看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
發稿單位:新加坡衛生部 發稿時間:13th Oct 2021 撰 稿 者:同發稿單位 原文連結:https://bit.ly/3p0UJeW 進一步資訊&確診者足跡地圖:https://covidsitrep.moh.gov.sg/ 新加坡在10/11實施新的篩檢&隔離政策 請詳閱10/9新聞稿:https://bit.ly/3uUazIW (括弧內的增減是跟昨天的新聞稿相比,可能會有數值上的劇烈變動) (有可能會有寫錯的地方所以哪邊跟衛生部新聞稿不同的請盡量指出) Summary of local situation(新加坡目前狀況): ●至2021/10/13 中午12點 為止 1,507(-108)人住院 300(+ 9)人重症需要供氧治療 46(+ 4)人住ICU ●最近28天內的61,274名病患中 60,381(98.5%)輕症或無症狀 704( 1.2%)需要供氧治療 77( 0.1%)需要ICU照護 112( 0.2%)死亡 ●至2021/10/12 中午12點 為止 84%人口完整接種疫苗 85%人口至少完成一劑接種 ●至2021/10/13 中午12點 為止, 新增 3,190(+214)名病例 本土 3,184(+212) 社區 2,686(- 35),年齡分布:https://bit.ly/3ADIt6e 移工 498(+247),年齡分布:https://bit.ly/2Xb0KKr 境外 6(+ 2) Situation Update 1.最近28天內的61,274名病患狀況:https://bit.ly/3aCCUtY 目前所有住院病患的年齡分布:https://bit.ly/3BHd3wS 重症病患中有49.6%完整接種疫苗 (重症病患是指需要供氧治療/ICU照護的病患) 2.(總計192名)新增 9位因為COVID-19感染而死亡。 6男3女、介於52~98歲 6位未接種、2位部分接種、1位有接種。 8位有多重慢性病史,1位沒接種疫苗的無醫療病史。 52歲的死亡病例是部分接種疫苗且有多重慢性病史。 3.最近28天內的死者中,24.1%完整接種疫苗 4.最近7日內需要醫療處理的病患狀況:https://bit.ly/3j233aa 至2021/10/13 中午12點 為止,目前有21,945名病患需要醫療處理 居家療養 (HRP):17,080例(77.8%) (+148) 社區照顧中心(CCF): 2,885例(13.1%) (+259) COVID-19中心(CTF): 473例( 2.2%) (+138) 留院觀察 : 1,507例( 6.9%) (-108) 供氧治療病患數: 300例 (+ 9) ICU病患數: 46例 (+ 4) (新增的數字是跟昨天比的差額,詳見新聞稿給的直條圖) Update on vaccination progress(疫苗施打工作進度) 6&7.新加坡疫苗施打狀況(10/12): 新加坡國家施打計畫以輝瑞BNT跟莫德納為主 WHO EUL核可疫苗清單(2021/9/29 有更新):https://bit.ly/3AwsK8J 新加坡會施打國家計劃以外,相關報告已確認的疫苗(Finalized) 疫苗施打計畫累計施打劑次:9,518,022(劑)(+27,600) 累計人口涵蓋數 (85%):4,609,566(人)(+ 2,598) 累計完整接種人口數 (84%):4,548,440(人)(+ 2,225) WHO EUL疫苗 總施打劑量 : 218,153(劑)(+ 2,451) WHO EUL疫苗 人口涵蓋數 : 114,681(人)(+ 1,119) 累計接受追加劑施打人數 : 487,673(人)(+22,469) (以下是疫情相關補充 10/10的新聞稿 疫苗通行證關聯) (昨天(10/13)開始實施 連結:https://bit.ly/30qCK7l) Vaccination-differentiated Smms At Malls and Large Standalone Stores Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) :跨部會小組 Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS):疫苗安全措施 (常聽到的大概就疫苗護照之類的, 我覺得比起疫苗護照來說疫苗通行證會比較泛用 所以有類似概念我會盡量用通行證這類的詞彙) 1.The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) yesterday announced an expansion of Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS) to protect unvaccinated individuals and reduce the strain on our healthcare system. With effect from 13 October 2021, VDS must be implemented for entry into shopping malls and large standalone stores[1]. This means that only fully vaccinated persons[2] will be allowed to enter these premises. 疫苗安全措施(VBS)將會擴大適用對象 10/13開始,百貨公司和或大型獨立商場(台灣來說的話像是Costco?) 完整接種過疫苗的人才能被許可進入 (12歲以下的兒童、康復者、沒打疫苗的人要出示陰性證明) 2. We are aware of concerns raised by the public with regard to the need for some unvaccinated individuals to access medical and childcare related services in the malls. Provisions will be made to allow for access to these services. 3. We would like to assure members of the public that the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) are working closely with mall operators to allow tenants, mall operators, and the public to familiarise themselves with the new processes and checks. To facilitate this, there will be a grace period of one week for VDS in malls to be implemented, from 13 October 2021 to 19 October 2021. MTI and ESG will provide more details in an advisory which will be issued before 13 October 2021. 貿易工業部(MTI)和企業發展局(ESG)會向所有賣場相關人員提供更多細節。 4. We seek everyone’s support to observe safe management measures and cooperate with the malls as they implement the VDS. This will help lower transmission risks and slow down the pace of community infections in this Stabilisation Phase. ENTERPRISE SINGAPORE MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY MINISTRY OF HEALTH 10 OCTOBER 2021 [1] These refer to standalone stores > 930 sqm (or 10,000 sqft) of Gross Floor Area. [2] Children aged 12 years and below, recovered individuals and unvaccinated persons with a valid negative pre-event test (PET) result are also allowed to enter these premises. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1634171418.A.603.html ※ 編輯: skbb2553 ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 08:52:55 ※ 編輯: skbb2553 ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 08:58:10
bradyhau106: 星老師加油111.241.216.138 10/14 09:05
tyrone0923: 輕症跟無症從97上升到98.5了 10/14 09:40
padye: 又回來3000+了 10/14 11:24
yr: 現在快篩陽性沒症狀不會驗 PCR 不會加入案例 10/14 13:16
yr: 看衛生部公佈的確診數已經不準了 10/14 13:16
elainakuo: 下週可能就破5000 含無症狀不給驗PCR 10/14 13:25
elainakuo: 再之後我看是都不驗了 數據不更新 10/14 13:25
jetalpha: 感謝整理 10/14 17:27
padye: 之前哇哇叫不驗就沒確診的怎麼不來酸一下 10/14 17:32
padye: 新加坡 10/14 17:32
jin062900: 跟中國看齊了欸 無症狀不算確診 10/14 19:41