看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞網址:https://collider.com/wonder-woman-1984-why-patty-jenkins-almost-didnt-direct/ "It's interesting as someone who never made any profit in my career up until Wonder Woman, that I was always at peace with it. I was like, ‘Hey I get it. ’ But now I was like, ‘Listen, I never made any money in my career because you always had the leverage and I didn’t.’ But now the shoe is on the other foot so it’s time to turn the tables. I don’t want to talk about a quote system that’s boxed me out and it’s not even true. It was easy to find that all of the men not just had quotes, they’d made an independent film and then a first [superhero] movie. They got paid seven times more than me for the first superhero movie. Then on the second one, they got paid more than me still. It was an easy fight to say, ‘This can’t be. It super can’t be. And it really can’t be on Wonder Woman...It was an interesting thing to do, but it was an easy thing to do in the fact I was dead serious. That I was like ‘ If I can’t be victorious in this regard, then I’m letting everyone down.’ If not me, who? So it became something I became very, very, very passionate about." Jenkins在第一部WW拿到的Offer比其他男導演還低七倍.. 甚至連第二部電影其他男導演的offer還是比jenkins高 真不知道華納高層在想什麼 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1608279539.A.E64.html
TPhow : 若是看票房給薪 WW第一集已經證明票房實力 華納還 12/18 16:21
TPhow : 是一樣男女不同酬 12/18 16:22
BF109Pilot : 有道是 萬惡米老鼠/罪大滔天索尼/高層腦殘華納 12/18 16:31
glacierl : 不過我記得她這次好像已經跨上好萊塢最高片酬的女 12/18 16:32
glacierl : 導演了。 12/18 16:32
Paul0807 : 所以才故意導爛的嗎 看看成果跟1差多少 12/18 16:36
vg175 : 她第二集有掛監製啊 抽成多少公開以後再來抱怨 12/18 16:53
glacierl : 之前新聞說派蒂這次的導演薪酬跟查克拍MoS時差不多 12/18 16:54
HaHaPoint : 我還以為是Jenkins 原來是這個Jenkins 12/18 17:03
pandp : 第二集應該要跟導演求償了 12/18 17:12
GEKKAKAJIN : 不是說華納決定要把旗下電影放上串流所以有給她一 12/18 17:41
GEKKAKAJIN : 筆補償? 12/18 17:42
pauljet : 真的是 給多少錢做多少事的典範 12/18 17:53
tomx : 這種導演功力是要領多少 12/18 18:18
szdxc17 : 這真的是貨真價實的歧視了 12/18 18:21
szdxc17 : 其實第一集就看出來 導演文戲功力強 動作戲不行 12/18 18:22
szdxc17 : 但大場面要一些經驗累積 她之前的片預算都不高 ww 12/18 18:23
szdxc17 : 當做是補經驗 12/18 18:23
pandp : 這集連文戲也不怎麼樣 12/18 19:16
xxx60709 : 說好的平權呢,垃圾公司只會做表面 12/18 19:31
micbrimac : 最高片酬的女導演只能代表女導演的薪水真的很低吧. 12/18 19:32
micbrimac : .. 12/18 19:32
toyamaK52 : 環球:三樓你什麼意思 我高層不腦殘了? 12/18 20:38
knuckles1982: 故意拍爛抗議的嗎? 12/18 21:49
kill780215 : 覺得愛情戲拍的不錯 可能是女主配女導的加乘 但動作 12/19 01:16
kill780215 : 戲真不夠帥啊 12/19 01:16