看板 need_student 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.科目:西班牙文,各程度皆可 2.地點:大台北地區,有捷運的地方 3.時間:下午4點到晚上10點間,時間可和老師討論~ 4.希望待遇:$500/hr, 第一堂課免費試上 5.教師性別:男 6.學歷:Architect degree by Navarra University in Spain 7.連絡方式:email: [email protected] , 中文英文西文都可以~ 8.自介或經歷: Are you a motivated student who wants to learn or improve your Spanish? Together we can make that happen with one-on-one tutoring. You will experience a noticeable acceleration of your Spanish skills and gain a competitive edge by speaking more naturally and with increased confidence. This is what you can expect: Lessons will be structured as function of your needs. -You will practice grammar, listening, speaking and writing -Practice pronunciation to not be a problem in understanding and sound more native. -Learn how to properly use idioms, slang, and colloquial language and well as professional. -You will build confidence in speaking and listening skills. About me: I speak standard Spanish. I am a native Spanish speaker and also a student of languages: English and Chinese. I got a certificate in teaching Spanish, one in International House in Spain (2014) and one in the Institute Cervantes in London (2013). Also I got a degree in Architecture. Since I got the certificates, I have been teaching Spanish, one by one and also I did a lot of language exchanges. For my learning in Chinese and English, I understand the challenges and the needs of language learners first hand. I apply my years of experience as both as language teacher and language student and as an architect to develop a creative custom learning plan to address the needs of each individual. In addition to teaching I have worked as architect and designer for about 20 years. I am confident that together we can achieve the results you want with your Spanish. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/need_student/M.1428930065.A.7C2.html meanme:轉錄至看板 foreigner 04/13 21:02