看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
發稿單位: Science Direct 發稿時間: Received 26 February 2020, Accepted 27 February 2020, Available online 4 March 2020. 撰 稿 者: Philippe Colson Jean-Marc Rolain Jean-Christophe Lagier Philippe Brouqui Didier Raoult 原文連結: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0924857920300820?via%3Dihub#! https://reurl.cc/yZnWpa _______________________________________________ Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 氯喹和羥氯喹可作為有效抵抗武漢肺炎的武器 Repositioning of drugs for use as antiviral treatments is a critical need. 使用既有的貯藏藥品對於作為病毒性的治療是一個急切的需要. It is commonly very badly perceived by virologists, as we experienced when reporting the effectiveness of azithromycin for Zika virus. 它通常非常慢的被病毒學家察覺, 像我們經歷過的當時阿奇黴素有效於茲卡病毒的報告. A response has come from China to the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that emerged in December 2019 in this country. 2019 年 12 月一個來自中國對於呼吸道疾病導致由新的冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)發生在這 個國家. Indeed, following the very recent publication of results showing the in vitro activity of chloroquine against SARS-CoV-2, data have been reported on the efficacy of this drug in patients with SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia (named COVID-19) at different levels of severity. 更確切的說, 緊接而來的最近發表的結果顯示氯喹的實驗性預防 SARS-CoV-2, 資料已經 報告出在藥品對於患有 SARS-CoV-2 病人有關肺炎(名為武漢肺炎)在嚴重的不同程度等級 的效力. Thus, following the in vitro results, 20 clinical studies were launched in several Chinese hospitals. 如此, 緊接著在幾個中國的醫院 20 個臨床研究下已經投入實驗性的結果. The first results obtained from more than 100 patients showed the superiority of chloroquine compared with treatment of the control group in terms of reduction of exacerbation of pneumonia, duration of symptoms and delay of viral clearance, all in the absence of severe side effects. 第一個結果從超過 100 個病人顯露出氯喹與肺炎惡化設法減少期限的控制群治療法的比 較下是有優勢的, 在持續的症狀與病毒清除的延遲上, 全部都沒有嚴重的副作用. This has led in China to include chloroquine in the recommendations regarding the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia. 這在中國引進包括氯喹在關於預防和武漢肺炎的治療上具有優勢. There is a strong rationality for the use of chloroquine to treat infections with intracellular micro-organisms. 這裡有一個強烈的理由在對於氯喹的使用上去治療有關於細胞內微生物的傳染病. Thus, malaria has been treated for several decades with this molecule. 如此, 該分子用於瘧疾治療已有數十年. In addition, our team has used hydroxychloroquine for the first time for intracellular bacterial infections since 30 years to treat the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii, the agent of Q fever, for which we have shown in vitro and then in patients that this compound is the only one efficient for killing these intracellular pathogens. 此外, 我們的團隊已使用羥氯喹在第一次在細胞內細菌性的感染從 30 年前去治療細胞內 細菌貝氏考克斯菌, Q 型流感試劑, 為此我們展示了實驗性和及時在病人上使用化合物是 唯一有效去殺除這些細胞外的病原體. Since then, we have also shown the activity of hydroxychloroquine on Tropheryma whipplei, the agent of Whipple's disease, which is another intracellular bacterium for which hydroxychloroquine has become a reference drug. 自此, 我們也展示了在 Tropheryma whipplei 上羥氯喹的活動力, Whipple's disease 的試劑是另一個細胞內的細菌為此羥氯喹可成為一個參考的藥物. Altogether, one of us (DR) has treated ~4000 cases of C. burnetii or T. whipplei infections over 30 years (personal data). 