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【展覽名稱】來自北方的凝視—郭雪湖與他的南國世界 【展訊連結】http://www.lianggallery.com/?p=18125 【展覽地點】尊彩藝術中心2樓(臺北市內湖區瑞光路366號) 【開放時間】週二至週日11:00-18:00 【策展人/主辦單位】吳超然/郭雪湖基金會 ============================================================================== 【展訊/新聞正文】 尊彩藝術中心將榮幸推出台灣前輩代表藝術家郭雪湖回顧展「來自北方的凝視-郭雪湖與 他的南國世界」,並於2020.09.05(六)下午三點舉行展覽開幕,誠摯邀請您的參與!   「來自北方的凝視─郭雪湖與他的南國世界」 The Gaze from the North: Kuo Hsueh-Hu and His Southern World   展期:2020.09.05(六)—2020.10.25(日) 媒體記者會:2020.09.03(四)15:00 開幕:2020.09.05(六)15:00 地點:尊彩藝術中心1、2樓 藝術家:郭雪湖、郭林阿琴 策展人:吳超然   座談會:2020.09.12(六)15:00 座談會與談人:策展人 東海大學美術系助理教授 吳超然、潘信華   講座:2020.09.20(日)15:00 講者:東海大學美術系教授暨主任 李貞慧   《來自北方的凝視─郭雪湖與他的南國世界》展覽,獲得郭雪湖基金會鼎力協助,由東海 大學助理教授吳超然策展,將於9月5日於臺北內湖尊彩藝術中心展出。本次展出郭雪湖( 1908-2012)的作品,橫跨他在臺灣時期,以及海外時期的精彩鉅作,包括了1927年首次 獲得臺展入選的〈松壑飛泉〉、〈圓山附近〉(色稿)、1932年的〈薰苑〉,以及諸多鮮 少曝光的花卉與旅遊寫生之作。除此之外,郭雪湖夫人林阿琴女士也有七件作品參展,期 能使觀眾見證這對結褵超過70年的夫妻,如何在艱困的藝術道路上,彼此的知遇之恩。   南方與北方的對立,早在中國的歷史就已經出現。從華夏中土的觀點而言,南蠻(此外, 還有北狄、西戎與東夷),就是如此的產物。從15世紀大航海時代的來臨,地理的知識伴 隨著文藝復興以來的天文與測量技術,世界觀或是地理中心論,也就從此改觀。日本在安 土桃山時代(1568-1603),把來自葡萄牙、西班牙的貿易船員,統稱為南蛮(Nan-ban) ;這是因為來自歐洲的船隊行經臺灣海峽或是菲律賓海北上的船隊是由南而北進入日本的 海域。   1894年日清甲午戰爭之後,臺灣與澎湖被割讓給日本成為殖民地。從此,臺灣接受日本的 統治長達50年。郭雪湖的藝術啟蒙以及創作最為勤奮的階段就是在日本殖民統治臺灣的時 期。1945年太平洋戰爭結束,國民政府來臺接收。但是1947年的「二二八」事件爆發之後 ,臺籍留日畫家陳澄波竟然在嘉義遭到槍決;隨後的「清鄉運動」與1949年頒佈的政治戒 嚴令,立即使受到日治時期美術教育的臺籍藝術家陷入恐慌。1950年代,由於「臺灣省全 省美術展覽會」開始出現對於臺籍畫家東洋畫作品的歸屬問題的質疑,進而發展成為日後 的「正統國畫之爭」。加上全省美展的評審結構陸續出現由外省籍人士取代臺灣籍畫家的 諸多問題,郭雪湖毅然的在1964年10月離臺灣,遠赴日本,從此開始他長達23年的海外漂 泊,一直到1987年臺灣宣布解嚴前返回故鄉。   東洋畫、膠彩畫、日本畫與「正統」國畫之間,到底是什麼關係?1950年代臺灣省全省美 術展覽的評審機制,又何以令郭雪湖遠走他鄉?「來自北方的凝視」,或是來自當年的日 本美術教育與帝國主義,又如何一方面形塑了郭雪湖的細密畫風,同時又如何制約了他的 視覺美感?《來自北方的凝視─郭雪湖與他的南國世界》展覽,希望能夠透過這些作品的 呈現,以及策展文章的梳理,提供給臺灣美術史一個不同的研究觀點。   With the best support from Kuo Hsueh-Hu Foundation, The Gaze from the North: K uo Hsueh-Hu and His Southern World will open on September 5 at Liang Gallery i n Neihu, Taipei. The exhibition curated by WU Chao-Jen, the Assistant Professo r of Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University, features the masterpieces by KUO Hsueh-Hu (1908-201) of his years in Taiwan and overseas, including Stre am through Pine Ravine and Scenery Near Yuan Shan (preliminary drawing) in 192 7, with which he was selected by the first Taiwan Art Exhibition, and Chinese Garden in 1932, along with a great number of the rarely-seen flower paintings and travel paintings. The exhibition also includes 7 artworks by Madame LIN A- Chin, the wife of KUO Hsueh-Hu, presented as a testimony to the viewers of how the seven decades of a marriage of mutual understanding had supported the hus band and wife through the challenges in life as well as in arts. Through its e xhibits and curatorial narrative, The Gaze from the North: Kuo Hsueh-Hu and Hi s Southern World hopes to offer a different academic perspective for the art h istory of Taiwan.   During the 1950s, the “Provincial Art Exhibition” began to question the cate gorization of “Dongyang painting” (東洋畫, often used to refer to the painti ng featuring a Japanese style) by Taiwanese painters, consequently leading to the argument over the “legitimate national painting.” The controversy was he ated up when the Provincial Art Exhibition jury committee experienced a struct ure shift as the Taiwanese painters in the committee were gradually replaced b y the mainlanders. Therefore, the determined KUO Hsueh-Hu left Taiwan for Japa n in the October of 1964, where he had lived away from home for 23 years until his return in 1987 on the eve of the announced lifting of Martial Law.   How can we define the relation among Dongyang painting, gouache painting, Japa nese painting, and the “legitimate” national painting? Why did the Instituti on of the Provincial Art Exhibition committee drive KUO Hsueh-Hu away from his hometown? How did “the gaze from the north,” or should we understand it as the art education and imperialism imposed during the Japanese occupation, shap e the exquisiteness of KUO’s arts as it also confined his visual aesthetics? Through its exhibits and curatorial narrative, The Gaze from the North: Kuo Hs ueh-Hu and His Southern World hopes to offer a different academic perspective for the art history of Taiwan. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/museum/M.1602778603.A.562.html
J7565J: 有VR可進入畫中世界,很好玩哦 10/21 16:43
clipo: 推VR體驗,還可以搭配迪化街半日遊 10/24 17:48
yuzuka: 在南美看過,大推! 10/27 08:45