/11 11:59
qpr322 : 凱薩獎....法國演藝圈要爆了嗎? 03/11 12:01
lgng66133 : 歐洲這種防疫態度 說不定會爆發的比亞洲還嚴重 03/11 12:03
lgng66133 : Coachella今天都宣布延期了 03/11 12:03
movieghost : 電影中總有一兩個鐵齒角色 會早早領便當 03/11 12:03
qpr322 : 德法現在的人數雖然沒義大利多,但上升的速率似乎是 03/11 12:05
qpr322 : 一樣的,所以遲早會走上義大利的後塵,這樣就算辦了 03/11 12:05
qpr322 : 誰敢去當評審或是首映阿? 03/11 12:05
qpr322 : 歐美國家現在的想法大多是覺得這沒有流感來得嚴重, 03/11 12:10
qpr322 : 而且目前死亡的大多是老年人。但他們都沒自己想他 03/11 12:10
qpr322 : 們的流感為什麼會這麼嚴重... 03/11 12:10
wulaw5566 : 法國賽菲諾是疫苗大廠,台灣流感疫苗就是進他們的, 03/11 12:59
wulaw5566 : 可能覺得自己醫療先進國家沒在怕吧。 03/11 12:59
taowoman : 他們不見棺材不掉淚 不要到時又一個全封 03/11 13:06
sasewill : 他們都看CHO做事的,意外嗎 03/11 13:40
symeng : 沒疫情未來要怎麼怪中國? 03/11 14:05
sdf88523 : 這就是浪漫(? 03/11 14:13
Paul0807 : 搞藝術本來就沒在鳥什麼生死的 藝術即是永恆 03/11 14:17
yua123 : 誰敢去找死 03/11 14:22
ptta : 大家都染疫就沒差!我就爛 03/11 15:45
jimmylily : 流感有疫苗武漢肺炎又沒有 03/11 16:00
raura : 美國SXSW就停辦了,人家也是搞藝術的 03/11 16:56
filmwalker : 坎城是 3/1拒絕加保 (台灣是 3/7升高法國疫情等級 03/11 17:06
filmwalker : 說不定他們現在已後悔 但加保保費絕對不會像之前便 03/11 17:07
EvilisGood : https://bit.ly/33blXSN 坎城總裁說 他們覺得很樂觀 03/11 18:08
EvilisGood : 疫情應該會在三月底前落幕 如果沒有的話 屆時再取消 03/11 18:08
EvilisGood : https://bit.ly/38DPNjZ 找到英文報導了 03/11 18:14
EvilisGood : 他說保險公司的保額只有200萬歐元 但影展經費是3200 03/11 18:15
EvilisGood : 萬歐元 所以保這個根本沒用 03/11 18:15
qpr322 : 三月底落幕XDDD 03/11 18:16
qpr322 : 他們才剛開始爆,想要一個月內落幕,太天真了吧XDD 03/11 18:17
EvilisGood : 我講得不夠完整 應該是疫情「高峰」在三月底落幕 03/11 18:18
EvilisGood : 他也有說坎城資金夠厚 一年沒收益也撐得住 03/11 18:20
dieterle : 感覺在歐洲就是有點事不關己的樣子,太小看傳染病了 03/11 18:36
vanson37 : 比流感還弱,到底緊張什麼 03/11 20:34
pattda : 小感冒 沒事~ 03/11 20:55
pdf300ppi : 法國真的腦包 法網也是鐵頭想辦 有夠低能 03/11 21:31
ctes940008 : 沒事兒 03/11 22:31
kilhi : 歐美社會實驗啊!等結果 03/11 22:59