看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到遊輪就又想回一下了, 這艘船是阿蒙森號(Ms Roald Amundsen), 隸屬於海達路德遊輪(Hurtigruten)的船隊。 海達路德遊輪這個品牌與各位常見的 麗星郵輪、公主遊輪或是歌詩達郵輪不同, 上述三個品牌一般被稱為豪華大型郵輪, 能乘載大量旅客、船大、較為大眾, 但依照各家的品牌定位呈現不同風格; 而海達路德遊輪是探險船品牌, 也就是說海達路德打造的船艦, 主要以探險小眾目的地為主, 例如南極、北極、北歐等等的航線, 依照南北半球季節變換來安排航次, 因此船艦硬體打造上必須強調 1. 環保 2. 破冰 3. 搶灘的接駁系統(接駁小艇等等) 4. 更長的續航力 5. 船小 依照國際南極旅遊組織協會(IAATO) 將南極國際郵輪分為C1、C2、CR、YA四種等級, 根據船可承載人數區分, C1是13-200人、C2是201-500人, 且有實際登陸南極的船, CR則是500名以上僅巡航不登陸的船, YA則是僅有12名或更少乘客的帆船或機動船 (通常是科學家再搭的), 為了讓旅客都可以一圓踏上南極的夢, 船小、減少載客人數是必須的, 但每趟的開銷那麼大,當然就得由乘客們分擔掉, 這也是南極旅遊價格不斐的原因之一。 而阿蒙森號就是屬於C2等級, 但阿蒙森號可以承載人數是530人, 也是目前能登陸南極最大的船。 這艘阿蒙森號於2019年下水, 是航行南極的遊輪裡, 唯一採用油電混合Hybris的船, 比同型的船隻少了20%的燃料, 不但安靜又非常環保。 船上嚴格執行垃圾不落海, 且以綠色永續旅遊為號召, 只要旅客選擇不清潔房間換備品, 海達路德就會捐贈0.5歐元給海達路德基金會, 用來保護和研究南極生態。 價格是全包式,免費餐飲(酒要另外收費)、 免費電影(部分有中文字幕)、就連Wifi也是免費, 登船還會送保暖衣物, 畢竟去一趟就是60-70萬的花費, 這樣的服務品質當然不可少。 ※ 引述《jerry78424 (青松碧濤)》之銘言: : 完整標題:Coronavirus ban: more than 100 Australian doctors and dentists stuck : on cruise ship off Chile : 發稿單位:衛報 : 發稿時間:Tue 17 Mar 2020 06.08 GMT : 撰 稿 者:Josh Taylor : 原文連結:https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/17/coronavirus-covid-19-a : ustralian-doctors-dentists-stuck-cruise-ship-coast-chile : More than 100 Australian doctors and dentists are trapped on board a cruise sh : ip that is currently stuck off the coast of Chile after the country banned cru : ise ships from docking in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. : 澳洲超過百名醫師與牙醫搭乘的一艘遊輪因智利針對武漢肺炎的遊輪禁令正動彈不得 : The Roald Amundsen, owned by cruise company Hurtigruten, is one of several str : anded off the Chilean port of Punta Arenas, and has a capacity of less than 50 : 0 passengers. : anded off the Chilean port of Punta Arenas, and has a capacity of less than 50 : 0 passengers. : 該船搭載量小於500人,另有數艘被困在同一港口 : Chile has banned cruise vessels from docking until September after an elderly : passenger on one cruise ship tested positive for coronavirus. : 某遊輪出現老者確診陽性後,智利出台了延續到九月的遊輪停泊禁令 : The country’s health minister, Jaime Mañalich announced the ban on Twitter oa : n Sunday. : 該禁令由衛生部長於週日在推特上發布 : Guardian Australian has confirmed more than 100 doctors, dentists and medical : experts from Australia were on board for a 10-night cruise to Antarctica, the : Falkland Islands and the Chilean Fjords as part of a combined medical and dent : al conference put on by Unconventional Conventions. : 衛報澳洲分部確認有超過百名來自澳洲的醫師、牙醫與醫學專家搭乘了有10天遊程的遊輪 : ,作為綜合醫學與牙醫研討會的一部分,會途經南極洲、福克蘭群島與智利峽灣。 : ,作為綜合醫學與牙醫研討會的一部分,會途經南極洲、福克蘭群島與智利峽灣。 : Speakers at the event include Prof Gordian Fulde AO, Dr Glenn Rice-McDonald an : d associate professor Peter S Hamblin, according to the guide for the conferen : ce. : 根據研討會簡介有這些教授會演講 : The convention host is an accredited education provider with the Royal Austral : ian College of General Practitioners. : 主辦者有澳洲醫界同業公會的認可 : The cruise departed on 29 February, and was due to return on Tuesday, docking : at the port the ship is currently blocked from docking. : 該遊輪2月29日出航,原定週四返航停泊於目前已被封鎖的港口 : The ship’s live cam shows the vessel sitting stationary off the coast. : 該船的直播影像顯示正靜止在海岸邊 : The cruise company, Hurtigruten said it was working with the Chilean governmen : t, local