總之, 在我們(醫師)之中治療到約 4000 案貝氏考克斯菌或 Tropheryma whipple 的感染 者超過 30 年(個人資料). Regarding viruses, for reasons probably partly identical involving alkalinisation by chloroquine of the phagolysosome, several studies have shown the effectiveness of this molecule, including against coronaviruses among which is the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus. 關於病毒, 有理由由吞解體的氯喹大概部分完全相同的需要鹼化(這裡可能要醫學常識的 人來翻), 多項研究顯示這個分子的效力, 包括對抗冠狀病毒裡是在這之中的非常嚴重急 性呼吸道併發症(SARS)-與之同類型冠狀病毒. We previously emphasised interest in chloroquine for the treatment of viral infections in this journal, predicting its use in viral infections lacking drugs. 我們在期刊上事先強調在氯喹用於病毒感染治療上的重要性, 預料它為使用在病毒感染上 所欠缺的藥品(lacking drugs?不太會翻). Following the discovery in China of the in vitro activity of chloroquine against SARS-CoV-2, discovered during culture tests on Vero E6 cells with 50% and 90% effective concentrations (EC50 and EC90 values) of 1.13 μM and 6.90 μM, respectively (antiviral activity being observed when addition of this drug was carried out before or after viral infection of the cells), we awaited with great interest the clinical data. 緊接著在中國發現實驗性氯喹對於對抗 SARS-CoV-2 的活動, 發現在培養測試 Vero E6 細胞於 1.13 uM 有效濃度 50 % 和 6.90 uM 有效濃度 90% (EC50 和 EC90 值)期間, 分 別地(抗病毒物質活動被觀測到當添加這個藥品時是可以在這細胞受病毒感染之前或之後 可被實現作用的), 我們期待對於臨床有更重要價值的資料. The subsequent in vivo data were communicated following the first results of clinical trials by Chinese teams [4] and also aroused great enthusiasm among us. 緊接而來在活的有機體內的資料是傳染隨著由中國團隊臨床試驗的第一個結果且也喚起在 我們之中的重大的熱忱. They showed that chloroquine could reduce the length of hospital stay and improve the evolution of COVID-19 pneumonia [4,6], leading to recommend the administration of 500 mg of chloroquine twice a day in patients with mild, moderate and severe forms of COVID-19 pneumonia. 他們顯示氯喹可降低在醫院停留時間且改善感染武漢肺炎發展, 主要地來說建議溫和適中 和嚴重武漢肺炎症狀的病人使用氯喹 500 mg 一天兩次. At such a dosage, a therapeutic concentration of chloroquine might be reached. 在這樣的劑量, 一個氯喹的濃度治療可能可以達到效果. With our experience on 2000 dosages of hydroxychloroquine during the past 5 years in patients with long-term treatment (>1 year), we know that with a dosage of 600 mg/day we reach a concentration of 1 μg/mL. 在我們經驗中在過去 5 年中 2000次羥氯喹的劑量用在病人上隨著長時間的治療(大於 1 年), 我們知道在每天 600 mg的一個劑量我們可達到在 1 ug/mL 的濃度下. The optimal dosage for SARS-CoV-2 is an issue that will need to be assessed in the coming days. 對於 SARS-CoV-2 最理想的劑量那將會是需要在未來的日子裡確定的一個論點. For us, the activity of hydroxychloroquine on viruses is probably the same as that of chloroquine since the mechanism of action of these two molecules is identical, and we are used to prescribe for long periods hydroxychloroquine, which would be therefore our first choice in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. 對我們而言, 羥氯喹在病毒上的活動力是可能同樣於氯喹而從這兩個分子的功能結構是來 看是同樣的, 且我們使用羥氯喹於處方已有很長時間, 因此我們在 SARS-CoV-2 的治療上 使用羥氯喹是第一選擇. For optimal treatment, it may be necessary to administer a loading dose followed by a maintenance dose. 對於最理想的治療而言, 它可能必須要給予一個超負荷的劑量緊接著維持一個劑量. ___________________________________________________________ 以上翻譯有錯請指證, 因為我不是讀醫的, 對於一些名詞我不是很了解, 有的是從網路上查的. 另外目前中國是用磷酸氯喹在治療, 國外有人用硫酸羥氯喹在治療, 差別在於硫酸羥氯喹比磷酸氯喹便宜, 它是用在治療關節問題上的. 