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英國的新聞,德法兩國核准老年人使用AZ疫苗。 前情提要:德法之前不讓老人打AZ(還有加拿大也是),讓德國人拿到AZ後嫌不夠好, 民眾比較希望打BNT和輝瑞,搞得德國的AZ剩一堆,影響到疫苗施打率。 完整標題:Covid: Germany approves AstraZeneca vaccine for over-65s 發稿單位:英國BBC 發稿時間:2 hours ago (英國時間2021/03/04) 撰 稿 者:沒寫 原文連結:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56275342 德國疫苗委員會已批准對65歲以上的民眾使用牛津阿斯特捷利康疫苗。 在此之前德國只讓65歲以下民眾使用,理由是AZ對老年人效力資訊不足。 這引起民眾懷疑AZ的效力,一些德國人拒打,留下許多AZ疫苗乏人問津。 但是德國總理梅克爾表示,最近的研究已提供足夠的數據,可讓所有年齡群施打。 德國衛生部長史巴恩(Jens Spahn)周四宣布該委員會的決定,此舉「對於等待注射的老 年人是個好消息。」 部長說:「新數據顯示,第一劑和第二劑相隔12週的話,疫苗會更有效。」他補充,將依 此更新規定。 梅克爾周三表示,德國將效仿英國擴大疫苗劑量間隔的做法,盡可能提供更多人注射第一 劑疫苗的機會。 各種研究顯示,阿斯特捷利康疫苗在老年人中非常有效。 繼法國之後,比利時也將批准對老人施打疫苗。 到目前為止,約有5%的德國人已接種第一劑疫苗。 【是什麼導致對阿斯特捷利康疫苗的懷疑?】 歐盟醫療監管機構在一月份批准牛津阿斯特捷利康疫苗可用於所有年齡層。 但是,在法國、比利時和義大利等國家的監管機構建議不給老人用後,民眾對疫苗感到 質疑。與德國一樣,認為對該年齡組的保護效力資訊不足。 法國總統馬克龍1月份表示,這疫苗對老人沒路用,此說法遭到英國政府和醫療監管機構 強烈駁斥。 這場爭執是在阿斯特捷利康與歐盟間就向成員國提供疫苗的激烈糾葛中進行的。 在此之後,阿斯特捷利康疫苗在幾個歐洲國家乏人聞問,減緩了疫苗接種速度。 同時,英國批准所以年齡層使用阿斯特捷利康疫苗,已向2070萬人施打第一劑,幾乎佔其 人口的三分之一。 上週,德國免疫學學會負責人沃茨(Carsten Watzl)敦促德國改變對牛津阿斯特捷利康 疫苗的態度。 他在接受BBC採訪時預測,監管機構將不得不改變原先不建議老人使用的決定,並建議梅 克爾應在電視上直播打疫苗,以證明它是安全的。 【德國計劃如何放寬封鎖管制?】 ...談德國放寬管制的階段。省略。 Germany's vaccine commission has approved the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab in people aged over 65. The country previously approved it for under-65s only, citing insufficient data on its effects on older people. That led to public scepticism about its effectiveness, with some Germans spurning it and leaving many doses unused. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel said recent studies had now provided enough data to approve it for all ages. Announcing the commission's decision on Thursday, Health Minister Jens Spahn said the move was "good news for older people who are waiting for an injection". "The new data also shows that the vaccine is even more effective when the first and second jabs are administered 12 weeks apart," the minister said, adding that the law would be updated to incorporate the new recommendations. Mrs Merkel said on Wednesday that Germany would follow the UK example of stretching the interval between vaccine doses in order to offer as many people as possible an initial shot. Various studies have shown the AstraZeneca vaccine is highly effective among the elderly. Belgium says it will also approve the vaccine for older people, following France earlier this week. About 5% of Germans have so far received a first vaccine shot. What led to scepticism about the AstraZeneca jab? The EU's medical regulator approved the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for all age groups in January. But the rollout was met by some public scepticism after regulators in countries including France, Belgium and Italy recommended that it should not be used for people over 65. Like Germany, they citied insufficient data on its efficacy for older people. In January French President Emmanuel Macron said the jab was "quasi-ineffective" for older age groups - a suggestion strongly refuted by the UK government and British medical regulators. The debate came amid an acrimonious dispute between AstraZeneca and the EU over vaccine supplies to member states. Since then, stocks of the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab have gone unused in several European countries, slowing vaccination efforts. Meanwhile the UK - which approved the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab for all age groups - has offered a first dose of a vaccine to 20.7 million people, almost