authorities, embassies, airports and airlines to arrange disembarkati : on as soon as possible. : 船公司正與智利政府、當地政府、大使、機場與航空公司等商量登陸盡快事宜 : “Our passengers and crew are our top priority and all are well. Our task forc : e’s focus is to get all passengers home as quickly and safely as possible and : we are regularly updating our passengers on board with our plans to get them : home,” says Damian Perry, managing director of Hurtigruten Asia Pacific. : 船公司表示乘客與乘員至上,一切都很好,目標是讓大家又快又安全地回到家,會定期向 : 乘客更新講解回家計畫 : The company said guests were in good spirits and there have been no cases of c : oronavirus on board. : 船公司表示旅客情緒穩定,船上沒有冠狀病毒病例 : The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it was aware of the situation : and was ready to provide consular assistance. : 外交與貿易部表示了解情況,已經準備好提供領事協助 : Guardian Australia has sought comment from the conference organisers. : 衛報澳洲訪問了研討會組織者 : A Sacramento lawyer, Bill Portanova, on the ship with his wife told the Sacram : ento Bee that the captain had been trying to negotiate to land somewhere for d : ays. : 該船一位與妻子同行、來自加州山克拉門都的律師透露船長已經試著協商登陸事項好幾天了 : “We’re offshore and, apparently, the story we got is that they worked someth : ing out where we would be taken to the port, health-screened, removed from the : ship with masks and gloves directly into buses and straight to the airport,” : Portanova said. : 我們就在近海,他們說正在努力把我們帶到港口做健康檢查,戴著口罩、手套離船,直接 : 經公共汽車到機場 : “But some locals got wind of the plan and there was some kind of a protest, s : o the deal fell through.” : o the deal fell through.” : 但是當地的反彈讓計畫破產 : The ship launched last year, and has three restaurants, a gym and wellness cen : tre, an infinity pool and hot tubs. : 該船去年下水,有三間餐廳、一座體育館與健身中心、一個無邊際泳池和熱水浴池 : Celebrity Eclipse, a ship with a capacity of close to 3,000, has also been ref : used docking in Chile since the ban, BuzzFeed News reported. : 還有一艘搭載量近三千的遊輪也因禁令被智利拒絕停靠 : Chile had reported 155 confirmed cases of Covid-19 on Monday, when president S : ebastián Piñera announced Chile would close its borders to foreigners from W : ednesday. : 智利至週一有155例確診,總統已宣布將在週三對外國人關閉邊境 : Other countries to ban cruise ships docking include Australia, Colombia, Greec : e, Italy, Montanegro and Portugal. : 禁止遊輪停靠的還有澳大利亞、哥倫比亞、希臘、義大利、蒙特內哥羅和葡萄牙等國家 : Several cruise companies have decided to suspend cruises for the near future. : 數家遊輪公司已經決定暫停近期的遊輪行程 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N960F. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1584443333.A.C0C.html
miname: 這艘船中標就是全世界七大洲都淪陷 03/17 19:11
erty: 個人很推Hurtigruten,但他們也開始裁員了123.194.208.173 03/17 19:15
derekhsu: 結果開去南極觀測站 傳染給研究員 03/17 20:04
sbkchou: 你郵輪系? 啊,忘了這不是八卦版 03/17 20:04
northlight: 推 長知識 好想搭乘(改天) 03/17 20:59
oyazi0219: 淨土加油別變紅色啊~ 03/17 21:23
tomhlover: 長知識 希望有生之年可以搭到(? 03/17 22:28
yamakazi: 好想搭 原PO搭過? 03/17 22:41
g3sg1: 長知識推220.129.105.232 03/17 23:22
fenda: 推111.240.219.133 03/18 00:10
leterg: 請問這船行程登陸要另外收費嗎?還是全含 03/18 00:23
leterg: ? 03/18 00:23
一般登陸不用另外付費,但是活動部門有另外提供登岸露營的活動,工作人員會為報名的旅客在岸上搭帳篷,然後船會開走到外海定錨,旅客就能夠在完全無光害的環境下,伴著海豹跟企鵝的叫聲入眠。這個活動就需要另外付費,雖然很貴,但應該永生難忘。 ※ 編輯: littlesweety ( 臺灣), 03/18/2020 00:56:42 ※ 編輯: littlesweety ( 臺灣), 03/18/2020 00:57:24
anann: a 03/18 01:59
salkuo: X 03/18 07:44