看板 nCoV2019 關於我們 聯絡資訊
完整標題: Third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine available for severely immunocompromised 發稿單位:紐西蘭衛生部 發稿時間:22 October 2021 撰 稿 者:同發稿單位 原文連結:https://bit.ly/2Zg6KT7 稍微看了一下英國政府的新聞稿說明( https://bit.ly/30J8JQ5 ) 沒搞錯的話這邊的primary是指primary schedule of COVID-19 vaccination (以兩劑型疫苗像是輝瑞 是第一劑→間隔→第二劑→第14天完成) (針對免疫力不太行的人 會變成第一劑→間隔→第二劑→間隔→第三劑→第14天完成) 跟因為時間拉長導致體內抗體量下降而要補打的Booster dose概念不太一樣 A third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine that has been recommended for severely immunocompromised individuals aged 12 and older is now available to be accessed, says National Director COVID-19 Vaccination and Immunisation Programme Jo Gibbs. “Individuals who are severely immunocompromised are at a higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 and might not produce a sufficiently strong immune response after two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. A third primary dose may be beneficial and can be administered at least eight weeks after the second dose,” says Ms Gibbs. “The eligibility criteria to access a third primary dose is complex and applies to only the group of people who are severely immunocompromised. “Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria will need to be prescribed a third dose by their GP or other specialist and present the script when accessing the third primary dose.” Ms Gibbs says the COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) carefully considered a number of studies in order to make this recommendation for this group. The Ministry of Health has published the eligibility requirements that must be met to qualify for a third primary dose. “Providing an optional third primary dose to individuals with severe immunosuppression will help protect our most vulnerable against severe disease and hospitalisation if they were to contract COVID-19. “Everyone aged 12 and older who is a household or close contact of someone who is immunocompromised is strongly encouraged to receive two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. This will help provide indirect protection to the most vulnerable people in our communities.” A third primary dose is different to a booster dose for the general population. Booster vaccines for the general population are not yet available under the current immunisation programme. “The COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) is constantly reviewing the emerging research on booster vaccines, and a recommendation on whether a booster should be offered will be made in the coming months. Cabinet will make a final decision on whether the general public will be able to access a booster vaccine, following Medsafe’s assessment once it receives additional data from Pfizer,” says Ms Gibbs. Details of access to a third dose for this group of individuals: https://bit.ly/3Gdmmr1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1634868604.A.D94.html ※ 編輯: skbb2553 ( 臺灣), 10/22/2021 10:11:59
fwf12: 紐西蘭是要對免疫低下者追加輝瑞第三劑140.109.133.105 10/22 10:15
fwf12: 倒沒說AZ的部分就是140.109.133.105 10/22 10:16
skbb2553: 那我舉例改成輝瑞好了 10/22 10:17
skbb2553: 我還有看了英國的資料(倒地) 10/22 10:17
※ 編輯: skbb2553 ( 臺灣), 10/22/2021 10:17:48
skbb2553: 修改完了 10/22 10:18
KunioFAN: 英文苦手請問免疫力不太行怎麼認定?@@a 10/22 14:27
skbb2553: 通常是某些特有疾病才會需要打第三劑 10/22 14:30
skbb2553: Details那邊有個PDF 10/22 14:31
skbb2553: https://bit.ly/3nkA6aO 10/22 14:31
skbb2553: Inclusion Criteria 那邊有提到4類病人 10/22 14:32
skbb2553: 像是施打當下免疫力低下(1.3的AIDS) 10/22 14:33
skbb2553: 免疫治療(2類病人) 10/22 14:34
skbb2553: 打疫苗前接受過高劑量類固醇的治療(4類) 10/22 14:35