a third of its population. Last week Carsten Watzl, head of the German Society for Immunology, urged his country to change its mind on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. In an interview with the BBC, he predicted regulators would have to reverse their decision to not recommend the jab for older people and suggested Mrs Merkel should take the vaccine live on TV to prove it is safe. How is Germany planning to ease restrictions? Separately, Mrs Merkel said she had agreed to a phased easing of restrictions with leaders of Germany's federal states but added that there was the option of an "emergency brake" if case numbers got out of control. "We are at the threshold of a new phase of the pandemic that we can go into not carelessly but still with justified hope," Mrs Merkel said. From Monday up to five people from two households will be allowed to meet, with children under 14 exempt. Some shops will reopen provided that regional case numbers are below 50 per 100,00 people. If cases rise over 50 per 100,000 then customers will have to book slots to visit shops. If cases rise to over 100 per 100,000 over three days in a row then restrictions will be reimposed. What do we know about the AstraZeneca vaccine? The UK has been using the vaccine made by AstraZeneca, a UK-Swedish pharmaceutical firm, in its mass immunisation programme since December. UK health officials say it provides "high levels of protection" for all ages. No one who received the vaccine in trials was admitted to hospital or became seriously ill with Covid-19. The vaccine is given via two injections to the arm, the second between four and 12 weeks after the first. https://i.imgur.com/2nQxB6S.jpg
=========================================================================== 以下個人意見。 AZ疫苗被德國人嫌棄,英國大外宣(?)BBC發了新聞說德法現在都通過老人施打囉~ 而且AZ效果不錯的這樣。 法國核准老人施打的新聞是兩天前發的: Covid: France approves AstraZeneca vaccine for over-65s 2 days ago (英國時間 2021/03/02) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56242617 懶得翻...之前馬克龍還嘴AZ對老人沒效,結果現在也核准了XD (quasi-ineffective這字到底是啥毀) 在歐洲,疫苗也是扯上政治。疫苗戰爭在英國和歐盟間打得比台灣還兇。 看了一下歐洲與英國AZ間的疫苗大戰新聞,看來就是歐洲國家狂發AZ有夠爛的新聞, 然後英國人就超不爽的哼哼你們都在黑AZ還好我脫歐了這樣XDD 然後剛剛義大利禁止AZ疫苗輸出到澳洲 Covid: Italy 'blocks' AstraZeneca vaccine shipment to Australia 50 minutes ago (英國時間 2021/03/04) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56279202 義大利是第一個使用歐盟新法規的歐盟國家,如果提供疫苗的公司未能履行對歐盟的義務 ,義大利就停止出口。(義大利有AZ疫苗工廠) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1614886900.A.9C2.html ※ 編輯: CCfss ( 臺灣), 03/05/2021 04:29:32
djdjdj: 台灣也有通過義大利廠AZ認證,看來只能繼111.252.168.184 03/05 07:43
djdjdj: 續等韓國廠111.252.168.184 03/05 07:43
q2825842: 不用鬼扯到英國大外宣,這要看有沒有透 03/05 07:44
q2825842: 明的數據能在科學基礎和標準討論。英國 03/05 07:44
q2825842: 有更多關於AZ的數據出來證明65歲以上施 03/05 07:44
q2825842: 打有效力,會風險夠低,自然各國會開放 03/05 07:44
我倒是覺得BBC這樣滿好的耶,大內宣兼大外宣,只要它的內容是正確的就值得看一看。 前陣子台媒常常出現AZ疫苗有問題的新聞,不少是由德國媒體傳出來的。 英國媒體有相對應的報導,可以相互參考。 另外就是歐盟的醫療監察機構是核可AZ用於各年齡層, 但是德法等國並沒有照著歐盟走,而是自行宣布不使用在老人身上。 我要是歐陸國家的居民看到AZ和中國疫苗一樣不打在老人身上,雖然理由不太一樣, 都會心裡有一種...AZ不好的感覺啊,會不想打AZ。
djdjdj: 原來梅克爾還沒打疫苗,還以為歐洲大頭們111.252.168.184 03/05 07:45
djdjdj: 都示範過了111.252.168.184 03/05 07:46
THKLuga: 這是之前歐盟想鎖英國疫苗的時候搞出來的 03/05 09:05
THKLuga: 後遺症嗎? 03/05 09:05
bladesinger: 聽起來像是歐盟順手黑一下英國疫苗然 03/05 10:38
bladesinger: 後搬石頭砸自己腳,現在又默默的把石 03/05 10:38
bladesinger: 頭從腳趾頭上抬起來 03/05 10:38
之前歐盟和英國AZ的大混戰,歐陸噴英國不出貨噴得半死, 現在手上有AZ疫苗,德國人又不想打AZ,那到底是在吵什麼 = =
MINUKU: Quasi-ineffective是法文,「幾乎無效」注 03/05 15:24
CCfss: 喔喔,感謝樓上! 03/05 17:10
會法文真好QQ ※ 編輯: CCfss ( 臺灣), 03/05/2021 18:47:42
chauan: 翻成台媒用法就是"恐無效" 03/06 00:38