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完整標題: Coronavirus: New York Won’t Close Schools Because Homeless Kids Have Nowhere Else to Go 發稿單位:mintpressnews 發稿時間:March 09th, 2020 撰 稿 者:Alan Macleod 原文連結:https://www.mintpressnews.com/coronavirus-new-york-schools-homeless-kids-have-nowhere-to-go/265603/ As the number of cases of COVID-19 in the tri-state area rises to over 150, Governor Andrew Cuomo has declared a state of emergency across New York State. Local universities like Hofstra, Columbia and Yeshiva have shut their doors on students today. But the city has no plans to close public k-12 schools – because tens of thousands of homeless children have nowhere else to go. 34,000 children in New York City’s public school system currently live in emergency shelters, and a further 74,000 have only been spared the same fate by relatives, friends or neighbors who have taken them in. With 1.1 million students, the city has the largest public school system in the United States, one in ten of whom experienced homelessness in the 2018-2019 school year, according to a recent report from education group Advocates for Children. Thus, for many thousands of students, school is the only place they receive regular meals, shelter, medical care, and other vital services. For that reason, School Chancellor Richard A. Carranza said that they would remain open despite the risk and that closures would be considered only as a “last resort.” 紐約市確診病例超過150人後已宣布進入緊急狀態,地區大學關閉。但是市政府不打算讓k-12學校停課,因為數以萬計的孩童將無家可歸。34000名學生現正住在緊急避難所,74000名學生因有親戚、朋友或鄰居收容才避免了同樣的命運。擁有110萬學生的紐約市有著全美最大的公立教育體系,其中的十分之一在2018-2019學年經歷著無家可歸的狀態。因此,紐約市乃至整個美國有數以千計的學生只能從學校獲得餐點、庇護所、醫療與其他攸關生命的服務。主管學校的官員表示會冒著風險繼續開課,閉校只會作為"最後手段"。 (k-12指5~6歲的幼兒園到18歲的12年級教育的統稱) Homelessness among young people has reached epidemic proportions nationwide. Federal data shows that more than 1.5 million students across America experienced homelessness during the 2017-2018 year, with California atop the table. And yet the problem has become normalized to the point where children in the richest society in world history living on the streets are unremarkable. In a story about homeless New York child chess prodigy Tanitoluwa Adewumi, the New York Times and other media outlets described his playing style and his personal brilliance but did not ponder how he came to be homeless or what that said about the society he lived in. The problem is particularly acute in the Bronx, where 37 percent of residents also often go to bed hungry, the highest rate in the entire country. 無家可歸的年輕人已經成為國家級的傳染病。美國在2017-2018學年有超過150萬學生無家可歸,其中加州居於榜首。此問題已經常態化,孩童身處世上最富有的社會卻住在街上已經平凡無奇。紐約布朗克斯區的狀況特別嚴重,有37%的人經常餓著肚子度過夜晚,比例是全國最高。 While Columbia University intends on teaching classes remotely from Wednesday on, schoolteachers in poorer boroughs note that it is impossible to do the same, as up to half of the students do not have Internet access at home. “We can’t do distance learning,” said Nicole Manning, a ninth-grade math teacher at Herbert H. Lehman High School in the Bronx, “It wouldn’t be fair.” 哥倫比亞大學打算進行遠距教學,貧窮地區的學校教師們卻不可能這麼做,因為高達一半的學生家中沒有網路。"