看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
發稿單位: FOX NEWS 發稿時間: Jul. 13, 2020 - 5:42 撰 稿 者: BILL HEMMER 原文連結: https://reurl.cc/R4Zm6G 連俄羅斯都在報導。 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XcrHsiWTJ7E&feature=youtu.be 真相一點一點透出來, 閻麗夢博士再次接受FOX採訪! 閻博士說:中共國政府在 12月底之前已經知道有超過40人感染,而且已經有人傳人, 但是他們直到1月中旬才承認。 除了FBI,美國政府的其他人也對閻的證詞做了調查。 閻跟中國大陸的很多人接觸,包括CDC。她有她的人脈,朋友,這些人都工作在第一線。 她可以展示她的聊天記錄! 簡單大概的翻譯,蠻突然的事件。大致上就是說所有證據,美國政府都已經調查完畢。 應該後面還有續集。 早上上班才看到這個消息, 沒時間翻譯, 下班時有空找了別人翻譯的影片附上. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spi0Vu37SZo
現在讓我們來訪問一名來自香港的科學家 meet a doctor now scientists out of Hong Kong 她表示在一月份和十二月 who says she was doing research on coviD-19 從事的COVID-19研究工作 who says she was doing research on coviD-19 原本可挽救許多生命 in December in January that could have saved lives 但她說她的上司阻止了她 but she says her supervisor swept it under the rug 閆麗夢博士說她逃到美國並講述了這段過程 Dr. Li-Meng Yan 閆麗夢博士說她逃到美國並講述了這段過程 says she escaped to the United States and tell her stories 今天是她第一次參加了獨家電視直播採訪 she joins me live for her first TV interview in this exclusive chat today 閆博士歡迎您的到來 and welcome doctor here 謝謝 Thank you 在4月底,你來到美國 You arrieved in the u.s. at the end of April 妳說妳一直在躲藏著 you say you're now in hiding 您相信中國共產黨政府撒謊了嗎? you believe the Chinese communist government has lied about what? 是的,沒有錯 yeah exactly 我必須躲起來 I have to hide because I know how they treat the whistleblower 因為我知道他們如何對待爆料者 I have to hide because I know how they treat the whistleblower 作為舉報人 and as a whistleblower here, 我想對人們以及全世界說出COVID-19的真相 I want to tell the truth of COVID-19 以及說出新型冠狀病毒的起源 and origins of the SARS-CoV-2 to people, to the word 所以我得確保人身安全 so I have to keep safety 謝謝,醫生 okay doctor 您能證明中國(政府)在說什麼謊嗎? what did the Chinese lie about that you can prove? 首先,正如我在FOX的視頻中提到的那樣 okay, first so as I mentioned in the video in FOX, 我們的政府已經知道在12月底之前 our government already knows that before the end of December 有40多人確診,而不他們說的27人 there are over 40 people get infected not as he mentioned like 27 而且最重要的是 and also most importantly 那時已經存在人與人之間的傳播 there are human to human transmission already at that time 然後他們一直隱瞞到1月中旬 but they keep hiding until middle of Jan 事實上是1月20日他們才承認 actually 20 Jan, they admitted 好的,所以妳的主張是 okay so your claim is that 在12月底已經有人與人之間的傳播 at the end of December there was human to human transition 而中國政府和世界衛生組織 and the Chinese government and the World Health Organization 卻在三週後才有所行動 did not cop to that to about three weeks later 如果您是對的 if you're right 世界各地以及美國的情況都會有什麼不同? how would things be different around the world and here in the US? 好,我向你解釋 okay, I explain to you 首先,這是一場蔓延全世界的傳染病 first this is a huge pandemic we have seen in the world 它遠遠超過人類史上,我們所知道的一切 it's more than everything we know in human history 因此,應對的時機非常重要 so for that, the timing is very very important 所以如果我們能及早阻止它 so if we can stop it early 我們就可以挽救更多生命,這就是關鍵 we can have saved a lot of lives, that's the key point 好的,所以 ok, so 妳說過 so you have said that 希望妳丈夫能跟妳一起來這,他沒有答應 you invide your husband to come with you, he did not 妳有和FBI 談過 you have spoken with the FBI 是誰和妳接洽了解的呢,博士? who is investigating your story, doctor? 美國聯邦調查局和其他許多政府相關人員 FBI and also many other people from the u.s. government 都已經聯繫過我 they have contacted me 他們需要查核我的說法 they need to verify my story 好的,那你能證實嗎,博士? okay, can you prove it, doctor? 像是,我有聯邦調查局特務留給我的收據 for example, I have the receipt of the FBI agent leave for me 他們從洛杉磯機場拿了我的手機 that they have hold my phone cell phone from Los Angeles Airport 然後幾天後在紐約還給我 and then return it back to me several days later in New York 好的,我想說的是 yes, so I just to be clear, 並非要妳證明是否曾經與FBI交談過, Not can you prove whether you talk to the FBI, 而是妳可以證明剛剛所說的一切嗎? can you prove your claim? 比如說北京說了什麼謊? Yeah, like Beijing lie? 