看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
完整標題: 20 community cases of COVID-19; 2 confirmed cases and 2 historical cases in managed isolation; more than 60,000 vaccines administered yesterday 發稿單位:紐西蘭衛生部 發稿時間:18 September 2021 撰 稿 者:同發稿單位 原文連結:https://bit.ly/3kk3z4o There are 20 new community cases today. 19 of these are household or known contacts and only one of these remains unlinked. Interviews are underway with that person to determine how they are linked to the current outbreak. As noted yesterday, we are expecting some fluctuations in case numbers at this point in the outbreak. (新聞稿第一段,今天+20中有19位是已知且清楚的感染源,剩下一位不明疫調中) 紐西蘭今日(9/18)報告病例部分: 本土+20、境外+4 本次爆發的社區感染病例目前1027例: 奧克蘭1010例、包含康復者625例 威靈頓17例、包含康復者16例 昨日病例狀況: 4名病患無社區活動史 7名病患有社區活動史足跡 流行病學關聯 19個直接相關、1個間接相關 總計有相關995、14天內無相關7 目前有9個指標群聚: Of these, one is active, seven are contained and one is dormant. 最大的三個是: Mangere教會群聚(已確認384病例) Mangere教會衍生群聚(已確認166病例) Birkdale社交群聚(已確認80病例) 另有10個無流行病學關連的群聚 社區病例中有10名住院,其中3名住ICU/HDU。 *目前要追蹤1160位活躍病例接觸者, 已通知比例94%,至少一採者約82% 確診者足跡目前共有142個地方(9/18早上10點 NZST) 篩檢: 昨天 12,427(奧克蘭7,411) 7日(滾動)平均 12,775 疫苗: 總計施打量 4,630,806 劑:3,049,241 第一劑、1,581,565 第二劑 昨日施打量 60,480 劑: 33,048 第一劑、 27,432 第二劑 Subcluster reporting (衍生群聚報告) A number of clusters are no longer cause for concern as we are not seeing new positive cases within them. Each cluster that remains of interest, could be considered as a big bubble with the majority being close-knit groups of households There has been good communication and engagement with these groups of households. Additional reporting will now include the number of subclusters that are active, contained, dormant or closed, based on the time since the last case associated with the subcluster was reported, and factors like whether the case was a household member. This helps us determine the risk associated with each subcluster. 之後的報告會提供一些新的資料像是群聚的狀況 包含新病例跟群聚目前最近數位確診者的關聯性,可以看出群聚目前的風險 Active subclusters: Cases reported within the previous 14 days and are not household or other known contacts of previous cases Contained subclusters: Cases reported within the previous 14 days and are household or other known contacts of previous cases Dormant subclusters: No cases reported in the previous 14 days Closed subclusters: (這個代表結案) No cases reported in previous 28 days -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1631974905.A.09E.html
rafael750626: 剩一個無關聯確診者,繼續努力! 09/18 22:22
gossiplarry: 感謝整理 09/18 22:34
jetalpha: 感謝分享 09/18 22:45
nht: 感謝整理, 加油~ 09/19 01:06
※ 編輯: skbb2553 ( 臺灣), 09/19/2021 12:05:28