不可能進行遠距教學,這太不公平了。" Other responses to the coronavirus have raised eyebrows. If the outbreak reaches pandemic proportions, the city has made plans to make prisoners from the notorious Rikers Island jail dig mass graves for victims on Hart Island, a policy first proposed by Michael Bloomberg when he was mayor. And amid a run on the product, inmates in prison factories have also began producing large quantities of hand sanitizer for public use. This weekend a Manhattan hardware store was fined for hiking prices on cleaning products. Meanwhile, banking lobbying groups are pressuring the government to force through emergency deregulation of Wall Street, supposedly to help fight the virus. 前市長訂下了瘟疫大流行時讓囚犯挖墳墓的計畫,囚犯工廠現在也已開始大量生產洗手液。店家因哄抬清潔用品價格被罰錢。同時銀行業正對政府施壓以緊急解除對華爾街的管制,這被認為有助疫情。 (另有批評者指華爾街只是單純想藉災難發大財) It appears that the subway will be kept open at almost all costs, too. The confined space filled by 4.3 million people every day could pose a serious contagion threat, but it is also a crucial artery of the city. Mayor Bill de Blasio has suggested using alternative means of transport, if possible. “If you take the subway and you are able to wait for a less packed train, please do. If you have the option of walking or biking, please do. Buses can be crowded too, but less than subways, so please use these if you can,” he advised. 地鐵將不惜一切代價維持運作,這個每天被430萬人佔滿的密閉空間可能會形成嚴重的感染蔓延,但同時也是城市的命脈。市長建議盡可能使用替代交通工具。 There has also been an epidemic of anti-Asian xenophobia on the subway. The New York Police Department is investigating a hate crime after a Chinese woman was attacked last month. Thai and Hmong communities have also been the target of racist abuse. 反亞洲的排外情緒也在地鐵蔓延,一個中國女性在上個月被攻擊。泰族與苗族的社區也已經成為種族主義者的攻擊目標。 From the inadequate public health provisions, the wave of intolerance to the shocking levels of homelessness, the coronavirus is exposing many of the flaws of and the dark undertones of American society. Without a functioning social safety net, the United States will find it harder than other nations to combat the virus’ spread. 從嚴重短缺的公衛物資、持續高漲的排外情緒再到令人震驚的無家孩童比例,冠狀病毒暴露出了美國社會的許多缺陷與黯淡無光的一面。沒有運作良好的社會安全網,美國在對抗病毒傳播時將比其他國家更加艱難。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1583898682.A.389.html
laba5566: 很不想這樣說 尼哥愛生又不養 03/11 11:52
laba5566: bronx這種爛區拖累整個大紐約 03/11 11:53
Carloslin: 大驚小怪 減個稅就沒事了 03/11 11:54
clifflee: 應該先怪美國大神的子民只靠營養午餐活 03/11 11:55
monmo: 之後美國又不就是大舔就是大怒中國了..... 03/11 11:55
laba5566: 突然想到潭德賽也是個死黑鬼 黑鬼滅世 03/11 11:56
chengmei: 慘 03/11 11:56
mimikillua: 那這些小孩平常睡哪裡 03/11 11:57
ROCAF: 非裔米國人還會歧視亞裔 03/11 11:58
yellowocean: 悲慘的國家,這才是真實面貌 03/11 12:04
mrcat: 健康的美國人不要戴口罩,留給醫護戴 03/11 12:16
SIXOOO: 美國流行樂榜滿滿黑道低端歌220.141.129.128 03/11 12:17
alice1967: 寒暑假呢? 03/11 12:18
wemee: 翻譯:紐約若學童畢業將有數萬孩童無家可歸 03/11 12:28
juunuon: 查了wiki這網站的立場很有趣呢 03/11 12:36
popopal: 沒帶口罩全被上帝挑中而已 03/11 12:37
juunuon: 親阿賽德 轉載Russia Today和Sputnik文章 03/11 12:40
juunuon: Sputnik=俄羅斯衛星通訊社 03/11 12:43
cateyes: 清潔用品漲價 平常不洗的嗎 03/11 12:45
virginmary: 國小的女孩子可以住我家.很歡迎 03/11 12:54
boycome: 法西吱們最嚮往的美國 03/11 13:10
lanstype: 等等 社會福利不是學校負責的吧 他們的114.137.125.134 03/11 13:38
lanstype: 社福機構沒能力? 03/11 13:38
gc25: 這次疫情真的是照妖鏡 各種問題都顯現出來 03/11 13:39
forttryon: 從內文看「無家可歸」可能不是太精確 03/11 13:47
forttryon: 比較像是日常生活沒人照應 03/11 13:49
itoyukiya: 好可憐 靠學校營養午餐不知能否吃飽 03/11 13:56
truevines: 美國就是中下階層人很窮。特別是城中區 03/11 14:24
snownow: 應該是雙親都為了生活必須上班沒人顧? 03/11 15:22
snownow: 小學學童流落街頭是怎樣的概念@@? 它們沒 03/11 15:22
snownow: 有社福收養機構嗎?還是就直接住學校? 03/11 15:23
jabari: 原來都是阿尼啊 03/11 16:00
lucypudding: http://chng.it/XXK2wFm6NH 04/01 15:05