哦,是的,我有很多證據, oh yeah I have a lot of evidence 例如我和中國疾病預防控制中心討論的過程 like how I communicate with the people in China CDC 還有我的人際網路聯繫, and also because of my network 我有很多朋友在新冠肺炎流行期間 I have a lot of friends to 位於中國第一線的污染區工作 working in the first line in the dirty zone of China during the covid-19 我已經保存了和他們的交談記錄, I have talking a this kind of chat record to them 稍後也可以顯示給你看 and also I can show it to you later 所以你認為你已經身處危險中 okay so you believe your life is in jeopardy 而且無法再回香港了?怎麼說 and you will not go back to Hong Kong? how come 當然,因為我知道他們如何對待舉報人 of course because I know how they treat whistleblowers 就像我這樣 for the case 我們的政府就是這樣做來讓人民保持沉默 that's how our government has done to keep people silent 如果有人透露了真相 and if the one revealed the truth 不僅是新冠肺炎 not only about covid-19 也包含其他在中國發生的事情 but also for the others things happen in China 舉例來說,在SARS爆發期間 For example during SARS time 資深教授蔣彥永醫生在北京揭露了疫情真相 the senior doctor professor Jung had revealed it in Beijing 接著他受到了懲罰 And then he got punished 這次也是上海的張永真教授 and also this time professor Jung Jae in Shanghai 他的團隊發表了新型冠狀病毒基因排序 his team revealed the sequence of the SARS covid-2 這是歷史的創舉 at the first time in the world 並於今年2月3日發表在《自然》雜誌上 and published it on nature on 3rd February this year 不久後他的P3實驗室即被政府關閉了 and then his P3 laboratory was shut down by the government 但是在美國的中國大使館 well but the Chinese embassy here in the US seems 他們似乎不知道妳是誰 they don't know who you are 而且引用他們的話說: and to quote them they say 「我們從未見這個人」 we've never heard of this person referring to you 對這個說法妳怎麼看呢?博士 what do you say to that doctor 他們當然不認識我 of course they won't know me 因為我不是直接面向WHO because I'm not the top biology as they know 並接受諮詢的生物學者 who worked directly as a consultant for WHO 但我是直接與他們合作的人共事 but I am the one who worked with them directly 此外我也是實驗室中 and I am the core team member in that lab 作為第一線醫師與WHO交流的 and I am the core team member in that lab 作為第一線醫師與WHO交流的 who communicate with Chinand of china`s first line doctors to the WHO lab 的核心團員 who communicate with Chinate with China`s first line doctors to the WHO lab 好的,今天的最後一個問題 okay last question here 想請問是誰在調查你的背景 and I asked you who's investigating your story 讓我換個方式說 maybe I can reframe the question 如果妳帶來的信息是對的 what is the US government now 妳認為美國政府應該做些什麼? able to do with your information doctor if you're right 我願意說出所有我知道的事情 I'm willing to tell all the things I know 並向向美國政府提供所有證據 provide all the evidence to US government 我希望美國政府知道 and I want them to understand 也希望美國人民知道 I also want us people to understand 情況有多糟糕 how terrible this is 這些通過中國政府 It′s not what you have thought 甚至WHO媒體所發出的訊息 it's not what you have read 不是你所想像的,也不是你之前所知道的 through the media and from our China government even WHO 這次的情況和以往截然不同 this is something really different 我們必須追求真實的證據並找到真正的解答 and we have to chase the true evidence and get a real answer 因為這是解決這次病毒的關鍵點 because this is a key point to solve this pandemic 我們現在真的沒有多少時間了 if not we really don't have much time 博士如果妳是對的 now if you're right doctor 無疑的妳展現了畢生最大的勇氣 you are showing an awful lot of courage 無疑的妳展現了畢生最大的勇氣 in your own personal life today 妳可以在福斯新聞網繼續提供更多訊息 you can reveal about your story at foxnews.com 閆麗夢博士感謝妳寶貴的時間 doctor thank you for your time 祝妳在美國順利安好 here in the United States good luck to you 希望你保持安全,謝謝! I hope you stay safe thank you 非常感謝! thank you very much thank you doctor -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1594679013.A.193.html saveme:轉錄至看板 Stock 07/14 06:25
ty1111: 媒體不符版規 沒新聞內文不符版規 07/14 06:27
frgthy: 什麼都看規定,COVID19搞不好會被隱瞞更 07/14 08:27
frgthy: 久 07/14 08:27
sunkist74: 因為是獨家,所以只有fox先出來 07/14 09:39
micbrimac: 其實這種文章也沒什麼迫切性吧 就算獨 07/14 09:55
micbrimac: 家 等下各家就會報了 07/14 09:55
jabari: 不會報... 07/14 10:31
shooter555: 跟她有聊天紀錄的人會不會全被清洗呢 07/14 10:37
pwseki206: 華語圈已經有了,但這些媒體都不是核 07/14 11:18
pwseki206: 可媒體所以不能貼。繼續等吧! 07/14 11:18
mayzn: 你發文也看一下是不是核可媒體... 07/14 19:15
CCfss: 違反版規 07/14 19:27
※ 編輯: saveme ( 臺灣), 07/15/2020 00:12:08