但它不是疫苗, 它只是大幅減緩武漢肺炎的症狀, 可以讓你保命到疫苗研發出來為止. 至於服用的方式, 請跟醫師和藥劑師商量, 不要自己亂用. __________________________________________ 這個網址是比較完整的報告, https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/ 2PACX-1vTi-g18ftNZUMRAj2SwRPodtscFio7bJ7GdNgbJAGbdfF67WuR JB3ZsidgpidB2eocFHAVjIL-7deJ7/pub?fbclid=IwAR3HXmAaRvsKQw tD4mT0W6NU4bTJvZnR6f3KLRcsWkXSOGn33dbdR1KyS0Q https://reurl.cc/MvZWKK __________________________________________ 伊隆·馬斯克 Elon Musk推薦的, 網址點進去就是上面這個報告, https://imgur.com/a/qw6qx7X -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1584658738.A.258.html
koster: 美國FDA已經列為治療方案之一 民眾可以選 03/20 07:02
koster: 則使用本藥來治療 03/20 07:03
https://posts.careerengine.us/p/5e73dea4271d8062b367c87e 找到了, 謝謝! https://reurl.cc/V63nyy
pandp: 目前看來至少有三種藥物呈現還OK的療效 03/20 07:08
pandp: 怎麼義大利感覺壓不住? 03/20 07:08
koster: 要看他們是否有給藥啊 現在都在臨床 很多 03/20 07:09
windyyw: 沒錯 中國是用磷酸氯喹103.125.250.133 03/20 07:09
koster: 都在實驗中 通常不一定敢給藥 他們也不一 03/20 07:09
koster: 定有告訴醫師哪些藥可以用 03/20 07:10
koster: 醫師每天都在忙 你沒說他們就不知道 03/20 07:10
SRadiant: 另外有一篇paper列舉了7個潛力藥物,單 03/20 07:13
SRadiant: 比較體外試驗的EC50,Chloroquine是僅 03/20 07:13
SRadiant: 次於remdesivir的藥物,但整體抑制性還 03/20 07:13
SRadiant: 是要搭配Azithromycin較佳 03/20 07:13
※ 編輯: saveme ( 臺灣), 03/20/2020 07:21:07
SRadiant: 有時不是知不知道的問題,而是能不能, 03/20 07:22
SRadiant: 官方出指導原則不只是告知,重點是免責 03/20 07:22
nnkj: 讚 03/20 07:36
pandp: 感謝說明 03/20 07:43
SRadiant: pubmed id: 32020029 這篇可以看看 03/20 07:55
saimeitetsu: 這副作用不是很大223.137.222.206 03/20 07:59
saimeitetsu: 嗎? 03/20 07:59
pico80286: 能縮短病程就大功德一件了 03/20 08:01
pico80286: 目前是用法用量不清楚,只知道有用 03/20 08:04
SRadiant: 副作用不大,只是治療區間窄,容易有副 03/20 08:09
SRadiant: 作用 03/20 08:09
SRadiant: 用法用量就是參考原本的用法用量 03/20 08:10
SRadiant: 真要說也不是不大啦,長期使用(免疫疾病 03/20 08:12
SRadiant: )比較會有,短期正常劑量還好 03/20 08:12
pico80286: 目前是照原本用法用,美國官員說是不 03/20 08:15
pico80286: 知道對武漢病毒的最佳用法用量是什麼, 03/20 08:16
pico80286: 反正有用,便宜,量大 03/20 08:16
SRadiant: 要使用高於原劑量很麻煩,不如找別的藥 03/20 08:21
mayasoo: 老藥新用的好處是副作用早就被研究清楚 03/20 08:22
mayasoo: 了 03/20 08:23
SRadiant: 老藥新用,針對不同適應症,副作用其實 03/20 08:25
SRadiant: 要重新評估,可能會有不同 03/20 08:25
SRadiant: 目前是每天最大劑量1000mg以下,通常用 03/20 08:26
SRadiant: 不到這麼高 03/20 08:26
reye: 曙光乍現 03/20 08:55
bxxl: 2F下面的連結只說是FDA批准進行測試吧220.136.121.131 03/20 09:06
bxxl: 還有少數病超重的作為恩慈使用220.136.121.131 03/20 09:07
shiaobau: 後面有點問題 治療中的人不需要疫苗 03/20 09:18
saviora: 已經染病的話就不用疫苗了125.231.217.145 03/20 09:49
chouchia: 我書念得不多 這串字怎麼念? 03/20 09:57
nity: 這個是奎寧嗎? 03/20 10:08
lib004: 有蠶豆症的能用嗎? 03/20 10:09
cookie1216: 你看這篇的發稿時間就知道,這其實對111.241.163.242 03/20 10:17
cookie1216: 醫師來說是已知資訊,但這篇的內容只111.241.163.242 03/20 10:18
cookie1216: 是體外實驗的資訊,只能作為一個方向111.241.163.242 03/20 10:18
cookie1216: ,但無法藥物實際的療效,還需要臨床111.241.163.242 03/20 10:19
cookie1216: 實驗才知道是不是真的有效,目前奎寧111.241.163.242 03/20 10:20
cookie1216: 會吸引注意,就是因為有一些初步的臨111.241.163.242 03/20 10:21
cookie1216: 床使用的結果看起來有效。 03/20 10:22
cookie1216: 換言之,這篇比較像是法國臨床實驗的111.241.163.242 03/20 10:25
cookie1216: 前一篇。 03/20 10:25
birdy590: viral infection lacking drugs = 03/20 11:19
birdy590: 無特效藥的病毒感染203.203.203.201 03/20 11:24
lwei781: 針劑效果應該比口服好 03/20 11:34
MartianIT: 版上前幾天已經有討論過治療機轉了 03/20 12:58
MartianIT: https://tinyurl.com/v7oqw42 03/20 12:58
lucypudding: https://reurl.cc/X641K7218.234.146.139 04/25 11:13